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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

:: [ Ardingly Vintage Vehicle Show - Ardingly, Sussex - July 2002 ] ::

The Ardingly Show is not one that is noted in the SVVS calendar but is a Show that is attended by a number of our Members including our regular visitor Tony Oakes who again  provided the following photos and details. Please click on any thumbnail picture below to see the full size picture. To return to the thumbnails please click the Explorer "Back" arrow (top left of screen). Pictures have been prepared for speed of loading, and the page has been sized to be viewed at 800 x 600. 

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The Ardingly Vintage Vehicle Show is jointly organised by the Horsham Historics and the Morris Register and has many classes of vehicles including steam traction engines, veteran, vintage and classic cars, caravans, motorcycles, fire engines, commercials, tractors and machinery. As well as direct entries in main enclosures there are many separate car club stands. Unfortunately most of the photographs Tony took appear to be showing vehicles from specialist club stands, and which are therefore not mentioned in the Show Catalogue. We cannot therefore provide specific details.

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Tony has logged that SVVS Members either shown in the catalogue or as actually spotted attending were, in no specific order, Gordon Self in the 1924 Bentley, Peter Dingle in the 1923 Morris Oxford, Chas Moody in the 1928 Morris Cowley (which Tony believes does not exist !!) , Mike Knowles in the 1935 Austin 16, Mike Gorman in the 1934 Morris 10/4 tourer and the 1950 Bentley MK4, Tony Russell in the 1937 Popular Convertible (7W), Jon Quiney in the 1939 Triumph Dolomite, Frank Hayter in the 1934 Morris 16/6 and Malcolm Bailey in the 1934 Morris Minor.

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David Cole was there in the 1933 Austin 10 and David Locket in the 1913 Ford Model T Skiffi which is attracting much attention having a real boat for bodywork !  Bryan Goodman was on the VCC stand  in the 1913 Sunbeam 12/16, and Colin Mulford was on the MG stand in the 1954 MG TF. As it was a big show, apologies for any omissions. Tony's snaps are of the Show in general and many of the vehicles shown do not belong to SVVS Member. Please enjoy all our the photographs as there were some quite interesting and rare cars and steamers on show. 

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Steamers included a 1895 and 1909 Fowler Agricultural Engines as well as 1925 and 1927 Fowler Road Rollers and a 1909 Fowler Tractor. Burrells included the magnificent 1907and a 1915 Burell Showman's Engines. Aveling & Porters included Rollers dating from 1915/1916/1916/1923/1924, and a1908 Aveling & Porter Agricultural Engine. Others included a 1924 Foden type C Waggon, a 1930 Sentinel DG6 Dropside, a Wallis & Steevens Expansion Agricultural Engine of 1919 and Mclaren 1913 General Purpose Engine. Sorry we didn't get any more photos of these.

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