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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

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The SVVS Website currently receives approximately 500,000 hits a year and the "HELP PAGE" is internationally the most visited 'page' on the site. We receive numerous e-mails from historians and motoring enthusiasts from all over the world with the request to identify vehicles from old photographs. We can help with identification of Classic cars because most of us are old enough to remember them as new, and owning Vintage photo  or Veteran vehicles, many of us, and/or our associates, are also specialists in own make or type of vehicle  -   These Help Pages are therefore devoted to some of the interesting enquiries received, and information that we have provided.  While page is being built, enquiries are in received order, - when completed,  cars are in year order:

  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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Page 184 below relates to enquiries received during 2022Click on picture to enlarge
IDENTIFICATION/DATING:  SVVS HELP PAGES have some 4,450 Enquiries Received & Identified

Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos largely dealing with postcards depicting motoring and local French garages. --  This curious device was made in France in Agen not far from Spanish border by Joseph Lacroix who made the tricycle prototype 1898 calling it La Nef (boat) from the pointed prow. Belt driven, it was powered by De Dion Bouton Engines of various sizes of 2.5 to 8HP and about 200 made in similar form to 1914.

1901 La Nef Tricycle

Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos largely dealing with postcards depicting motoring and local French garages. --  Humpy rad and black blob in centre of matrix is a good indicator to a car made by Adolphe Clement but which one of his companies is a little bit more difficult. Wide hump and the linear badge suggests this is one of the earliest cca 1903 Clement 9HP Tonneau before the company became Clement Bayard.

1903 Clement 9HP Tonneau

Another puzzling photograph recerived from our regular contributor Par Sorliden (Sweden) who generally sends us photos we have great difficulties with. -- Fortunately we have the help of our Dutch veterans expert Ariejan Bos who advises a cca 1904 Adler, recognisable from filler cap assembly. Adler was a German company 1900 to 1950 based in Frankfurt initially using De Dion engines, became mainstream building front wheel drive cars, motorcycles, also typewriters and calculators.

1904 Adler Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:  1905 Clement Bayard 12 HP Tonneau
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos largely dealing with postcards depicting motoring and local French garages. --  Humpy rad and black blob in centre of matrix is a good indicator to a car made by Adolphe Clement, as does shop window. The badge on the hump appears to be rectangular, which suggests this was made by the French end of later Anglo-French cca 1905 Clement Bayard 12 HP Tonneau, available in UK.

1905 Clement Bayard 12 HP Tonneau

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:  1905 Griffon 35cc  Motorcycle
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos largely dealing with postcards depicting motoring and local French garages. --  What bike? Shop window suggests Griffon and a bit more research confirms it a cca 1905 Griffon 2.7HP 353cc Single Motorcycle with a Swiss Zedel engine made by company founded by Eugene Peugeot. Interesting additional business being mechanics, locksmiths, sewing machine servicing, and bells.

1905 Griffon 35cc  Motorcycle

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:  1907 Cadillac Model G Limousine
Another puzzling photograph recerived from our regular contributor Par Sorliden (Sweden) who generally sends us photos we have great difficulties with. -- Fortunately we have the help of our Dutch veterans expert Ariejan Bos who advises this is a cca 1907-8 Cadillac Model G, not a very common model. Originally based on the Model D, then H and L, the G was a smaller Model H. It had a four cylinder engine and was marketed as the 'one cylinder Cadillac with four cylinders', 20HP > 25.

1907 Cadillac Model G Limousine

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:  1907 Vulcan 20HP Side Entrance
Lovely photo received from our Member and auto historian Nicholas Young
(UK) author encyclopedia 'Car Number Classics' on histories of original cars/owners of first registrations  in UK. --
B 400 was issued by Lancaster CC, dating info not kept by CC, to a Thomas Saul Engineer and Surveyor of Lytham. Difficult car to identify , advised by our Ariejan Bos as a cca 1907 Vulcan 20HP Side Entrance Tonneau, made Southport, near Liverpool. Cars 1902, later lorries, various owner changes to 1953.

1907 Vulcan 20HP Side Entrance

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:   1908 Unic Landaulette Taxi
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos asking for ID; Captioned 'Chatenay Malabry, voiture de marque Doyle'. --  Chatenay Malabry is a south suburb Paris. Cannot find Doyle in any of my encyclopedias but rad looks familiar. Ariejan Bos advises c1908 Unic with rad shape, normally used for taxis. Perhaps badge engineering. Unclear if a taxi (no visible taxaxmeter) or perhaps hire car. Reg with G8 was used by other Unic taxis of this type.

1908 Unic Landaulette Taxi

Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from forum of old photos dealing with postcards depicting motoring. --  Another curious device which appears to be electrically powered and possibly having five claimants as to make. Two are German and marginally different from the three French who all use same photo in their ads: Teddy, Touvelin and cca 1912 SATME (later one in Georgano). Carry 300 kg, two-speed to 31kph, also available as two-seat torpedo.

1912 SATME Electric Tricycle

Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos asking for identification. Humpy bonnet? --  Lots of cars had a humpy bonnet but the hump characteristics and the trailing part of the bonnet differed considerably. On this, the hump converts to a tapered humped bonnet and the car carries what appears a military type number, so likely of the WW1 period. This is likely a cca 1913 Mors 12CV Torpedo designed in the Citroen management period.

1913 Mors 12CV Torpedo

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:  1913 Cornilleau 10HP Saloon
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos largely dealing with postcards depicting local French garages.-- Very unusual French car made in Asniers, close centre of Paris by Automobiles Cornilleau. Not much is known about company apart from operating 1912-14, making an 8'10 two-stroke, and two fours 10CV and 12CV. Elsewhere a Gustave Cornilleau of Guedon who sold design to first Decauville, then later going into pumps.

1913 Cornilleau 10HP Saloon

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:  1914 Apperson Jack Rabit Touring
Lovely photo received from our Member and auto historian Nicholas Young
(UK) author encyclopedia 'Car Number Classics' on histories of original cars/owners of first registrations  in UK. -- DN2 was the second registration issued by York CBC in 1904 to Alfred Jackson, a jeweller and put on a 1904 De Dion Bouton Vis-à-vis, active in the York Motor Club. In 1914 transferred to an unusual American car from Kokomo Indiana, a  cca 1914 Apperson Jack Rabbit V 8. Reg now seen on Tesla!

1914 Apperson Jack Rabit Touring

Cinema screen grab taken from various French TV Series "Arsene Lupin" made 1971-90 where cars are being investigated by IMCDB. Series was based on Maurice Leblanc's gentleman master thief Arsène Lupin who was featured in over 50 stories starting in 1905. -- American car which has a visible traverse front sprin,  which points to a Model T Ford. It has rectangular radiator rather than rounded, has electric lights and curios bodywork, all adding up to cca 1915 Ford Model T Surrey.

1915 Ford Model T Surrey

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1915 Hupmobile Model K Touring
Very puzzling photo received from Andy Humphries (UK) of a relative believed photographed in Birmingham 1920/30s. Can we identify make of car? -- The badge on this one has puzzled for the second time requiring help from our Mark Dawber in NZ. He reminded that this badge was used for only one year and that this is a cca 1915 Hupmobile Model K Touring. Should have pursued the very tall filler cap as a give-away (see Help Page 109)  Later badges were a more helpful letter H.

1915 Hupmobile Model K Touring

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:   1918 White Model 40 Truck
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos taken in Kaponga, in Taranaki, New Zealand before 1925. Trucks,- Albions? -- Immediate thought was no, and Mark later came back that it is probably an American truck, a White; - which was my first thought. Bit more research confirmed from the wheels and front bumper that the vehicle on the right is a cca 1918 White Model 40, and left possibly later 20. Cars are c20 Hudson and c16 Dodge Tourers.

cca 1918 White Model 40 Truck

Cinema screen grab from one of the French TV Series "Arsene Lupin" made 1971-90,. cars being researched  by IMCDB. 
-- Italian car made in Turin by Fabbrica Italiana di Automobili di Torino formed in 1899 by Giovanni Agnelli who was also the Mayor of nearby town of Villar Perosa most of his life and as friend of Benito Mussolini, dubbed collaborator after WW2. The radiator of this car is bellshaped and the badge on rad is oval so this is about WW1 and likely a cca 1919  FIAT 505 Torpedo.

1919 FIAT 505 Torpedo

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:  1923 Peugeot 172 Quadrilette
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos asking for ID from a postcard of old French garages. -- The car is registered DU, for Douai, in northern France, not far from Belgium. It was a very popular French vehicle which started out as a narrow cyclecar 1921 with tandem (one behind other) seating, powered by a four cylinder 9HP 667cc engine. This is the slightly later side-by-side version of  cca 1923 Peugeot 172 Quadrilette Two Seater.

1923 Peugeot 172 Quadrilette

Cinema screen grab from one of the French TV Series "Arsene Lupin" made 1971-90, cars being re searched  by IMCDB. 
-- The car is French, made in Paris at Quai de Javel on which in 1915 was rapidly constructed a massive arms factory complex by a reserve artillery officer Captain Andre Citroen after complaining being short of ammunition for 7mm field gun. At end of WW1 in 1919 factory needed something to build so Andre Citroen decided on cars. This is a cca 1924 Citroen B10 Torpedo.

cca 1924 Citroen B10 Torpedo

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1925 Talbot Darracq Saloon
Cinema screen grab taken from various French TV Series "Arsene Lupin" made 1971-90 where cars are being investigated by IMCDB. Series was based on Maurice Leblanc's gentleman master thief Arsène Lupin who was featured in over 50 stories starting in 1905. - The car with a mixed pedigree being made in Franceby a French company owned by a British organisation which became Sunbeam Talbot Darraq, which became Rootes. This is cca 1925 Talbor Darracq Saloon, poss DC.

1925 Talbot Darracq Saloon

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:  1929 Karrier Colt Transporter
Another interesting photo found during research of the SATME item above being little similar to Scammell "Mechanical Horse". -- Further research determined this was in fact an earlier version designed by Karrier Motors of Huddersfield, successors to Clayton &Co 1908, makers of cars and charabancs and Subsidy WW1 military vehicles. The Karrier Colt with a Jowett engine was developed in 1929 for Huddersfield as Dust Carts and later as 'Cob' railway deliveries. Scammel versions 1934.

1929 Karrier Colt Transporter

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1930 Renault Vivasix 16 CV Limousine
Cinema screen grab from one of the French TV Series "Arsene Lupin" made 1971-90,. cars being researched  by IMCDB. 
-- The car is French, with a sccuttleyy bonnet, but notable by having the radiator at the front of the car, so is a bit more simple to date. It also has thin grille Louvres, it has a small visor, it has thin three way headlamp supports, has six windows, centre handles so centrally opening doors, solid looking body, all of which suggests this a cca 1930 Renault Vivasix 16 CV Limousine.

1930 Renault Vivasix 16 CV Limousine

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1932 Studebaker S Series Truck
Cinema screen grab taken from various French TV Series "Arsene Lupin" made 1971-90 where cars are being investigated by IMCDB. Series was based on Maurice Leblanc's gentleman master thief Arsène Lupin who was featured in over 50 stories starting in 1905. -- This unusual vehicle is American, being a cca 1932 Studebaker S Series Truck with a removals box body sign-written Vandergoten. Vandergoten moving business started with horses in 19th century Brussels, Belgium.

1932 Studebaker S Series Truck

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:  1937 Scammell Mechanical Horse
As a result of the above Karrier Colt item, we looked a little deeper into the Scammel. -- The Scammell Mechanical Horse was manufactured in 1934 by Scammell Lorries who had actually purchased the design for the three wheeled vehicle from the Napier Car Co. as a tractor/trailer unit to help or to replace the horse for local deliveries from railway stations. It came as 3 or 6 ton, own engine. Made in France as FAR with a Citroen Traction Avant engine. Replaced by Scammell Scarrab in 1948.

1937 Scammell Mechanical Horse

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1952 Renault Coroale Taxi
Cinema screen grab from
French Film "Escuela de periodismo" made in 1956 where cars are being researched by IMCDB. Students of journalism getting interviews with celebrities like bullfighters. - Unusual French car which has the frontal appearance of a Renault 4 but bigger and boxier. This is from a range of three models made 1950'1957 of the Renault Coroale; 4 door Prarie, 2 door Savane, and this 1950-52 Renault Coroale Taxi. More popular in French colonies than were home.

1952 Renault Coroale Taxi

Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos largely dealing with postcards depicting motoring and local French garages. --  Another curious vehicle none of our experts have been able to identify. The car is very likely French and from the period immediately before WW1. It has a pronounced 'saddle' petrol tank, steep scuttle, and a dickey seat back seat, so is a two-seater. Saddle tanks were popular at the time but not quite so plain?

UNKNOWN C1913 Two-Seater
Links to interesting sites:   Click on any hyperlink  to be taken direct to their site.
Fascinating site on all things steam: http://stanleysteamers.com/

Identification of Mystery Motors  - Mystery Cars requiring Identification - Identification of old Motorcars - Identification of old Car Photographs - Photos requiring Identification - 
Oldtimers from times gone by - Mystery Vehicles - Mystery Motorcars -
Identify Classic Cars - Recognize Cars - Recognise Old Cars 
Antique Autos, Classic Cars, Anciennes -  25 - 4,500

© Copyright  Copying & reproduction of photographs on the Help Pages is prohibited © Copyright.

  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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The information contained in these pages has come from many different sources including books, magazines,  advertisements,  sales brochures,  web sites,  manufacturers and  personal contacts. While we have tried to make sure that any information given is as accurate as possible, we cannot take responsibility for any errors or omissions.  If you know of any facts which are incorrect or any subjects or details which can be elaborated on, please contact us. No infringement of copyright is intended anywhere on the site. If such infringement is believed to be occurring, please contact us.

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