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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

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The SVVS Website currently receives approximately 500,000 hits a year and the "HELP PAGE" is internationally the most visited 'page' on the site. We receive numerous e-mails from historians and motoring enthusiasts from all over the world with the request to identify vehicles from old photographs. We can help with identification of Classic cars because most of us are old enough to remember them as new, and owning Vintage or Veteran vehicles, many of us, and/or our associates, are also specialists in own make or type of vehicle  -   These Help Pages are therefore devoted to some of the interesting enquiries received, and information that we have provided.  While page is being built, enquiries are in received order, - when completed,  cars are in year order:

  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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Page121 below relates to enquiries received during 2018Click on picture to enlarge
IDENTIFICATION/DATING:  SVVS HELP PAGES have some 3,000 Enquiries Received & Identified

We are very pleased to announce that we have hit a very important milestone in our service to the International Web Community by providing our 3,000th identification. This was reached on 30 December 2017. We would like to thank all international contributors who have sent us their enquiries, and we would especially like to thank our team of SVVS experts, our external experts and also the many international experts who have provided identifications in last 17 years.  Well  Done!!

3,000th ENQUIRY !!!

,000th ENQUIRY !!!

3,000th ENQUIRY !!!

3,000th ENQUIRY !!!

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1902 Alldays & Onions 4HP Traveller
Another lovely photo received from Tom Cosens from Yorkshire (UK) of an old car he didn't recognise. This is from his collection of postcard curiosities on which he has no other background but which are needing identification. --  De Dion Bouton controls on the steering wheel. Unusual corrugations to the sides of the seat/engine cover which did not help me but were very obvious to our Ariejan Bos who advised this is Birmingham made c1902 Alldays & Onions 4HP Traveller Voiturette.

1902 Alldays & Onions 4HP Traveller

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1905 Daimler Marienfelde Post Bus
Puzzling photo found on the website of one of our plate contributors (UK) where it is notated as a 1905 Military Post Bus on a route Novi to Petrovac in Bosnia. Can we identify vehicle? --  Interesting machine from the 1901 Austrian Distributor of Daimler vehicles. Started own cars 1902 when joined by Paul Daimler and succeeded by Ferdinand Porsche. Our Ariejan Bos advises this is a cca 1905 Daimler Post Bus via Austro Daimler.  Old-fashioned bonnet used until 1906. A rare photo!

1905 Daimler Marienfelde Post Bus

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1906 Alexandra  Electric Carriage
Another interesting period photo which was a glass negative from Alun Pugh of Leeds (UK) " Can you identify this fine chauffeur driven open top for me please?" --  Badly moire patterned photo which we have much improved. No registration visible so no aid to dating. Looks early but is British and built just off Picadilly Circus London by the City and Suburban Electric Carriage Co. Made one for Prince of Wales. This one is a cca 1906 Alexandra Three-Seated Electric Carriage, with Co chauffeur.

1906 Alexandra  Electric Carriage

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1909 Thornycroft 2 Ton Lorry
Another lovely photo received from Tom Cosens from Yorkshire (UK) of an old vehicle he didn't recognise. This is from his collection of postcard curiosities on which he has no other background but which are needing identification. -- Part photo of what seems to be an early lorry.  No registration is visible so not much help in dating or location. Radiator similar to Albion and Commer but this one is taller than the bonnet suggesting this is a Basingstoke built cca 1909 Thornycroft 2 Ton Lorry.

1909 Thornycroft 2 Ton Lorry

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1912 Stoneleigh 13.9 Tourer
Another puzzling photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from period New Zealand paper advising of a holdup/murder of driver of an unspecified car. This is photo of another car in same spot. Recently identified as Stoneleigh.  --  Our doubts that it was a Stoneleigh but one of our wise sages confirmed that the Deasey Motor Car Manufacturing Co made a cca 1912 Stoneleigh 13.9 Light Four-seater car with a Knight Sleeve Valve Engine.  Name re-appeared 1921 on 9hp V 998 twin utility.

1912 Stoneleigh 13.9 Tourer

Another interesting period photo which was a glass negative from Alun Pugh of Leeds (UK) " Can you possibly ID this road roller with a Leeds plate?" --  Badly moire patterned photo which we have tried to improve. Registration U 1939 was issued by Leeds County Borough Council in mid 1912. On this page we have the smaller brother; this is Leeds made cca 1912 Mann 35HP Steam Road Tractor probably used as a 'gully cleaning wagon'. Seems many of Mann's traction engines were Leeds registered.

1912 Mann 35HP Road Tractor

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: Possibly 1913 Mann Patching Roller
Another interesting period photo which was a glass negative from Alun Pugh of Leeds (UK) " Unusual road roller/traction engine...and number plate..C-DE-1. Can you ID please?  -- Registration indeed strange, as is the vehicle. Looks to be a small steam roller pulling a liquids trailer. Likely local, so lots of research suggests this could be a Leeds built cca 1913 Mann Lightweight Patching Roller with a tar spraying trailer which seems to have its own burner. Co bought by Atkinson, later Scammell.

Possibly 1913 Mann Patching Roller

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1913 Sunbeam 12'16 Tourer
Another interesting period photo which was a glass negative from Alun Pugh of Leeds (UK) " Marked Bow Street, Keighley. Can you identify vehicle please?" --  Badly moire patterned photo which we have tried to improve. No registration visible to aid dating, but fuzzy radiator and front suggested Sunbeam. It seems the car is pulling a gas bag in a light trailer. Confirmed by John Warburton and Bruce Dowell that this is a cca 1913 Sunbeam 12'16 Tourer and the photo would be in 1916-18 period.

1913 Sunbeam 12'16 Tourer, powered by gas from trailor

Another interesting period photo which was a glass negative from Alun Pugh of Leeds (UK) " Marked Ackroyds, Keighley. Can you identify vehicle please?" --  Moire patterned photo which we have improved. No Registration is visible. Seems a gas powered lorry with emptyish bag! Number of lorries made which had superficially similar radiators and difficult to tell apart.  From the louvres and chain drive we think this is probably a  cca 1913 Albion 15CWT Lorry on their 15HP Chassis. (??)

Probably 1913 Albion 15HP Lorry

Another interesting period photo which was a glass negative from Alun Pugh of Leeds (UK) " Can you possibly identify this farmers car with interesting load? Sheep car!! --  Not a clear photo but as a sheep farmer I am relatively sure the sheep is a calf! No registration is visible so not much help in dating or location. The car is French, represented in UK by Renault Freres since 1904. Small car  seems later modified, a cca 1913 Renault AX Two-Seater, two cylinder, 1060cc, and a cow in dickey seat.

1913 Renault AX Two-Seater

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1914 Arrol Johnston 15.9 Roadster
Another interesting period photo which was a glass negative from Alun Pugh of Leeds (UK) " Another from my glass negative collection. There is a sticker on the windscreen 'NMV,Keighley'. Can you ID please?  -- No Registration is visible so not much help in dating or location. No immediate help from the "NMV, Keighley" sign either.  Car is fortunately bit easier, not French but Scottish. Dating from header tank says this is a pretty coachbuilt cca 1914 Arrol Johnston 15.9 Landaulette Roadster.

1914 Arrol Johnston 15.9 Roadster

Another interesting period photo which was a glass negative from Alun Pugh of Leeds (UK) " Marked Bow Street, Keighley. Can you identify vehicle please?" --  Badly moire patterned photo which we have tried to improve. Registration seems to be AK 4566 which is a Bradford County Borough Council issue but accurate dating details not available. The Gas Powered truck is American and from angled radiator but stubby scuttle we can relatively accurately date it to a cca 1915 Ford Model T Pickup.

1915 Ford Model T Pickup

Another interesting period photo which was a glass negative from Alun Pugh of Leeds (UK) " Reg plate letters smudged, number is 852 and could be BU [Oldham]. Ashton under Lynne on truck and Knapes Gas Burnley on the gas bag. Can you identify?" --  Badly moire patterned photo so not been able provide a definitive identification. Lights/wheels suggest American with pointed rad. Suggestion, possibly cca 1916 Jeffrey Van.   Another Suggestion:   Willys-Overland, 1918 Model 90.

Possibly c1916 Jeffrey Van/Pickup

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1919 Spyker C1 13'30 Tourer
Another puzzling photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) questioning the make of the car. Is it maybe '20s Panhard?? - or Th. Schneider??  --  No, it is from the Netherlands. Made in Amsterdam by a company started in 1880, made royal Golden Coach 1898, cars by 1903, second in Peking to Paris 1907. Aircraft in WW1, so introduced the C1 Aerocoque in 1919. This is the cca 1919 Spyker C1 13'30 Tourer. Bankrupcy 1922 so bought by British Distributors. Finally closed 1926.

1919 Spyker C1 13'30 Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1919 Renault Model FU Lorry Crane
Another puzzling photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) questioning the make of the vehicle. " I guess it is a big Renault, not a Mack or Kelly-Springfield?  --  Indeed a French Renault and after a bit of research defined on a number of websites as a 3.5 ton Model MV, a medium sized lorry. However, we think this is quite a different vehicle, and from the shape of the header tank and specifically shape of the rear wheel hub, this is a cca 1919 Renault Model FU 7 Ton Lorry Crane.

1919 Renault Model FU Lorry Crane

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1927 Leyland Cub Dropside Lorry
Another interesting period photo which was a glass negative from Alun Pugh of Leeds (UK) "Can you give me any details about this Leyland coal truck. Reg [probably] WX 9089...a Batley firm so could be CX or JX. --  Looks CX 9089 to me, Huddersfield CBC. Mid size, longish dumbirons, shortish radiator, and an outline of Layland logo on rad. At that time Leyland used same Cub chassis for lorries and busses. This is a cca 1927 Leyland Cub Dropside Lorry. Made in Kingston, in the ex-Trojan factory.

1927 Leyland Cub Dropside Lorry

Another patterened period photo which was a glass negative from Alun Pugh of Leeds (UK) " Can you possibly ID this vehicle. Is this a Bradford Jowett?? Halifax plate CP 7166. --  Another badly patterned photo which we have tried hard to improve. Registration CP 7166 is indeed Halifax County Borough Council late 1928. Jowett Cars 1906-53. Jowett Bradford was a van made 1946-53. This is a cca 1928 Jowett 7hp Saloon probably a Fabric Salon but not possible to make it out from bad photo. 

1928 Jowett 7hp Saloon

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1933 Nash Ambassador 8 Sedan
Another interesting photo received from our regular contributor Andrew Kostin, Moscow (Russia) saying" New photo just bought. As well as identifying car, could you please try to ID the country from the registration plate? Back of photo is blank. --  Were hoping to get info on the historic reg from one of our experts but no answer yet. Car is a bit easier having a sign on the badge bar advising it a high spec eight cylinder American, a cca 1933 Nash Ambassador 8 Sedan, Twin Ignition.

1933 Nash Ambassador 8 Sedan

Another rather nice but puzzling photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) of an elephant helping to pull a lorry out of the mud. Photo is apparently marked as being 1920s but the truck is a Bedford.  --  Scene is at Sole Bros Circus, an Australian organisation touring the Antipodes, started in 1870s. 1926-9 seasons was in South Africa and Congo. Returned Australia 1929. Still operating 1970. Lorry has chrome rad and a cross bar so not 1920s, but  cca 1935 Bedford WLG Dropside

c1935 Bedford WLG Dropside

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1936 Standard Flying 12 Saloon
Unusual photo received from Victor Brumby, Streatley (UK) archivist for the club 'Europlate' showing his Grandfather's car, a Standard NV 7777, but which model? Can you identify?" --  Indeed a car made by Standard Motor Co of Coventry. The registration is Northampton County Council mid 1936.The identification feature for the year is the molded ends to the louvres saying  1936'7. But there were three sizes of engine in similar body. Louvre length suggest c1936 Standard Flying 12 Saloon.

1936 Standard Flying 12 Saloon

Unusual photo received from Victor Brumby, Streatley (UK) archivist for the club 'Europlate', saying he thought a Standard 14/16, but perhaps its a yank? 14 is a Denmark Royal House plate. They usually ran Mercurys 1930s-50s. --  Caught me out. Thought American, possibly 36 Chevrolet, but nothing matched. Our Mark Dawber thought laterally and suggested GM's European offshoot Opel. I was not aware they made a waterfall grille car(!!), but this is indeed c1937 Opel Super Six Saloon.

1937 Opel Super Six Saloon

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: Possibly 1937 Amilcar B38 Roadster
Puzzling period photo received from Maia Adams (UK) "My grandad was prisoner of war in Holland in 1944, and escaped in this car. Not the easiest to identify as is covered. I found a car which looks similar in Amsterdam on Google".  -- Indeed very difficult to identify as most of car obscured. Your suggestion Opel Admiral is completely different. Some US-Eurocars had snouty rads. This seems a smallish European car. Best guess French,  possibly cca1937 Hotchkiss Amilcar B38 Roadster.

Possibly 1937 Amilcar B38 Roadster

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1939 Standard 10 Saloon
Another puzzling photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) probably taken 1950s. Obviously a Flying model but pre or post WW2, and 9, 10 or 12, small aftermarket lamps?  --  Standard's Flying range is confusing. Initially had a relatively conventional grille. Seems waterfall grille came in cca 1938. Standard 12 + had chrome edge waterfall grille post war. Three side windows so we think this car is pre-war and as it has smaller headlamps, it is probably a cca 1939 Standard 10 Saloon

1939 Standard Flying 10 Saloon

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1953 Moto Guzzi Ercole Motocarro
Cinema screen grab taken from an Italainmini-series 'Adriano Olivetti: La forza di un sogno' made in 2013, where cars are investigated by IMCDB. Film is about Adriano Olivetti, son of Camillo Olivetti founder of Olivetti empire. Adriano became part of the underground antifascist movement. --  This Vehicle was made by oldest continuous European motorcycle manufacturer in Italy, started 1921. This trike was introduced 1948-1980, this being cca 1953 Moto Guzzi Ercole Motocarro.

1953 Moto Guzzi Ercole Motocarro

Another interesting period photo which was a glass negative from Alun Pugh of Leeds (UK) " Unusual lorry with gas bag. Can you identify please?  -- No registration is visible so not much help in dating or location. Wheels have detachable rims so at this time are likely to be on an American vehicle. Chain drive to the rear wheels. Slope of radiator and header tank shape suggest European. Curved bulkhead suggest British. None of our experts were able to nail it precisely. Help needed !!

UNKNOWN WW1 Gas Powered Lorry
Links to interesting sites:   Click on any hyperlink  to be taken direct to their site.
Fascinating site on all things steam:

Identification of Mystery Motors  - Mystery Cars requiring Identification - Identification of old Motorcars - Identification of old Car Photographs - Photos requiring Identification - 
Oldtimers from times gone by - Mystery Vehicles - Mystery Motorcars -
Identify Classic Cars - Recognize Cars - Recognise Old Cars 
Antique Autos, Classic Cars, Anciennes -  25 - 3,025

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  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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The information contained in these pages has come from many different sources including books, magazines,  advertisements,  sales brochures,  web sites,  manufacturers and  personal contacts. While we have tried to make sure that any information given is as accurate as possible, we cannot take responsibility for any errors or omissions.  If you know of any facts which are incorrect or any subjects or details which can be elaborated on, please contact us. No infringement of copyright is intended anywhere on the site. If such infringement is believed to be occurring, please contact us.

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