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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.


:: [  S V V S Summer Saunter to the Spa Valley  Railway at High Rocks, Kent  -  July 2015 ] ::

The following photos are by mainly by Bozi Mohacek. Please click on any thumbnail picture below to see the full size picture. To return to the thumbnails please click the Explorer "Back" arrow, top left of screen. 

Click on above photo to see supersize details !

The meeting point was the High Rocks Pub car park, followed by a gentle amble to the Pub for coffee, and later  an even gentler amble to the pub's own railway station platform on the Spa Valley Railway. Now, that is something that not many pubs have! Train runs between Tunbridge Wells West and Eridge, stopping at High Rocks and Groombridge. One way being pulled by a small diesel and back by a small steam engine.  On return many had a snack in the pub at High Rocks, some picnicked in the car park and some even had a proper lunch at High Rock's Guiseppe's Restaurant because it was not possible to book a table in advance  in the pub. The restaurant turned out to be great surprise, modern with a touch of history, with proper old-fashioned service with a maître d'hôtel to take the order and a fleet of wirelessly hooked up waiters; in the middle of nowhere ! Not only that but the grub was superb. In view of this, some never made it to the guided tour of the Spa Railway Engine shed !! 

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