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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

:: [ SVVS Summer Picnic, Horne - August 2005 ] ::

The Great SVVS Summer Picnic was held this year on a pleasant day at Church Farm beside the rather lovely St Mary's Church in Horne. The following text is based on the SVVS Magazine report by Chris Cuss and the photos by Tony Oakes. Please click on any thumbnail picture below to see the full size picture. To return to the thumbnails please click the Explorer "Back" arrow (top left of screen). Pictures have been prepared for speed of loading, and the page viewed at 800 x 600. 

 For the second successive year we returned to Church Farm in Horne, now the official residence of Bozi and Julie Mohacek. Unlike the sun we had enjoyed last year the weather was mainly overcast with several light showers. On the plus side the wasps were absent which was a definite bonus. We had been promised a flying display courtesy of Redhill aerodrome but apart from the noise and fleeting glimpse of a Tornado jet and a distant view of a pair of aircraft engaging in synchronised aerobatics this part of the entertainment failed to materialise. (You want blood?? Ed.)

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The welcoming sight of sausages grilling on the barbecue greeted us. Thus fortified by hot dog and a glass of wine there was plenty of time to chat before various groups sat down to enjoy their picnics. The occasional showers were quite light but none the less a group of Riley owners set up camp in the shelter of the hay barn. The remainder being hardier sat it out in the meadow. After lunch it was time for the driving tests arranged by Tony Oakes who also provided his Riley Elf for those who did not wish to damage their own vehicles. At the time of writing I have not seen the final results but David Smart should certainly be well up in the running order.

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As I was not expecting to be writing a report I did not take my recording machine but was press ganged into service by Bozi. All I had in the way of equipment was a pencil and the back of the proverbial envelope so if you are missed it was because I ran out of space. Including the home vehicles I noted 2 Edwardians, 6 Vintage and 9 Post-vintage vehicles plus another 16 classics - an excellent turnout with quite a few unfamiliar cars.

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Fraser Clayton commented, rightly, that his Wolseley always appears last as I tend to list cars in alphabetical order. So to make amends this list starts with the 1938 Wolseley 14/56 cared for By Fraser and Linda. Now if Fraser is really concerned about being first in the list he does have a couple of AEC's that he could bring. Moving on in totally random order I noted a Spridget owned by non-member Simon Bentley and then the 1934 Lagonda Rapier belonging to Howard Palmer. 

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The XK120 twins were out in the shape of Clive Bracey and Mike Erroll. Diane Erroll brought Tiggy the well-loved motoring spaniel in her own car. David Woodburn was in his delightful 1928 Star Pegasus whilst another superb vintage motor was the 4½ litre Bentley owned by Ian Maclennan. The Riley Boys were out in force with two Lynxes, the 1935 model owned by Brian Lloyd Jacob and the 1936 variety belonging to Bryan Shepherd. We also had two Kestrel saloons, My 1935 four light contrasting with Stuart Owen's 1936 six light on the wide track chassis. 

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Post war cars were Tony Simmon's 1952 RME and as mentioned Tony Oakes Mini derivative. We had a pair of Humbers; Tony Oakes 1930 Snipe saloon and Gordon Tapping's 1928 tourer. Chairman Derek Wright brought his Rover 110; James Fisher was in his 1953 Jowett Jupiter and John Sheldrake in his N.G. sports 4 seater. Roger Bishop erected a gazebo in front of his 1956 AC Greyhound where he was soon joined by a group of picnicking friends. David Smart had cunningly cooked foil wrapped baked potatoes on the exhaust manifold of his 1915 Model T tourer. A more modern Ford was the 1966 Cortina belonging to John Hollingdale.

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En route to the picnic we met up with a pair of E type Jaguars at Outwood windmill. The 1963 roadster belonged to Lionel Higginson whilst his companion, Peter Sandeman in a 1971 coupe completed a membership form on arrival at the farm. Graham Childs was in his 1972 MGB roadster whilst the Aldertons were, as ever, in the green Y type saloon. 

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I failed to identify the owner of the third M.G. Bob Drew was in his 1971 Morris 1000 and Frank Hayter brought his 1934 Oxford Six. Harry Scott exercised his 1924 Lancia Lambda, Bryan and Mary Goodman arrived in the 1913 12/16 Sunbeam and finally we were pleased to see that Simon Pearce was able to use his 1933 Siddeley Special cabriolet once more. (PS  Bozi had a couple of cars there too!! Ed.) 

We all owe Bozi and Julie our thanks for a super afternoon.

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