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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

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: [ SVVS CHRISTMAS SOCIAL  -  December 2023  :: ]

Photos and Report by:  Bozi Mohacek.


This is the only year so far that the SVVS has held two Christmas Socials in the same year. Last year, in 2022, due to pesky rodents and the sudden very cold snap in December, Church Farm had experienced three major floods in three places, at three separate times, resulting in three separate cascades of water through the ceilings. All a bit of a mess. It was therefore decided to postpone the Christmas Social to January in 2023, hence two in one year.

This year's Christmas Social was again held Chez Mr. & Mrs. President, Julie and Bozi Mohacek. Julie again did all the food catering and Chas and Janet Moody again organised and dispensed all the beverages, and dealt with the commercial side. This help is much appreciated as was the two trays of sausage rolls from Christine and Ian Scott. Help also came from shepherdess Niccola in getting the food out, and Michael Harvey who helped with the distribution thereof. We had 66 people book-in for the event and only three no-shows on the night. A pleasing improvement on the 50 last time. We must be doing something right.

The event took the normal format of parking on the ample hard-standing all around the farm outbuildings and then checking in with Chas to book in. The cost of the evening was £7 per person which covers all the food you can eat and £2 per drink of wine or beer. The food was served after nibbles and after most people had arrived. There was no shortage of food or drinks, as you can see below. Sweets after savories of mince pies and of Stollen, a tradition started by a previous Mrs. President, the late Jacqui Wright, ex Holland.

After everybody was fed and watered, a lot of chatting ensued and moving round the house to sit and meet with other new members who were welcomed to the society. The Christmas Yuletide feeling was enhanced by the AGA in the kitchen heating up the food, and the log fire which was burning bright in the farmhouse inglenook fireplace. More with-it, underfloor heating was looking after elsewhere.

The evening finished off with the Publicity Officer Tony Russell in flamboyant shirt thanking Julie and Bozi for their hospitality and hard work in organising the event, and presented Julie with a lovely potted plant, and Bozi with Chateau Shoredich SVVS wine. This was followed by the drawing of the Alzheimer Raffle.

As many of our Members know, Julie is an official ambassador for the Alzheimer's Society throughout the year and we at Church farm have organized events here in support. Julie had suggested a Raffle at this evening's event and we are very grateful and pleased to announce that our Members contributed £235 to the cause.

Thanks also to Michel Gosset and Chas Moody who took some of the photos.

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