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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

SVVS Car Display supporting 

The Hever Castle, Kent 
2022 'Cars at the Castle Day '
London - Brighton Commercials:
Please see our Picture Galleries 
2018 Brighton Commercial Run

London-Brighton Veteran Run: 
Please see our Picture Galleries 
Brighton Veteran Run

Motoring Museums Visited Page
Please see our Picture Galleries 2016 Motor Museum Barbados

:: [ SVVS Lunchtime Meeting - Red Barn -  Blindley Heath  ::
February 2025
Photos by:  Bozi Mohacek  and  Malcolm Ward. 

THE RED BARN, Blindley Heath, SUNDAY 9TH February 
Review by Malcolm Ward

Andy Hall's facial expression (above right) sums up the weather we endured at our lunchtime meeting at the Red Barn. But with some 15 interesting vehicles attending, plus more members arriving in their modern cars, the meeting was far from grim, as per David Smart expression (left). With ample inside seating available and staff coping well with unexpected orders, everyone was catered for. 

The meeting had been shaped from the moment I drew back my bedroom curtains ...any ideas of choosing which of my classic cars to take went straight out of the window, so my 'Croydon battle wagon' Honda Accord was called into action. 

nfortunately, I caught the Honda off-guard, so the battery was flat! Apparently Bozi had the same trouble with his Jag XKR, fortunately we were both armed with starter packs, so soon on our way. I collected Chas on route (still unable to drive due to a broken wrist) and we arrived to find the Red Barn car park almost empty! 

Having arrived in a 'modern', I parked at the entrance end of the car park, leaving the far end clear for our display vehicles. That didn't happen however, the display shaped up to be a jumble of vehicles dating from 1920's to the present day! It was hardly the weather for standing around admiring our vehicles anyway. Much warmer inside! 

The prize, if there was one, for being the first 'proper' car to arrive would go to Alan in his '32 Austin 7 Special, a car rarely seen with the hood up! The prize for the oldest car would go to Matt and his '29 Ford 'A' V8 flathead Special. The foolhardy prize would also be awarded to Matt for being in the only car without a roof! 

As for the largest vehicle, arguably this would be Roger's '71 Dodge Charger, or was it Dave's '67 Commer camper van? In cubic footage I think the van must have it. The interior fittings of this camper van bore much closer inspection than usual ...nothing to do with the weather of course! Thanks go to all members who ventured out to do battle with the elements. I'm sure all would agree it was worth it

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