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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

Click for Archives Click for 2020 Meetings  :: [  SVVS in 2021;  Meetings held this year.  ] ::

Please  click on the picture or on  the section heading to be taken to the fully detailed  Event Page. Normal internal evening meetings would NOT be described here; - here are outside meetings.

Coronavirus Pandemic has been playing havoc with large parts of the world and has resulted in the mandatory cessation of our activities for over a year. However, the successful Vaccination Programme has resulted in lifting of all restrictions and reopening of pubs in June, meaning that subject to any unforeseen further outbreaks, our Summer Events can carry on. Details of our proposed plans are on our MAP & DATES PAGE and any sudden changes would be on the CLUB PAGE (URL is published in the SVVS Magazine). In the meantime we have been providing the 'This Year's Event Page' with interesting articles before we got back to showing rows of pristine Historic Cars and happy Members !!

SVVS attend London to Brigton Veteran Run

  :: [ SVVS attend London to Brigton Veteran Run  - November 2021] ::
Some SVVS Members who have been spectating on the London to Brighton Veteran Car Run traditionally meet up later at the Black Horse in Hookwood, Horley, for a noggin and natter. This year the weather for the Run was glorious and relatively warm. The sun shone and the sky was blue. However there seems to be a steadily decreasing number of general spectators along the route, which was a great shame. There was a reasonable turnout at the Black Horse of some 20  SVVS vehicles.

SVVS Dinner - Reigate Manor Hotel, Reigate

        :: [ SVVS Dinner - Reigate Manor Hotel, Reigate - October 2021 ] ::
Coronavisrus scuppered the 2020 SVVS Dinner, but Reigate Manor Hotel was again the venue for the 2021 Annual SVVS Dinner. The dinner was attended by 71 people. Not much could be faulted with the quality of the meal and the efficiency of the service. We were lucky to have Film and TV actor Nicholas Young as our Guest Speaker who gave a witty speech of his life on stage and screen. There was no official raffle due to Covid but we donated £200 to his charity which was the Royal British Legion.

SVVS Lunchtime Meet at the Red Barn, Lingfield

     ::[ SVVS Lunchtime Meet at Red Barn, Lingfield - October  2021] ::   
The Red Barn at Blindley Heath is our last outside mid-month meeting of the year and signals that Christmas and New Year are not far away. The season is over, and due to Covid, over no sooner than it had begun. The weather here can be quite unpredictable.  This year the weather forecast promised nice and sunny but gave us quite gloomy, cold and drizzly. Despite the weather and probably as a release from Covid, we had a far better turnout of  24  proper cars,  plus Members in moderns.

SVVS Display at the Reigate Tunnel

       ::[ SVVS Display at the Reigate Tunnel -  September  2021] ::
The SVVS again displayed our vintage and classic vehicles in the Reigate Old Tunnel supporting the National Heritage Open Day Scheme.  It seems Reigate is no longer putting great deal of effort into the event. In the good old days the event had local stands selling things, loads of bunting, and and music from local bands playing in the street. The caves not being open, meant we had the whole of the Tunnel to ourselves, and had a turnout of in total of 16 proper cars, down from the previous 22.

SVVS Lunchtime Meet at the Star, Lingfield

     ::[ SVVS Lunchtime Meet at the Star, Lingfield -  September  2021] ::
The Star in Lingfield signals that the 'summer season' is drawing to a close, which is a bit of a shame, especially because of the Covid enforced shut-down for most of the year. The weather  was great. The sky was blueish and the sun did shone; no need for jackets. Turnout was some 21 proper vehicles. The meeting was quite unusual in as much as there was a preponderance of eleven 'vintage' Vehicles. The oldest was a veteran 1907 Singer 12/14, followed by vintage 1921 Citroen 5CV, two-seaters. 

SVVS at the Outwood Carnival

     ::[ SVVS at the Outwood Carnival, Outwood  -  September  2021] ::
Outwood is a lovely village in Surrey near Gatwick which has the oldest working windmill in Britain in the middle of the common. The Carnival was again attended, by Dame Judi Dench, an Outwood resident. The SVVS was asked to provide a dozen vintage cars for display as they had done previously. We had a good selection of 14 cars which was adequate for space allocated to us. Mr & Mrs Chairman took the opportunity to celebrate with Members and bucks-fizz their 50th Wedding Anniversary.

SVVS Evening Meeting, Fox Revived, Norwood Hill

  ::[ SVVS Evening Meeting - Fox Revived, Norwood Hill - August 2021] ::
This was a newish venue for our last outside Evening Meeting of the year. In view that evenings are drawing in, we advanced the starting time from 8 pm to 6pm. The Fox Revived is a thriving busy pub and highly popular eatery so that the car park is normally full. Fortunately they have an overflow paddock a little away from the building which we knew about because of our last visit, so we beetled there directly. We had a great turnout of 39 proper vehicles which included number of potential new members in American cars, and a couple of hot Anglias. 

SVVS Summer Picnic - Lakeside View

: :: [ S V V S Summer Picnic - Lakeside View - August 2021 }  ::
Lakeside View Pub is on a small lake used for fishing and they had agreed to let us use their adjacent field for our picnic. Regretfully, the weather was against us, raining heavily for days before and days after. We were advised only a day beforehand that the field was waterlogged and would not be usable, - but we could use the car park. Eventually we achieved 15 proper cars and some moderns,  downturn on last year's 21 cars.  After a while a wet shower did execute a rapid exit of the SVVS.

Aircooled VW Show at the Jolly Farmer

:: [ Aircooled VW Show,  August 2021 ]::
The Jolly Farmer Pub in Horne is our  'winter indoor venue' but during the summer holds a number of interesting outside shows including Historic Commercial Vehicle Society meeting this weekend. But due to rain and wet ground had to be cancelled. Earlier they had the AIRCOOLED VW SHOW a multi-day event which included using the 'campers' in vengeance by actually camping overnight in them. The bulk of the cars on show were air-cooled Volkswagens of the beetle and camper variety.

SVVS Evening Meeting, Blethingley Arms, July

:: [   Bletchingley Arms, July - 2021   ] :: 
Our first normal "Pub Meeting" following the prolonged hiccups of the Coronavirus Pandemic was Wednesday 28th July at Bletchingley Arms which is on the A25 in the village of Bletchingley and has been one of our most popular venues for many years as an SVVS evening meeting.  The weather forecast was doom and gloom ut it actually remained quire nice and dry and warm, Shirt until it started to rain but never long enough to bother to get a coat.  Eventually we had about 27 cars, mostly classic.  

SVVS Summer Saunter, Borde Hill, Sussex

:: [ Summer Saunter, Borde Hill Gardens,  July - 2021] :: 
The SVVS SUMMER SAUNTER is non-competitive run into the countryside organised excellently as usual by our Hon Sec Malcolm Bailey and his wife Sheena. The start was Priory Farm in Nutfield  and was organised by Tony Tester, while Malcolm went straight to the finish which was at the Borde Hill Estate, just north of Hayward's Heath, - a 17 miles run which took about a half an hour along minor roads and through same of the loveliest Surrey and Surrey countryside. 26 cars parked up at Borde Hill.

SVVS Evening Meeting, Church Farm

:: (  Restart Church  Field Meeting 3   -    June 2021 ) :: 
This would have been the night for the first of our 'normal SVVS evening pub meetings' where tyre-kicking would have returned to the vintage-car-starved isolating masses of the SVVS. Instead, Covid regulations, elongated for a further month, continued to specify maximum 6 people inside and 30 people outside, and no walk-abouts in pub car parks. So Julie & Bozi Mohacek offererd their Field again. Due very iffy weather, quite a few 'no-shows' so we had less than 30 people,  and had 17 cars.

SVVS Lunchtime Meeting at Church Farm

:: (  Restart Church  Field Meeting 2   -    June 2021 ) :: 
Coronavirus still in force but we are allowed to hold Closed Field Meetings on private ground open to SVVS members. It was rather nice to have the hottest day of the year for our second Meeting at Church Farm. This was to have been in parallel with Fidlers Field but due to numbers we combined both meetings at Church Farm. Ther day was glorious and it was a great place for an impromptu picnic had by most people. We had about 30 people and 25 cars, and about 200 sheep in very long grass.

SVVS Evening Meeting: Church Farm

:: (  Restart Church  Field Meeting 1     -    May 2021 ) :: 
Finally there is light at the end of the tunnel. Coronavirus restrictions are slowly being lifted and small amount of normality is beginning to  return to the life of the Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society. Normal open meetings at at the pub are scheduled to re-commence on 30th June, but in the meantime we are holding Closed Field Meetings on private ground open only to SVVS members socially distanced limited to 30 persons. Eventually 22 cars and 30 people attended fun evening at Church Farm.

SVVS Evening Meeting: Red Barn in lieu Fidlers Field

:: (  Restart BarnField  Meeting     -    May 2021 ) :: 
Our gathering at Fidlers Field on the 26th May never happened ...the field was waterlogged! Instead, members who had booked were invited to meet at the Red Barn at Blindly Heath, just a couple of miles away. Thankfully, the rain that had made this May one of the wettest ever, stopped the day before our gathering. Martin Lloyd and Chas Moody were ther first to arrive! The gathering hadn't been fully booked, so we hoped those who had booked would attend, eventually 13 proper carss.

Chas's Chats on Wrens

:: (    Chas's Chats 2    -     May 2021     ) :: 
As SVVS are not allowed to have any meetings due to Covid Regs, we are keeping our spirits up with a mixture of interesting different articles in the SVVS Magazine and on the SVVS Website to keep us amused. In this article Chas Moody, cyclist and our 'motorcycle correspondent' looks deeper into a photo received on our Help Pages showing a WW2 Lady Despatch Rider. Chas looks into what the uniform she was wearing, which Service she belonged to,  and which type of motorcycle she rode,

Escape-aids May 2021

:: ( Escape-aids    -    April 2021 ) :: 
Coronavirus remains the bug which all international governments are uniting to overcome, and the on public meetings effectively continues, - nothing much again in Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society normal official gatherings.  Recently some of our Members have been out and about cautiously within the limited relaxation of the Coronavirus regulations in terms of allowed numbers and have sent photos to us.  Popular places have been  Penshurst Place,  Red Barn and  Wheatshief, Bough Beech. 

1924 Morris Bullnose Traveller's Car

:: (    Chas's Chats     -     April 2021     ) :: 
As SVVS are not allowed to have any meetings due to Covid Regs, we are keeping our spirits up with a mixture of interesting different articles in the SVVS Magazine and on the SVVS Website to keep us amused. This is about our Chas Moody and wife Janet getting the slowest lap at the Goodwood Revival Meeting  in Roger Bishops 1924 Morris Bullnose Traveller's Car which coincidentally in his youth during the early 1950s was  the bosses work car when his father worked for Grants of Croydon.

Lenin's Rolls Royce ?

:: ( Nearly a Lenin's Rolls-Royce Kegresse  Mystery   -   April 2021) :: 
As SVVS are not allowed to have any meetings due to Covid Regs, we are keeping our spirits up with a mixture of interesting different articles in the SVVS Magazine and on the SVVS Website to keep us amused. This is Part Three of an  article on 'Lenin's Rolls Royce Kegresse' where we look into the history of the Silver Ghost, the history of Vladimir  Lenin and the history of four Rolls-Royce Silver Ghosts used by the Kremlin Special Purpose Garage (GON) during Lenin's short seven years in office.

Russian  Silver  Ghost  Kegresse  Mystery

:: (  Russian  Silver  Ghost  Kegresse  Mystery   -   March 2021) :: 
As SVVS are not allowed to have any meetings due to Covid Regs, we are keeping our spirits up with a mixture of interesting different articles in the SVVS Magazine and on the SVVS Website to keep us amused. Last month we started a three-part article on 'Lenin's Rolls Royce Kegresse' and determined it was never the Tsar's. This month we have the Part 2 of the study which looks into the history of Charles Rolls, Henry Royce, Rolls-Royce,  and developments of Rolls-Royces up to the Silver Ghost.

Tsar Nichols II of Russia Roll-Royce Kegresse ?

::: ( Tsar Nichols II of Russia Roll-Royce Kegresse ? - February 2021) :: 
As SVVS are not allowed to have any meetings due to Covid Regs, we are keeping our spirits up with a mixture of interesting different articles in the SVVS Magazine and on the SVVS Website to keep us amused. Last few months we had fascinating articles by our 'cycling correspondent. This month we are having Part One of a three part study of the Rolls Royce Kegresse claimed by many as being car belonging to Tsar Nichols 11 and confiscated to be given to Lenin as a personal chauffeured car. 

Steering with the feet  - Swiss Fischer

:: [   Steering like a Swiss Watch -  Fischer      -    January 2021  ] ::
As SVVS are not allowed to have any meetings due to Covid Regs, we are keeping our spirits up with a mixture of interesting different articles in the SVVS Magazine and the SVVS Website to keep us amused. Last few months we had fascinating articles by our 'cycling correspondent' Chas Moody, of broken leg fame, on bicycles with extremely uneven sized wheels. So on the theme of steering, this month we are looking into the history of a Swiss watchmaker whose 1904 car was steered by the feet!!

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