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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

SVVS Car Display supporting 
The Hever Castle, Kent 
2022 'Cars at the Castle Day '
London - Brighton Commercials:
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2018 Brighton Commercial Run

London-Brighton Veteran Run: 
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Brighton Veteran Run

Motoring Museums Visited Page
Please see our Picture Galleries 2016 Motor Museum Barbados

: [ SVVS Lunchtime Meeting, Kingswood Arms - Kingswood  :: ]
March  2024 
Photos by Bozi Mohacek 

New venue for the SVVS and new venue for me. Not a pub I have been in before. First worry was, is it in ULEZ and does my XJR comply. XJR because  it is the turn of my red Jaguar XJS to be SORN and my blue XKR to get some of engine bits warm. The answer is, pub not in ULEZ and XJR complies anyway. Next problem, how to get there? The M25 is closed in both directions and chaos is ensuing because of full weekend M25 closure due to building a new bridge at junction 11, or suchlike. Day has dawned as gloomy as it comes with promises of buckets.  Buckets duly arrive just before lunch, just as I am setting out. 

As I had to cross the M25 I decided to get on it and see if I could use it for a couple of junctions. Only warning of closure was a smallish AA sign in the long grass on the left. Nothing blocking entry, so presumably OK? Motorway practically deserted but for a few cars. First gantry had illuminated note saying 'Delay at Junction 11, 10 minutes'!? Quicker than on a normal 'open' day. Rain is continuing and the very wide tyres of the XJR are  producing a Formula 1 style plume of spray as I legally plough on. 

The next surprise was the pub. You arrive at it head-on, a wideish white building with smallish car park on left. None of our cars visible in it. Right day? You then notice as you drive in a small drive to what seems a spillover car park up a hill out of sight. Up a hill sure enough, and parking sideways on the up the hill. Even my automatic found it a bit of a struggle especially as in an XJR it is impossible to see any of the four corners. I noted that my prattishments was not as amusing as some who came with veteran clutches. An MOT test of the handbrake/park would have proved useful.

I also found standing and walking for a prolonged period taking photos round the car park with my ankles at 45 degrees to be actually quite uncomfortable. I guess others must have also had the same feeling because this was the very first time in my SVVS history that ALL people had left the car park for the levelness of the pub. Building is lovely inside. Interesting contrasting mix of fluffy modernism in the restaurant and Tudor beaminess of the pub. Not cheap, Obviously designed with weekend-eatery people in mind. Surprisingly un-full, but weather was lousy.

By the time everybody had left the car park for the pub, it had stopped raining. Those that were coming, came early. Those that weren't, - didn't. We had a turnout of 13 cars and one motorcycle. Those cars that weren't Rovers were mostly dry quite modern or very modern. Mike Gorman, who came very late in a modern, said he went to a Morris meeting first, - where nobody turned up 'cos it were wet!

I also hope that everybody who came here noted the relatively inconspicuous sign in the car park, non-compliance with which could have made this visit very expensive.

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