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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

:: [ The SVVS Treasure Hunt - Orienteering  - March 2010 ] ::

Please click on  any thumbnail picture below  to see the full size picture.   To return to the thumbnails please click the Explorer "Back" arrow (top left of screen). The text and photos are by Bozi Mohacek.

Start at the Fox Revived

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Finish at the Lamb Inn

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'The Special Four' with Chairman

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'The Honest Four'

The SVVS Treasure Hunt  - March 2010

It seems that history is repeating itself. The 2010 Treasure Hunt has again been won by a cheating foursome while the hard working twosomes scurried about helplessly. Jackie and Simon Pearce together with Madeleine and Steve Brooks got together in Martha the Monster Siddeley and wafted through the Surrey countryside on a really beautiful sunny day listening out for other peoples clues!

Poor old Bob Drew, winner of last year’s event and organiser of this one, got food poisoning the night before but his co-winner Joe Brickwood and Jean Drew were there booking us in at the Fox Revived just before 10am. The Fox was open and coffee was available. Thirteen cars turned up mostly ‘proper’ but some, like the Bishops, preferred the comfort of a 4 x 4 (or got freebee lifts in Monster Martha!).

The concept of the event was not actually a Treasure Hunt in the true sense of the word as this may have had legal implications. This was a non-timed non-competitive drive between a number of villages in no specific order, where it was then necessary to park, get out of the car and walk to find all the clues. Clues were to be found in the vicinity of the local church. Relatively easy and great fun although bit much to think of noting who were the manufacturers of the local post box!

Lunch had been pre booked by the organisers at the Lamb at Lamb’s Green, which is a bit of a Tardis when it came to space. The service was very good and quick and food excellent. I don't think anybody had any complaints. During Lunch Joe Brickwood did the count-up and the best ‘twosome’ were the Mohaceks with 24, followed by the Testers with 22. Despite the combined brainpower of the ‘Special Four’, they only managed a measly 27 ! Great day out. Must make more of this !!

             (Report by: the REAL winner of the Treasure Hunt: Bozi Mohacek... (err what axe....??)

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