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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

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:: [  SVVS Evening Meeting - Bletchingley Arms   ] ::  
 Bletchingley July
Photos by :  Bozi Mohacek

SVVS Evening Meeting - Bletchingley Arms , July 2023        Report by Bozi Mohacek

The Bletchingley Arms is on the A25 in the village of Bletchingley and has been one of our most popular venues for an SVVS evening meeting. The Plough, re-branded as Bletchingley Arms, is opposite the dreaded speed camera on the A25 with lots of passing traffic, - braking sharply. Our visit therefore pulls in the general public and is also good for the Pub! When the weather is fine it draws our best, or second best, attendance of Members of the year. 

Last year the weather for this meeting was the continuation of the year's sweltering heatwave and of not having had any rain whatsoever for over a couple of months, - and temperature of 40 Centigrade.  This year, the USA Death Valley temperature reached 55 Centigrade, and Greek Islands were in the mid 45s, having historic heatwaves resulting in horrendous forest fires burning down villages and hotels and driving tourists in panic off the holiday islands and the mainland.

Not so at the Bletchingley Arms. Here the day had been grim and gloomy for most of the time and it started raining at 5pm, and continued. The timing for our evening meetings had been bought forward to 6pm so as to have the benefit of daylight ours. Daylight by 6pm was gloomy and dark, streetlights on, and we had that foreboding feeling that those who were not at the meeting by 6pm were not going to bother. 

This turned out to be the case. Mrs. President drove Mr. President Bozi Mohacek to the meet in their Subaru Impreza modern SUV as he was in the early stages of lacking a finger, and having a second broken one, which he had somehow managed to get chopped off in the church rotary lawnmower. Photography in the pouring rain by Mr. President required digitally challenged hand hanging on to an umbrella in left hand covered in a plastic carrier bag preventing the bandages getting wet, using the other for the camera. Regretfully there was no spare hand for the normal pint of beer. Pleased to say photos are of reasonable standard, if not that numerous. 

This time when we arrived there was a handful of cars parked near the grassy knoll which is normally the overflow area for our massed ranks of vehicles. The Knoll was empty and the handful of  vehicles grew from meager five to the impressive flood of 16 cars; three real vintage cars, and many of the others were 'vintage cars' built after the year 2000 including Air Conditioning and four wheel drive! Last year we had some 43 vehicles.

Our Magazine Distribution Officer, and official 'numbers man' Chas Moody advised that in the end there were 16 SVVS cars and 25 SVVS Members present. The hotrod brigade, which sometimes join us on the night were noticeable by their absence this year. 

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