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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

:: [ SVVS Dinner - Reigate Hill Hotel, Reigate - January 2002 ] ::

After the great sell-out success of our Annual Dinner last year held at the TuTu L’Auberge, a larger venue was needed for this year's event, and The Reigate Manor Hotel seemed to fit the bill. The following text is based on the SVVS Magazine report by Chris Cuss and the photos by Mike Gorman and Bozi Mohacek. Please click on any thumbnail picture below to see the full size picture and  note that the photo may take some 15 seconds to load. To return to the thumbnails please click the Explorer "Back" arrow (top left of screen). Pictures have been prepared for speed of loading on the web so the definition is lower than a print, and been sized to be viewed on an 800 x 600 setup.

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The Reigate Manor Hotel was suggested as having both the required space and enjoying a location roughly central to the area our membership covers. By a coincidence the Rotary Club meet at the hotel so last summer's visit by our chairman resulted in a very favourable price being negotiated. We enjoyed a three course meal; mackerel pate, chicken stuffed with chestnut and Pear Belle Helen. The young waiting staff were most efficient and cheerful. Excellent value even if the Belle Helen required some skilful handing if one did not wish to end up covered in chocolate sauce.

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Our members know a good thing when they see one and so it was no surprise that 110 attended. Quite an increase on last year.  Despite the decision to have no table plan so as to ensure more  mingling,  everyone seemed to find a convivial table and doubtless some new friendships were made during the evening. There was no music this year but the buzz of conversation was such that the noise level remained so high all evening that any musicians would have struggled to keep up. The room could have accommodated a couple more tables so we had plenty of space. 

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After dinner there was a grand raffle. Once again we had decided to donate the proceeds to support our Triumph owning member Dr. Terry Mistry in his work of raising funds for the very worthwhile charity Macmillan Nurses. This organisation does sterling work providing palliative nursing for cancer patients enabling sufferers to remain with dignity in their homes whilst the disease follows its course. The raffle comprised of  a huge array of prizes donated by our members, ranging from a free MOT at the Forge Garage to meals at local restaurants, numerous boxes of chocolates and enough wine and beer to stock an off licence. With so many goodies on offer every table had a number of winners. John Kirkby's table seemed to do particularly well, demonstrating a telepathic technique of picking their own tickets. This writer was particularly pleased to win a meal for two at a favourite Italian restaurant in Banstead. Overall the raffle raised £363 for Macmillan Nurses.

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As there were so many prizes we  were kept busy calling out winners until 11 o/clock by which time the staff were standing ready with the vacuum cleaner. So we had to rapidly adjourn to the car park, while others were seen adjourning to the bar. After two very successful years, this Diner  must surely now become a permanent fixture on the SVVS calendar. Our thanks go to the staff of the Reigate Manor for making us so welcome and to the events committee, especially to our cheerful chairman Mike, for all their hard work in ensuring a successful evening.

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