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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

SVVS Car Display supporting 

The Hever Castle, Kent 
2022 'Cars at the Castle Day '
London - Brighton Commercials:
Please see our Picture Galleries 
2018 Brighton Commercial Run

London-Brighton Veteran Run: 
Please see our Picture Galleries 
Brighton Veteran Run

Motoring Museums Visited Page
Please see our Picture Galleries 2016 Motor Museum Barbados

:: [  SVVS Lunchtime Meeting, The Star  -  Lingfield  ] ::
- September 2024

Photos by:  Bozi Mohacek. 

Report by :   Bozi Mohacek

SVVS Lunchtime Meeting, The Star -  Lingfield - September 2024  

The Star is now a popular eatery which is providing some excellent and interesting food. They have added to their eating facilities additional undercover space  by using yurty tenty spaces in the adjacent bits of the garden. This now means lots of sitting spaces if needed. Parking remains quite tight and limited, so good to get there early.

This, being a Sunday event, has frequently clashed with our Reigate Tunnel Display on the Saturday which tended to deplete the attendance numbers here. This should not have been the in this particular case, but the weather was. I noted that last year it did exactly the same thing to us. After many weeks of near drought conditions in the latter part of the summer
'heat wave' in the upper 30s C range, the weather chose our two hours on the Sunday lunchtime to deposit significant bits of the Atlantic over Lingfield. The weather forecasters had warned of a turn in the weather with an enormous middle-of-the-night thunderstorm with the probability of lightning strikes on our church next door passing the annual lightning conductor test, - not so our levitating airborne dog! 

 The Star in Lingfield signals that the 'summer season' is drawing to a close, which is a bit of a shame. The turnout of cars at the Star was predictably low, only some 13 cars, but up two on last year;  - with only three being vintage. The nature of the vehicles in the Society is changing. There is a gradual morphing from 'vintage vehicles' to 'classic vehicles'. Perhaps the Membership is changing too. Older Members tended to have 'vintage cars' because these were the "old" cars in 'their time', as 'veteran cars' had been for their fathers. Members have aged and passed away, their cars have gone into museums and collections, and into the upper price bracket and are now not within easy financial reach of the current generation. For them it is  'classic cars' that are the 'old'  cars of their time and generally still priced relatively reasonably.

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