Please Note that British Telecom had taken the unilateral step to stop hosting sites they had been hosting for many years and which had established permanent positions in the search engines. We were not made aware that this was happening nor that any provision were being made by BT to have any automatic redirection facility. We have therefore had to hastily remove the site from them and locate it here before it would have been permanently wiped out of existence for ever. 



Introduction by



Founded 1991




The VINTAGE CITRÖEN REGISTER was founded in the UK in January 1991 by Bozi Mohacek (with an original 1921 5CV Cabriolet) and Barry Peerless (with a supercharged 1925 5CV Normande), following a photoshoot by The Classic & Sportscar magazine at Brill in Oxfordshire for an in-depth article the magazine was doing on the Citröen 5CV Model C. It was felt by Barry and Bozi that specific interest in 'rear-drive' Citröen Models was not fully covered by existing Citröen Car Clubs who were mainly concentrating on Moderns and Tractions. 

After a few months of hard work in Barry contacting all known 'rear-drive' Citröen owners and sending out questionnaires, and by Bozi in subsequently collating, tabulating and typing all the answers into a computerised document, the first Vintage Citröen Register was issued to Members in June 1991. At that stage there were a total of some 90 vehicles known to the Register.

Barry Peerless continued with his Frazer-Nash commitments and Bozi Mohacek took on additional duties as the Vehicle Registrar of the Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society, and also those of the Chief Steward of the Historic Vehicle Display at the Edenbridge & Oxted Show. Barry Peerless has regretfully since passed away, and Bozi Mohacek after 15 years stepped down from the E&O. Bozi is currently the President  of Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society, and also the Webmaster. The SVVS Website contains five pages outlining the brief biography of Andre Citröen, the history of the Citröen Model C and Bozi's Cabriolet . Please  click on  underlined text  to be taken to the appropriate page.

In 2001 all the documentation relating to the Vintage Citröen Register was passed to Tim Wright who was a keen owner of a 1928 Citröen B14. Tim introduced a new logo and issued a new updated Register in December 2001, and a number of subsequent updates followed. Tim later renamed the VCR as "CITRÖEN RWD REGISTER" to bring it into its correct alphabetical position at 'C' rather than at the end of the list under 'V'.  It should perhaps be noted that post-vintage Citröens became front-wheel-drive cars, (frequently referred to by the French 'Traction-Avant'), and these cars are not covered by the Register.

Tim subsequently retired from the Register after 10 years in January 2011, and passed the baton on to David Crouch who owned a 1924 B2 Normande. An updated Register was issued in January 2012 with some 95 owners, many with multiple vehicles. -- Some 10 years later in January 2022 the Register passed to Paul Reid with a 1926 Citroen B12 Plateau. Paul started preparing a revised Register in February and advised Members by issuing an email-based Newsletter.

Citröen Cars falling within the scope of the Citröen RWD Register are all rear-wheel models manufactured between 1919 and 1935 and include the following models: 

Citröen Model A, Citröen Model B2, Citröen Model C, Citröen B10, Citröen B12, Citröen B14, Citröen B14F, Citröen B14G, Citröen B18, Citröen C4, Citröen C6, Citröen C6E, Citröen C6F, Citröen C4F, Citröen C6 CGL, Citröen C4G, Citröen C6G, Citröen Rosalie; Citröen 8CV, Citröen 10CV, Citröen 15CV, Citröen 10L, Citröen 15L, Citröen 15 GL. All bodystyles are eligible for the Register. Although the Register is primarily to record cars resident in the United Kingdom, a number of Citröen cars resident abroad are also on record.

The Citröen RWD Register has no affiliation with any particular club, Citröen or otherwise, because many vintage enthusiasts are not exclusive to any one make. At this time the Register is not planning any 'social meetings' because the prime intention is to set up an information exchange service. If however, members wish to arrange regional events or group meetings, they will receive our support.

The aims of the Citröen RWD Register are :

* To publish a detailed list of all RWD Citroens,  available to members only *
* To promote exchange of information on restoration, servicing and spares *
* To build an archive of informative literature pertaining to all RWD models *
* To publish a newsletter, when the supply of contributions permits *

To join the Register or for further information please contact the Citröen RWD Register at :

Paul Reid,  Ceardach, Brackenthwaite, Rosley, Wigton CA7 8AS Cumbria UK


From the start, and during the early 'computer era', this small holding website was based at BT by Bozi Mohacek on behalf of The Vintage Citroen Register. It had to be rapidly moved from BT and is now hosted courtesy of The SVVS.
Webmaster: Bozi Mohacek; Contact

PLEASE ALSO VISIT:  which has a section giving a brief Biography of Andre Citröen and the history of the 5CV Citröen Model C