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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

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: [ New Year's Day Meeting - The Beehive, Woodhatch  :: ]

January 2024 

Photos by Bozi Mohacek.


New Year's Day 2024 blossomed dull, damp and grey, and there were traces of floods locally, and there were forecasts of storm Henk but no actual rain. Just before lunchtime it even looked as if it may not rain during our meeting so Mr President  decided to see if the XJS V12 Pozermobile would start despite the little green light on the battery conditioning unit being very much off. One of the great advantages of a V12 is that there are a whole load of cylinders popping up and down helping the starting situation, and that there would a good likelihood of at least one of the twelve being in a decent enough setup condition to fire. On a cold winterised frequently a not-much-used Jaguar V12 there is never likely to be an engine startup in a regular numerical cylinder order. Firing in the first few revs is in very much totally random order, and frequently there are not enough cylinders prepared to come to life to carry the other twelve. Pops and bangs are very much part of the procedure, as is the subsequent running on the same few for quite a few revs. The downside of 12 cylinders is that is that there are a whole load of unwilling high compression metalwork worring and popping up and down, relying on the batter for their locomotion. Today is took three pulls, albeit short ones to to get the firing order into approximate symmetry.

Mrs President insisted on being on standby in  her 4x4 barreled battlecruiser, just in case. No need to have worried. Despite the iffy weather no rain or floods were encountered and, to my surprise, the The Beehive was already packed to triple-parking with SVVS cars. The final number from our bean-counter Chas Moody advised a very respectful SVVS turnout of some 32 cars and one bicycle. We also had some interesting visitors and a few moderns discretely scattered in the local streets, - so slightly up on the 29 number of  last year.  Rain held off for the entire time we were at the Beehive. Somebody mentioned that their forecast said the rain was due at 2.35, and very oddly the Beehive carpark was practically empty by that time. The pozermobile was safely tucked up in its garage by the time the deluge and the storm winds arrived.

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