Lunchtime - The Black Horse, Hookwood - May 2010 ] ::
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The Black Horse, Hookwood by
Bozi Mohacek
The Black Horse at Hookwood, Horley, has been on our calendar for many
years but it never seems to get a significant attendance. It has
traditionally been our first Sunday Lunchtime meeting but this year we
introduced the earlier visit to the Black Swan at Ockham, where the
turnout was equally small. It is perhaps a bit early in the year to get
the old cars out, confirmed by the fact that vintage cars were
outnumbered by classics 4 to 8. This may also suggest that Members with
classics are keener to get out when compared to the vintage brigade with
“ been there, done that, - got the tee shirt! ”
The Black Horse is a very smart modern pub with lots of tables and
extensive menu; another family gastro-pub. A lunching Member was heard
to mutter when exiting that other peoples children can be a pain in a
captive environment !
Those that came in proper cars were Messrs Roger Bishop in the Morris
repmobile, Messrs Julian Alderton in the MG Y, Ian MacLennan in the
patina-ed Bentley and Simon Bishop in the gorgeous Singer Senior fitted
with a unique As-U-Dryv coachwork. The whole roof winds back via a
handle on the side of the drivers seat connected to chains. It is
apparently quite possible/permissible to wind the roof up or down while
going along. Simon gave us a demo and photos are in this report.
Those in comfortable classics were Messers Peter Clark in the NG, of
which he has two, both based on defunct MGs. This time it was the white
one. Messrs Brian Rice came in the jaundiced Triumph Spitfire, Alan
Rothwell in the dark blue MG B, and Brian Daley in a similar hue of
Triumph TR 5. Jaguars were in evidence in the form of the white plastic
6L TWR of Steve Brooks, the more sedate Saloon of Martin Emmery, who
gave yours truly a miniature model of the red XJS that I came in. Also
there was Simon Bishop’s brother in a MGB GT.
It was also the unveiling of the new Tony Russell
made-by-his-own-fair-hand SVVS sandwich-board portable sign (promised a
couple of years ago, everything comes.....that wait!)
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