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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

:: [ SVVS Summer Picnic, South Godstone - August 2002 ] ::

The Great SVVS Summer Picnic was held in the Chairman's paddock. The following text is based on the SVVS Magazine report by Julian Alderton and the photos are by Tony Oakes and  Bozi Mohacek, who has also provided the additional text. Please click on any thumbnail picture below to see the full size picture. To return to the thumbnails please click the Explorer "Back" arrow (top left of screen). Pictures have been prepared for speed of loading, and the page viewed at 800 x 600. 

The annual SVVS Picnic at South Godstone, at the invitation of Chairman Mike Erroll, (with Dianne's permission), was a great success if only to witness the skillful way in which Derek and Jacquie's granddaughter, Polly, having very quickly mastered the controls of Mike's toy tractor, managed to tip Jacquie out of the trailer in the middle of the field, and Mike did not even know that it was a tipper! Incidentally, Polly's reference to Derek as 'Grumps', instead of 'Gramps', said it all. The tractor was later used for some amusing driving tests but none of the competitors equaled Polly's expertise and, unfortunately, Desmond Peacock was unable to come and show us how to do it.

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The turnout was quite good with 19 proper cars. The weather remained mostly sunny, warm and fine and the field had been cut especially for us. Starting at the left of the top photo was the ex Dianne Erroll Triumph Herald, now owned by the Clemmey/Tucker-Brown family. Although Dianne was a bit melancholy about seeing it there, the car was in excellent fettle and being enjoyed. Next to that was the Harry Scott Lancia Lambda, the Alan Pratt Crossley Regis sports saloon, the TR5 of Roger Horstman, the Don Bingham Singer le Mans and Stuart Owen's Riley Kestrel saloon.

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The Oakes/Mohacek clan brought their biggies (cars!). The O'Akes group was in the  Humber 27/70 Snipe Saloon while the Mohacek contingent was in the 12 seater Rolls Royce 20/25 site office/shooting brake complete with cousin George normally resident in Monaco or Bangkok. Slowly getting rid of his wedding Humbers was Gordon Tapping who came in one of the remaining Humber 16/50. Adjacent was the David Locket Ford model T speedboat and Chas Moody's recently restored Morris Cowley. Another special was that of Bill Ray, being one of a Jowett Jupiter variety. Adjacent was the Morris Oxford bullnose of Peter Dingle and the bullish XK 120 of host Mike Erroll.

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Guarding the SVVS banner was yet another special being the Austin 7 of John Sheldrake. The aforementioned granddaughter Polly can be seen adjacent to GRUMPS in the 'Twindipsticks' Morris 8 and Editor/author Julian Alderton in the MG Y. Bringing up the very noisy rear were the raucous Bentley Vandenplas of Gordon Self and the wholly understated and most quiet and totally underpozed XK 120 driven by the shy Clive Bracey. Also seen but in a modern were Messrs. Tester whose Chrysler had failed to start twice in one day so the Mercedes had to be pressed into service.

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And now for a few pickies to give the general flavour of the day !! It must be admitted that during the tractor slalom one of the few who did not reverse the trailor correctly was Bozi but then he is entirely horse-less carriage orientated unlike some with horsy trailors who do it every day !! And he went first anyway. Oakes-the-horse naturally got it in one! Some even did it carrying a load.

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At the end of the day Polly took centre stage again to present the flowers to the undoubted star of the day Dianne Erroll who coped with us all maginificently, including her houseguests! We were all very pleased to see that she is getting back to her old chipper self. She has even taken up painting and is attending the same classes as O'Akes. If she can put up with that she is well on the way !

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