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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

Click for Archives Click for 2015 Meetings  ::  [  SVVS in 2016;  Meetings held this year.  ] ::

Please  click on the picture or on  the section heading to be taken to the fully detailed  Event Page. Normal internal evening meetings would NOT be described here. These are outside meetings.

SVVS Christmas Social, Horne

             :: [ SVVS Christmas Social -  Horne - December 2016 ] ::
The Jolly Farmer had no Chef for Christmas which meant that they would not be able prepare the food for our Christmas Social. So it was a question of either cancelling this quite enjoyable function, or doing it ourselves. Consultation with Mrs. Chairman confirmed that she would be happy to take on the function and the catering at the Farm. We can accommodate about 50 people and that is exactly the number that came. Julie had single-handedly laid on a plentiful multifarious buffet, having done it before many times for charity  as being Church Warden.

Post London to Brighton Veteran Run 2016

      ::[ SVVS Post Brighton Run Meeting, Horley - November 2016 ]::
The SVVS Members who have been watching the London to Brighton Veteran Car Run normally meet up at the Black Horse in Hookwood, Horley, for a noggin and natter. This year the weather for the Run was glorious but very cold. The sun shone, sky was blue but brass monkeys were much in evidence. There was a low turnout of general spectators along the route. The Run may be losing its appeal  but the cold weather and dreadful traffic was not conducive to  standing still  out in the cold !

SVVS Lunchtime Meeting at the Red Barn, Blindley Heath

   :: [SVVS Lunchtime Meet - Red Barn, Blindley Heath - October, 2016] ::
This was our last outside mid-month meeting of the year and the weather was relatively kind to us. This meant that the turnout was actually quite good at 25 vehicles. Red Barn is a popular eatery and its success tends to rebound on our members. Getting a table is neigh-on impossible and this time getting a beer was totally impossible. Some of our guys waited over fifteen minutes not to get served, so gave up and came back out again.  It does however have a nice big roomy car park.

SVVS Lunchtime Meeting at The Star, Lingfield

  :: [ SVVS Lunchtime Meeting - The Star, Lingfield - September 2016] ::
The Star in Lingfield signals that the 'summer season' is drawing to the end, which is a bit of a shame. The weather can be iffy but this year it was an absolutely lovely autumn day. Could not have asked for better. The sky was blue, the sun shone and it was very shirtsleeves warm. Net result was a rather good turnout of 24 proper vehicles and a number of moderns. We have been coming to The Star now for some years and by all accounts there were no significant grumbles about service or food.

 SVVS attend the National Heritage Open Day, Reigate Tunnel

    ::[ SVVS at Reigate Tunnel Historic Car Display - September 2016 ]::
The SVVS again displayed our vintage and classic vehicles in the old Tunnel above the Reigate Caves in the support of the National Heritage Open Day Scheme. This is no longer under the auspices of the Reigate Business Guild and it seems Reigate is no longer putting much effort into the event. The venue was shared with the Wealden Cave Society, who were conducting tours of the caves. Our 14 cars did create interest in Tunnel Road, so many thanks to all of the SVVS  Members  who came.

 SVVS Evening Meeting at the Three Horseshoes, Sidlow

:: [ SVVS Evening Meeting - Three Horseshoes, Sidlow  - August 2016 ] ::
Rapid onset of darkness heralded our last evening meeting of the season. We have been returning to the Three Horseshoes after a number of years of absence and found most of our gripes resolved. There is now a brand new fully tarmacked carpark, and relatively good new lighting which is needed for an evening meeting- no more darkness to hide invisible deep puddles to soak our socks, plus an empty dry overflow car park, which was blocked closed, so there was overcrowding

SVVS Summer Picnic, Reigate Heath

:: [ SVVS Summer Picnic - Reigate Heath - August 2016] ::
The Great SVVS Summer Picnic was held this year at Garthlands on Reigate Heath, the home of Michael and Bridget Doughty. The setting was pretty grand and the weather was absolutely wonderful. The turnout of proper cars was quite good at 27. One potential new member came in an Aston Martin. The usual hot-dogs and plonk were provided on arrival. Hot-dog production was by Chris Cuss, and Cynthia and Mike Ireland, while the dispensing of the plonk was by Janet and Chas Moody.

SVVS Evening Meeting at the Bletchingley Arms, Bletchingley

       :: [ SVVS Evening Meeting - The Bletchingley Arms - July 2016] ::
The Plough has been re-branded again and is now A Barons Pub. It is on the A25 with lots of passing traffic and when the weather is fine it draws our best, or second best, attendance of the year. Weather was really nice and they had cut the meadow of the grassy knoll which was perhaps just as well because the turnout was magnificent. We had in excess of 68 vehicles. The hotrod brigade, which are actually nothing to do with  us, also join us regularly every year which  swells the  numbers.

SVVS attend the Leigh Summer Fayre

  :: [ SVVS  Visit the  Leigh Summer Fayre,  Leigh  -  July 2016] ::
Drivers in their classic and vintage cars assembled at the Plough in Leigh where the hostelry kindly provided Pimms and Sandwiches for the participants. Although not a formal SVVS event, a large number of SVVS Members attended. Once fed and watered, the participants drove in a parade to the Leigh Cricket Club ground a couple of miles away where there was a formal car display. The sky was a clear blue and the sun was shining. Ice-creams and sunshades, a lovely day was had by all.

SVVS Visit JEC at the Brooklands Clubhouse

     :: [ SVVS Visit to Brooklands at the invitation of JEC - July 2016] ::
Our Membership Secretary Peter Clark is past Chairman of the Jaguar Enthusiasts Club, Surrey Region, who meet at the Brooklands Motor Museum. Just like last year the JEC Regional Committee invited the SVVS to join them at their Thursday July meeting to display their cars along with JEC Jaguars. The arranged wander for both sets of club members in the Motoring Village museums did not materialisea but evereybody did  retire to the  splendid  old  Brooklands " Members Bar ".

SVVS at HCVS Meeting at Jolly Farmer, Horne

:: [ SVVS attends HCVS Meeting at Jolly Farmer, Horne  July 2016] ::
he Historic Commercial Vehicle Society (HCVS), they of the Commercial London to Brighton Run, organised a "Bring Your Vehicle Evening" at the Jolly Farmer Public House in Horne, which just happens to be the venue at which we meet monthly. Many of our Members are also Members of the HCVS, including their Chairman Fraser Clayton and Roger Bishop. Both were there with some of their commercials. A number of other SVVS Members were there in vintage and classic cars. 

SVVS Summer Saunter to Gatton Park Country Fair

:: [ SVVS Summer Saunter to Gatton Park Country Fair  - July 2016] ::
Somehow we had managed to mess up the entry of the Summer Saunter details into the June Magazine which would have been plenty of time to take into account the change of Date and Venue decided a few months ago. As the visit had been arranged to coincide with the Gatton Park Country Fair, the date was moved from the 17th to the 3rd, which meant the event was over before the July Mag was delivered. Email shot was instigated but the turnout was unsurprisingly poor, - nine cars.

 SVVS Evening Meeting - The Six Bells, Horley

       :: [ SVVS Evening Meeting - The Six Bells, Horley - June 2016 ] ::
An old world pub situated at the end of a narrow lane, adjacent to a church yet within sight of Gatwick Airport. Another bonus for us is that the car park had space for about 150 cars, so for once we did not cause parking chaos to a public house; especially as we only managed to summon up five proper cars and three moderns. It had been raining and was threatening more, so our hardy members absented themselves in vast numbers, and even the Chairman came in a snorkeled Land Rover!!

SVVS Lunchtime Meeting at the Surrey Oaks, Newdigate

  :: [ SVVS Lunchtime Meeting - Surrey Oaks, Newdigate - June 2016] :: 
If one were looking nominate a timeless English country pub then the Surrey Oaks in Newdigate would be high on the list. With its low beams-ouch-rambling layout, pleasant garden and variety of real ales, there can be no better place to while away a summer's afternoon. But, this was not a hot summer afternoon only a damp and dismal autumnal type day so a very poor turnout of only six cars, most of which were MGBs. Only Tony Russell and Malcolm Bailey flew the flag for vintage vehicles.

SVVS Evening Meeting at the Skimmington Castle, Reigate

 :: [ SVVS Evening Meeting - Skimmington Castle, Reigate - May 2016] ::
Skimmington Castle is just off Reigate Heath  with  good beer  and food. Normally The Skim is one of our best outside meetings of the year and parking can be at a premium. This time the weather was good, if coldish and cloudy, and the turnout was down on last year with a show of 38 cars. We again tried to ensure that no moderns crept into our half of the car park but the pub was emptier than we have known it before so there was loads  of space  in the car park,  and plenty of  spaces  to eat.

SVVS Lunchtime Meeting at the Plough & Furrow, Smallfield

 :: [SVVS Lunchtime Meeting - Plough & Furrow, Smallfield - May 2016]::
We always seem to get good weather at the Plough & Furrow in Smallfield despite it being early on in the outdoor season. The SVVS turnout was quite good with a reasonably fair selection of 22 vehicles. The attendances however, seem to always fluctuate and many of the local regulars and Committee were not present. The Chairman made the arduous journey of just over one mile in his Citroen 5CV, and got back? Also nice to see the infrequent  Michel Gosset  and Triumph Motorcycle.

SVVS Treasure Hunt 2016

      :: [ SVVS Treasure Hunt &  Black Horse, Hook wood - April 2016 ] ::
The 2015 Treasure Hunt is now combined with the regular April pub meet at the Black Horse in Hookwood, and with the FHBC's Drive-it-Day. We met at Church Farm, Horne for coffee and biscuits and then went off to Lingfield village to investigate the first set of clues. Then off to Godstone and later Smallfield. We re-assembled at the Black Horse in Hookwood where we met other SVVS cars which were out for the Sunday meet, -  and where Julia and Tony Tester were declared winners!

SVVS Meeting at the Dog & Duck, Outwood

        :: [SVVS Lunchtime Meet - Dog & Duck, Outwood - March 2016 ::
Our first proper outside meeting of the year is now held at our old stamping ground, the Dog & Duck in Outwood, which used to be our winter HQ for a number of years until this closed rater abruptly following mysterious fires. The refurb of the Dog & Duck has been great, it now has a further new management, with lovely new  restaurant and, by all accounts, good grub because the pace was absolutely  packed out, - and fuller  when  our batch of  27  cars arrived.

SVVS Dinner at the Reigate Manor Hotel

     :: [ SVVS Dinner - Reigate Manor Hotel, Reigate - February 2016 ] ::
Reigate Manor Hotel was again the venue for the 2016 Annual SVVS Dinner and was attended by a smashing turnout of 70 people. Not much could be faulted with the quality of the meal and the efficiency of the service. We were lucky to obtain services of BBC/ITV and Classic FM personality Nicholas Owen as the Guest Speaker whose talk was on 'Trains & Trams', on which he has written a number of books. The Children's Trust  was his  nominated charity, being the Vice  President.  

SVVS Meeting at the Beehive, Reigate

:: [ New Year's Day Lunchtime - Beehive, Woodhatch - January 2016 ] ::
New Year's Day 2016 was not a particularly nice day with severe floods in the north of UK,  but the rain did hold off here so 22 quite polished machinery attended. This has now become the traditional New Year's Day meet at the Beehive  where one of the annexes was again packed with  SVVS  Members and their smiling wives consuming lunches,- cooked by others. There were some new vehicles unveiled,  a big Bentley, a bigger Mercedes camper van and a lovely little Lancia Aprilia.

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