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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

(Click for Archives) Click for 2006 Meetings)  ::   [  SVVS in 2007;  Meetings held this year.  ]   ::

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    :: [ SVVS Lunchtime Meeting - The Star, Lingfield  - October 2007 ] ::
Glorious sunny day with quite e respectable turnout of proper cars which as usual filled the car park to overflowing. We had a couple of new visitors to the venue and a couple of new cars. One of the maiden flights was that of the just-restored MG of David Lockett. Lovely when they are just fresh. We also seem to be collecting various Rollses. Three at this meet,  making it the  second  most popular make at the meeting.

Blacksmith's Head, Newchapel

:: [ SVVS Lunchtime Meet - Blacksmiths Head, Newchapel - Sept. 07 ] ::
A temporary new venue for us because the In-on-the-Pond was being refurbished. Therefore a relatively limited turnout as presumably people couldn't find it. It should have been quite easy, - the Pub is under the Gatwick flightpath and right opposite the Mormon Cathedral. O'Akes-the-Photo, who has two oldies came in his third, the very 'classic' Merc.  All the rest of us  managed  to come in  proper cars! 

Reigate Tunnel Dispaly

  ::[ SVVS at Reigate Tunnel Historic Car Display - September 2007 ]::
The SVVS was again invited by the Reigate Business Guild to display our vintage and classic vehicles in old Tunnel Road above the Reigate Caves in the support of the National Heritage Open Day Scheme. The event was held in conjunction with the Cave Society. The weather was nice to us again and resulted in a good turnout of Members. Some fifteen  proper  cars attended  and our  presence  was  again in  the  local press! 

Plough, Smallfield

   :: [ SVVS Evening Meeting - The Plough Smallfield - August 2007 ] ::
After the wettest summer in living memory it was a joy to be able to spend an evening kicking tyres without getting damp in the process. Darkness again heralded our last evening meeting of the season. It was suitably well attended by nearly 40 'proper cars' at a venue that is relatively new to us. In fact so many came that we had to overflow into the adjacent car park. So, the rather soggy summer season thankfully ended with an excellent turnout on a fine night.  Hopes for a drier 2008.

Wet Picnic at Betchworth

             :: [ SVVS Summer Picnic - Betchworth - August 2007 ] ::
The Great SVVS Summer Picnic was held in a field at Royce Motors in Betchworth. The day started off black and gloomy making all wonder if it would rain. Then it cheered up, so we all decided to come. The Mohaceks however took no chances so took a gazebo. Some took only brollies. It was fine at first but then bucketed down a couple of times with a vengeance. Notwithstanding, the Cuss-es manned the fine barbie and as usual the club also provided a glass of plonk. Some 50 cars came.

Big Band at Horne

    :: [ SVVS at the Midsummer Big Band Concert, Horne - July 2007 ] ::
SVVS Members attended the Midsummer Big Band Concert at Church Farm in Horne beside the lovely St. Mary's Church. The concert was in aid of church funds and attendance was open to the general public. Overall some 300 people came and enjoyed a pleasant evening listening to a raunchy big band 'The Milestones', while sitting in a pleasant countryside field, watching the sun go down,  and having a lovely picnic.

Surrey Oaks, Newdigate

    :: [ SVVS Lunchtime Meeting - Surrey Oaks, Newdigate - July 2007] ::
If one were looking nominate a timeless English country pub then the Surrey Oaks in Newdigate would be high on the list. With its low beams-ouch-rambling layout, pleasant garden and variety of real ales, there can be no better place to while away a summer's afternoon. This also seems a popular place for unveiling new cars. Roger Bishop came in his new  Berliet  and a member joined on the day  with a big  Morris  Oxford.

Six Bells, Horley

     :: [ SVVS Evening Meeting - The Six Bells, Horley - June 2007 ] ::
No problems with suspected murders at the pub, as was the case last year, so the pub was open and serving beer ! However we did not have quite the usual turnout expected for this venue which is generally quite well attended. Main problem was the weather which had been very threatening throughout the day, but in the event the evening remained generally dry. Hence  only  the  usual  hardy  Members  were to be seen.

Dog & Duck, Outwood

:: [ SVVS Lunchtime Meeting - The Dog & Duck, Outwood - June 2007 ] ::
The Dog & Duck is located on Outwood Hill in Surrey not far from the Outwood Windmill. A slightly reduced turnout of members which is becoming quite traditional for this venue, which is a shame. However we did have the very unusual pleasure of a visit from the generally absentee member Michel Gosset in his  XK150 who made the mistake of visiting me on the  very day  when we were due to have a  club meeting.

Skimmington Castle, Reigate

 :: [ SVVS Evening Meeting - Skimmington Castle, Reigate - May 2007 ] ::
As is traditional, our summer evening season started with a visit to the Skimmington Castle, a pleasant olde worlde pub hidden on Reigate Heath. The landlord had once again ensured that no moderns crept into our half of the car park, and we ensured that we prevented all moderns coming in by occupying most of the other half. As usual the Skim was one the best  turnouts of the year,  but as usual  not all cars  were  ours.

Annual Dinner

      :: [ SVVS Dinner - Reigate Hill Hotel, Reigate - February 2007 ] ::
The Annual SVVS Dinner was held at the Reigate Hill Hotel and was again a great success having been attended by over 110 Members. The highlight of the evening was the presentation by the Surrey Air Ambulance Appeal about the good work being done by the Kent and the Surrey Helicopter ambulances which operate in our area.  The  ticket price,  raffle  and  collection  enabled us to  donate  funds  to the  cause.

Beehive, Woodhatch, Reigate

 :: [ New Year's Day Lunchtime - Beehive, Woodhatch - January 2007 ] ::
Our first meeting of the year took place again at the Beehive. The weather was a bit cold and windy so kicking of tyres in the carpark was minimal. We again took up over half of the carpark with proper vehicles while many others came in moderns. We were also responsible for the consumption of most of the pub's cooked lunches as many members took the opportunity to give the wives a day off.  A new member joined.

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