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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

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:: [ SVVS TREASURE HUNT - April 2024 ] ::  

Photos by :  Malcolm Ward and Malcolm Bailey        Text by :Tony Russell

A long standing tradition in our club events calendar is the annual Treasure Hunt, a gentle, non competitive meander through local lanes and villages seeking out various clues. This year, the event was cleverly organised by Gavin Tester who did a brilliant job planning the route and logging the many cunning clues. Ten members and their cars assembled at the Priory Farm garden centre in South Nutfield, Ian and Christine in their lovely newly acquired Rover P5B accompanied by their neighbours Mike and Jo. Rachel with her 2012 Volvo C30, Chairman Malcolm in his classic Jaguar XJ6, Geoff and Bridget with the 1957 Rover 105S, founder member Clive and his wife Myetta in their 1948 Austin 16, Colin in his MG TF, Editor Malcolm driving his Audi 80 Sport, Matt and Anne aboard his glorious open wheel V8 1929 Ford Model A hot rod special, Tony and Gavin in the Chrysler 70 sedan , Christine and Peter with their Jaguar E Type and Colin in his MG TF.

Setting off through Bletchingley, Godstone, Outwood, and Reigate, our merry band of travellers tracked down the devious clues finally arriving at the Black Horse in Hookwood for lunch and presentation of the Chairman's Cup to the winner, this year Matt. We were joined at the Black Horse by Alan in his Austin 7 sports special, Simon with his Singer 14/34 six, Ian and Brenda in the Ford Zephyr Zodiac, Chris with his beautifully presented MG A up-rated with an MGB engine. Brian came along in his (modern) Peugeot, and yours truly PR Officer with his hopefully? emerging classic rare 2002 Mondeo 2.5 V6 Zetec S estate. A very pleasant gathering , and big thanks to Gavin for organising it all.

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First set of Questions about the village of Bletchingley (Above)                                   Second set of Questions about the village of Godstone (Below)
Third set of Questions about the village of Outwood (Above)                                            Fourth set of Questions about the town of Reigate (Below) 

At this point the Treasure Hunters drove to the Black Horse at Hookwooid which is the traditional finishing point and where we are normally joined by the massed hordes of SVVS members in their proper cars who did not go on the Treasure Hunt but who came for the normal Sunday meeting. This time the 'masses, turned out to be a bit of a dearth. The weather had not helped the attendance at this venue for this meeting.



Last years winner Gavin Tester (left) presents this year's winner Matt Tester 
with the Chairman's Tropy for winning the Treasure Hunt.

The 'A Team' of Chairman Bailey (left) and President Mohacek who normally come came LAST, was minus Mr President as he was at home immobilized by a bad back. Mr President is also the unpaid churchyard mowerer of St Mary's, Horne. They had been newly donated a sit-on mower which looks just like a little ladybird, small and rounded, with an upright seat and miniscule tiny wheels. Problem with 'churchyard' mowing is that it is not a case of leisurely long straight runs of relaxing cut, it is more a case frantic manic sawing at the steering wheel round thousands of gravestones, trying not to hit any while getting close enough not to leave a large tuft of grass round each. Primary problem with mowing a 'graveyard' is that each grave is a hollow where the soil has compacted over the centuries and sunk so that the wheels dip into the hollow, the cutter deck then solidly grounds, and leaves the little wheel spinning merrily off the ground! So then it is either a case of getting off the mower and lifting it out of the dip, or auto-cross type of bouncing on the machine trying to persuade it and move. Anyway, at sometime/somehow/something went ping, and it hurt. and still does!

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