:: [ SVVS Evening Meeting- The Dog & Duck, Outwood - June 2019 ] :: The following photos are by Bozi Mohacek.
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"Back" arrow (top left of screen). The June evening meeting has traditionally
been held at the Six Bells in Horley. One memorable evening we arrived
to find the pub closed because one of the chefs had been arrested for
murder. This year, a week or so back, on the TV News they showed that the Six
Bells had been significantly damaged by a fire in the Kitchen and was
closed. The above photo shows the results of the fire, the charred skeleton
of roof beams now covered by scaffolding. I went to check and unlikely this was
going to be fixed
in time for our meeting, so the venue for this evening was changed to our
winter HQ, The Dog & Duck in Outwood where we had a good turnout of 55
Members and 43 proper cars. |