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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

:: [ SVVS Evening Meeting - The Skimmington Castle, Reigate - May 2007 ] ::

The following text is based on the SVVS Magazine report by Robin Vince and the photos are by  Bozi Mohacek. Please click on any thumbnail picture below to see the full size picture. To return to the thumbnails please click the Explorer "Back" arrow (top left of screen).  Being evening, photos were taken with very little light so have been artificially lightened to be viewable.

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 For the first outdoor club night in 2007 the weather during the day had been most discouraging but as evening approached the skies cleared the sun appeared and a large number of club members decided that it would be a good opportunity to exercise their cars.  The "Skimmy" has been a popular season opener ever since we first went there and its popularity has attracted a higher and higher attendance; this evening was no exception with 45 cars present although, as usual some of them were visitors. 

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The MG marque was the most numerous with eleven cars; Editor Colin Mulford's nice red TF, the BGT Jubilee of Robert Hubbard kept company with Alan Rothwell's BGT and three pre-war cars, Mike Gooch's Montlehry Midget, the TA of Tim Ralph, and the attractive Magna Saloon of Timothy Edwards. Four post war models, an unknown TC, FRY 95I, Roger Chamberlain's similar car, Dave Kilner's TD, Ron Smith's Midget and another Midget of an unknown owner completed the turnout. 

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Riley accounted for 5 cars, John Manver's well known 1934 12/4 Falcon, Brian Lord-Jacob's 12/4 Lynx and Michael Brown's 9 Tourer complete with mug plugging rope were the pre war offerings accompanied by the RMA HXR 566 whose owner I could not identify and the RMC of Viv Landon. Some very smart Jaguars were there; an XK 140 FHC belonging to Don Westcott, an XK I SO DHC of John Maxwell and a very new looking SS l00 Replica of Peter Clark together with an XJ, C72 CVG and another Jag, H755 YYN of unidentified owners. Triumph were represented by the Gloria of Jon Quiney, Terry Mistry's Roadster and an unknown Vitesse, XBL 266E. 

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Three manufacturers were represented by two cars, Wolseley with the Hornet Special of Ron Turner and Fraser Clayton's 1938 14/56 saloon; Morris with Frank Hayter's Oxford 6 and Bob Drew's Minor and the two NGs both belonged to Peter Clark, the V8 engined TF and a TD with an MGB engine. Of the single representatives the following were noted; an AC 2 Litre Saloon, 425 HMG brought back memories from years ago but its owner is not on my list, Ian Todd's Alvis 12/60, Desmond Peacock's Amilcar Type CC, and the Austin A40 Somerset of Colin Fytche.

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Clive Bracey arrived in style in his 3/41/z litre Bentley and John Kirkby brought his familiar Humber 11hp saloon. Lagonda was present in the form of Nigel Walder's M45 and another familiar sight was the Rolls Royce 20/25 Ice Cream van (that is what it says on my list!) of Bozi Mohacek.  ( Shooting Brake ! CHEEK ! Ed )

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Chairman Derek Wright brought his Rover 110 and two long time stalwarts of the club were present in their well known motors, Simon Bishop in his Singer Le Mans and Bryan Goodman in his 12/16 Sunbeam. The list is completed by a few unusual offerings. A Spartan, OWP 907E, of un-recorded ownership. The Citroën engined three wheeler, D345 NEX that has appeared at several meetings, but is not identifiable on my list, was there as was a car bearing the bonnet identifier of BRA. This car was registered GFD 800D but one wanders if something like 36D might not be more appropriate. 

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Finally I save a most interesting car till last whose identity was a mystery, that is, until I looked it up. It tells the world that it is a Hillman Hot Rod, the chassis was specially built and the engine that was on show was clearly an overhead cam design later described as a Ford Pinto unit. It has an automatic gearbox but the radiator shell looks pre war Ford and the registration number is 9065 MP. My list says that it is a Ford Special belonging to Graham Appleyard and it gained considerable interest, parked as it was next to the magazine distribution point. 

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As the light faded and the temperature dropped so the members began to drift away from a most successful and enjoyable evening when the range of interesting fine cars could not have been bettered. "A broad church indeed".

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