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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

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2018 Brighton Commercial Run

London-Brighton Veteran Run: 
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Brighton Veteran Run

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Please see our Picture Galleries 2016 Motor Museum Barbados

: [ SVVS Lunchtime Meeting - The Sportsman. Moggador :: ]
March 2023 

Photos by Malcolm Bailey & Malcolm Ward

Last year our new Chairman Malcolm Bailey advised on the day that he was unable to come to this meeting because that very morning he had tested positive for having contracted Covid. There had been a new outbreak of Covid amongst the local 'oldies' which fortunately was relatively mild. This year our new President Bozi Mohacek advised on the evening before that  he was unable to come to the meeting because that very morning he had tested positive for having contracted Covid. Neither officers missed much as the the weather was equally unpleasant at it usually is here with a muddy car park interspersed with large puddles of water. Normally it snows/hails when we visit. This time the snow held off until the next day; - and closed Scotland for a bit.

Mogador is a small hamlet nestled on the edge of Banstead Heath and with an elevation of 660 ft is one of the highest settlements in South East England. The Sportsman is an eatery type of pub which is difficult to find being at the end of a road leading to nowhere! The nowhere then becomes the Downs and is therefore very picturesque and popular with the 'outdoor types'. The car park is normally crammed as it was this year with an apparent charity walk having taken place. It is believed that the name of the area came from the family name of Richard Maggot, a local landowner in the fifteenth century, combined with "haw", an enclosed piece of land. By 1618 this had developed into "Maggothaw" before gradually mutating into its present form. The Sportsman pub also has an interesting history, the core of this historic building is said to have once been one of Henry V111's hunting lodges in around 1532. Surrounded by heathland it is popular with ramblers, horse riders and dog walkers, also, for the past few years the location of our SVVS March lunchtime gathering. Last year it rained, a lot, but this year the weather was kinder to us and we saw a modest turnout of thirteen "proper" cars and a handful of "moderns".

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