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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

London - Brighton Commercials:
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2018 Brighton Commercial Run

London-Brighton Veteran Run: 
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Brighton Veteran Run

: [ Field Restart 3; Church Farm Horne - 2021] :::

Photos are by Bozi Mohacek.

 Please Click on the thumbnail photos to see full size HIGH DEFINITION picture

This would have been the night for the first of our 'normal SVVS evening pub meetings' where tyre-kicking would have returned to the vintage-car-starved isolating masses of the SVVS. Instead, the Covid regulations had been elongated by the Government for a further month, continuing to specify maximum 6 people inside and 30 people outside, and no walk-abouts in pub car parks. The Committee was therefore minded to cancel the date altogether, but as many members have already attended the previous Field Meetings at Church Farm, Julie & Bozi Mohacek were happy to offer the Field again. In view that it was not possible to advise all SVVS Members of this change in time, and that both previous field meetings have had a take-up of similar Covid approved numbers, Members were asked to turn up on the night. 

As it turned out, the weather for the few preceding days, and on the day itself, was less than encouraging and the number of Members attending was therefore less than impressive. Although the Field was quite usable it was damp, potentially soaking delicate shoes, and therefore the get-together was on the ample hardstanding round the farmhouse. People assembly could have been  under cover, in the dry, in the open-air pole barn. All very much as per the May meeting here. Regretfully, with quite a few 'no-shows' and only few additional 'on-the-nights', we had less than30 people and had 17 cars. Fortunately the evening stayed bright and dry so some people held an impromptu picnic. The intimacy of a smaller meeting was rather pleasant and alovely evening was had by all.

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Please Click on the thumbnail photos to see full size HIGH DEFINITION picture

Church Farm has a large open air pole barn and plenty of hard-standing, so although the Church Field was usable it was considered safer on the shoes not to. The evening stayed bright and dry so some people held an impromptu picnic.
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