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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

SVVS Car Display supporting 

The Hever Castle, Kent 
2022 'Cars at the Castle Day '
London - Brighton Commercials:
Please see our Picture Galleries 
2018 Brighton Commercial Run

London-Brighton Veteran Run: 
Please see our Picture Galleries 
Brighton Veteran Run

Motoring Museums Visited Page
Please see our Picture Galleries 2016 Motor Museum Barbados

:: [  Jollies at the Jolliffes,  Horne - August 2024  ] ::  

Photos by  Bozi Mohacek

Ross Savage is a SVVS Member and is also a Military Vehicle enthusiast who has a number of specialist vehicles, and a lovely field in Horne to drive them around in. Feeling a bit lonely in doing it all on his own, he decided that a lovely evening in midst of the heat-wave in August, would be a nice time to invite a few friends over and share the field. The weather had been perfect for a few the previous weeks giving us a burst of heatwave. But as is the norm with British weather when anything is pre-arranged,  on the day the dark clouds began gathering towards the evening and few drops of rain fell  on the way there, -  and back.  In the event however. it delayed its deluge of showers until the next day. The lighting conditions for photography were quite dark to a point where some photos required to be lightened in order to be viewable on the screen. There was no theme to the event, largely just a 'bring a vehicle - any vehicle' which, in the middle of farming country, can be quite diverse.

The SVVS contingent was represented by a number of  vehicles, but we were swamped by other club displays and by the militaries which did outnumber us quite considerably. The militaries were quite magnificent in number and in size; - from fully road legal rubber-tracked tank (that sounds really great fun, every street kiddies dream- thundering down Guildford High Street in a Tank !!!) to heavy US Army transporters which matched the Pickford, normally considered 'big'. There were also a large number of Jeeps and Land-Rovers present in military garb including Ross' rather unusual Belgian built Minerva Land-Rover. Also present were a number of tractors, though fewer this year, some direct from daily duties of muck raking. There were quite a few glam-cars, like a Porsche, Jaguars, Alfa romeo, Maserati, BMW etc, quite a few MGs, a 'glamour' of Vauxhall Crestas, a gaggle of motorcycles and a couple of Veteran cars. A lovely evening was had by all. thanks to Ross.

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