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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.


:: [ S V V S Evening Meeting - The Bletchingley Arms  - July 2015 ] ::

The Bletchingley Arms  (The Plough as was)  on the A25 in the village of Bletchingley has been one of our most popular venues for an SVVS evening meeting. The photos were taken by Bozi Mohacek as it was becoming dark. Please click on any thumbnail picture below to see the full size picture.  To return to the thumbnails please click the Explorer "Back" arrow (top left of screen). 

The Plough, as was, has been re-branded again and is now A Barons Pub called the Bletchingley Arms. It is on the A25 with lots of passing traffic and when the weather is fine it draws our best, or second best, attendance of the year. It has a new outside 'Garden Bar' which is a great improvement as the service at the old Plough pub bar was not the greatest.  They had cut the meadow of the grassy knoll beside the pub to accommodate our cars but this year because of the cool weather it was less than full, which was a bit of a shame. Most of our cars were in the car park. The hotrod brigade, which are actually nothing to do with  us, also join which swells the  numbers.

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