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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

:: [ SVVS Dinner - Reigate Manor Hotel, Reigate - February 2016 ] ::

The Photos below were taken by Hon Secretary Malcolm Bailey. Please click on any thumbnail picture to see full size picture. To return to thumbnails please click Explorer "Back" arrow (top left of screen).

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Pre-dinner drinks were taken in the bar and in the small Brokes Suite
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Photographs were taken by Malcolm Bailey and show in table order the people who were present
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 Chairman announces:                  Chairman's Cup to Tony Oakes             Hero Cup to Chas Moody    
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  Quiz to Tony Penn  (via Robin)   President's Chain to Derrick Graham & shake to Ralph Thompson
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Ralph Thompson and the SVVS Committee spring a surprise on Chairman Bozi Mohacek 
by presenting him with the President's Cup for  'Services to the Society'
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             Guest Speaker and BBC TV Personality, Nicholas Owen in full flight on 'Trains and Trams'
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Master of Ceremonies Tony Russell introduces the Raffle, Nicholas Owen picks and announces the numbers, and Julie Mohacek presents the prizes, as she did the Cups 
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:: [ SVVS Dinner - Reigate Manor Hotel, Reigate - February 2016 ] ::

Reigate Manor Hotel was again the venue for the 2016 Annual SVVS Dinner and was attended by a about 70 people. This was the seventh Dinner presided over by Chairman Bozi Mohacek (aka Vintman), ably assisted by Mrs Chairman Julie Mohacek who organised the Raffle, -  and who also presented the cups. Raffle ticket sales were carried out by Julie and Gosia Hone. 

The Hotel staff were very friendly and efficient and were almost unnoticeable by their super efficiency! The use of the Bar area and the small Brokes room as pre-dinner drinks seating area was a great success. Not much can be faulted with the meal and the service. A venue that can be recommended !

After the superb meal, the SVVS Cups and accolades went to:  Tony Oakes and Bozi Mohacek got the Chairman's Cup for winning the Treasure Hunt; the Hero Cup was awarded to to Chas Moody  for 'An Interesting Historical Vehicle Restoration'; the Award for winning the SVVS Quiz went to Tony Penn (collected on his behalf by Robin Vince). 

The President's Cup, as far as the Chairman was concerned who was presenting it, was going to one of the SVVS Founding Members Ralph Thomson, but Ralph and the SVVS Committee sprang a total surprise on Chairman by presenting the Chairman with the President's Cup for 'Services to the Society'!

As to the Guest Speaker, we were lucky enough to obtain the services of the well known BBC, ITV and Classical FM personality Nicholas Owen. Nicholas, despite the grandeur of being on both the BBC and ITV, is actually local, having started in 1964 at our local rag, the Surrey 'Error'. Undaunted, he subsequently worked at the Evening Standard, the Daily Telegraph and the Financial Times before joining BBC local TV. He them moved to ITV Channel 4 and later became the ITV Royal Correspondent. He played a major role on reporting the death of Princess Dianna and wrote the book 'Diana - The People's Princess'. He then fronted for many years the ITV Lunchtime News. He rejoined the BBC in 2007. Meanwhile he also regularly presents a music programme on Classic FM. Nicholas Owen has had a long term passion for 'trains and trams', and has written a number of books on the subject. He is the 'voice' on the Croydon Trams, and is also the Vice Patron of the Bluebell Railway. 

As is our custom, the Speaker nominates where the proceeds of the SVVS Raffle should go, and Nicholas has nominated the Children's Trust for children with brain injuries, of which he is the Vice President, and for whom we raised £250. A worth while, a most enjoyable and superb evening was had by all!

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