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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

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The SVVS Website currently receives approximately 500,000 hits a year and the "HELP PAGE" is internationally the most visited 'page' on the site. We receive numerous e-mails from historians and motoring enthusiasts from all over the world with the request to identify vehicles from old photographs. We can help with identification of Classic cars because most of us are old enough to remember them as new, and owning Vintage photo  or Veteran vehicles, many of us, and/or our associates, are also specialists in own make or type of vehicle  -   These Help Pages are therefore devoted to some of the interesting enquiries received, and information that we have provided.  While page is being built, enquiries are in received order, - when completed,  cars are in year order:

  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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Page 200 Below relates to enquiries received during 2023Click on picture to enlarge
IDENTIFICATION/DATING:  SVVS HELP PAGES have some 4,975 Enquiries Received & Identified

We are very pleased to announce that we have hit a very important milestone in our service to the International Web Community by providing our 5,000th identification. This was reached in December 2023. We would like to thank all international contributors who have sent us their enquiries, and we would especially like to thank our team of SVVS experts, our external experts and also the many international experts who have provided identifications in last 25 years.  Well  Done!!

5,000th ENQUIRY !!!

,000th ENQUIRY !!!

5,000th ENQUIRY !!!

5,000th ENQUIRY !!!

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1903 Oldsmobile Curved Dash R
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos asking for identification of vehicle. -- Rounded front is an indication of the first American mass produced car, not Ford, but built by Ransome E Olds who had a number of protypes which burned down with factory. The Curved Dash was the only one saved and was reverse engineered. This one seems to have wire wheels and mudguards so probably cca 1903 Oldsmobile Curved Dash Model R

1903 Oldsmobile Curved Dash R

Another interesting photo from a forum of old car photos asking for make of vehicle. -- Elsewhere on this page we mentioned the New York to Paris Race in 1908. This is from the earlier 1907 Peking to Paris race which had 40 entrants but only five teams shipped cars to Peking. Winner was a 7L Itala driven by Prince Scipione Borghese, next was a Dutch Spyker driven by Goddard, and two de Dion Bouton Cars driven bu Comier and Collington. The Contal cyclecar was destroyed on route.

 1907 De Dion Bouton Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1907 Thomas Flyer 6-70 Light Truck
Our Publicity Officer Tony Russell (UK) seems to be on the lookout for photos of unusual cars, and wondered if we knew what this one was as no make is given. - - No, Sorry, the name is quite clearly shown on the vehicle; hidden in plain sight. The maker was the winner of the first and only round the world 'New York to Paris' motor race in 1908. This car is the bigger brother, a cca 1907 Thomas Flyer 6-70 a Light Truck, made, as it says on side panel, by E R Thomas Motor Company, READ MORE..

1907 Thomas Flyer 6-70 a Light Truck

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1911 Humber 11'20 Tourer
Our Publicity Officer Tony Russell (UK) seems to be on the lookout for photos of unusual cars, and wondered if we knew what make this vehicle was which features on a post card? -- Yes, - This is a British car manufactured in Coventry, - who started out in bicycles, failed in a bike making monopoly with French companies, and started cars by making De Dion powered Trikes in 1899. This is a cca 1911 Humber 11'20 Tourer. Became Rootes Group>Chrysler>Peugeot and renamed Talbot.

1911 Humber 11'20 Tourer

Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos asking for identification of vehicle. Suggested as Talbot working on model? - - Indeed a British Talbot which grew out of Aglo-French Clement Talbot company in 1902 importing Clement Bayard and other makes and Dunlop tyres. Own cars from 1907. From bonnet hinge and no brass this is cca 1911 Talbot 25 Tourer, and from bonnet size too small for 6 cylinder, so likely 4/25HP.

1911 Talbot 25HP Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1912 Bedelia BD2 8'10HP Two-seater
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos asking for identification of vehicle. Is it a Bedelia? - - Made by couple of students who had motorcycle crash and developed car from bits left behind. Became sucesful. This is a French cca 1912 Bedelia BD2 8'10HP with a 990cc V-2 air-cooled.  Unique photo as car has hood, which is up, so possibly this may make it the De Luxe model. Very unusual handle on side door: for  engine or roof?

1912 Bedelia BD2 8'10HP Two-seater

Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos asking for identification of vehicle. -- Initially we thought an early French Unic at time when they had high header, but further research advised this was another French car, a cca 1912 Darracq J2 Tourer. Darracq also went through a period of many rad designs in this period. The registration AA 3681 was a Southampton County Council issue of 1912. Seems to have RAC mascot on rad cap.

1912 Darracq J2 Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1913 Wolseley 19'20 Tourer
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos asking for identification of vehicle. Is it a Wolseley? - - This does indeed seem a Wolseley of the pre-WW1 period from the appearance of the bodywork without driver's door and for having acetylene lights. Tall header tank, no logo, shortish bonnet suggests a four rather than a six cylinder car, so cca 1913 Wolseley 19'20 Tourer open drive with rather interesting enclosed rear section.

1913 Wolseley 19'20 Tourer

Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos asking for identification of vehicle.  - - The logo on the rad left is that of Gaston Barre, gunsmith from Pathernay, moved to Niort western coast making fortune from bicycles. First car in 1899 mainly from components by others. Engines by Ballot and SCAP. Success in 1912 Tour de France. This one small rounded rad no front brakes so likely cca 1913 Barre BA 8'10 Two seater, 1685cc. Gone 1930.

1913 Barre 8'10 Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1914 Presto P10 Landaulette
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos asking for identification of vehicle. Italian? - - Our Ariejan Bos advised while name is Italian, car was a German cca 1914/15 Presto probaly P10 10'35 Lifting-roof Landaulette with the old logo on a newer radiator, a mixture he had not seen before. The body is a typical example of the German coachbuilding style, where roundness was fashionable shortly before WW1 like many other German makes.

1914 Presto P10 Landaulette

Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos asking for identification of vehicle. - - To us from  the pear shaped rad this seemed to be a French Gregoire from Paris. Our veterans expert Ariejan Boss advises however that it does come from Paris, but from other side, as it is a cca 1914 Corre la Licorne BV Tourer. Corre stared with byciles the trikes as was a racing cyclist in 1895, but had left the company 1908 and started another Rueil LeCor.

1914 Corre La Licorne BV

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1918 Chanard Walcker Type U Tourer
Another interesting photo from a forum of old car photos asking for information on the make of vehicle not yet identified. Origin now lost. -- Car is relatively easy to recognise from squarish radiator with rounded corners, and 'dimples' being a French Paris made Chenard & Walcker founded in 1899 to 1946. This seems a Military Vehicle, and C&W made a 15HP Type U Tourer in a couple of versions before and during WW1. Company eventually petered out being taken over 1951 by Peugeot.

1918 Chanard Walcker Type U Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1920s Bicycles at the Seaside
Not quite our normal thing as this is a photo of bicycles, - also unusual in having numbers painted on the tool bag on the saddles. We asked our cycling guru Chas Moody for his ideas. -- Chas advised that he recently saw a 1960's bicycle that had come from USA with New Jersey ID stickers on the frame but not plates as such. He thought the bikes are of British manufacture that they were hired when the family were on holiday in Britain. The young men are not in cycling attire. READ MORE.

1920s Bicycles at the Seaside

Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos asking for identification of vehicle. - - From transverse front spring this looks very much like a Model T Ford which was made for 19 years without major significant changes. This is a photo of one of the later ones, one-but-last change 1923-1925, bonnet bit higher and more tapered with a nickel rather than painted radiator. The registration NR 4409 was issued by Leicester County Council 1923.

1923 Ford Model T Tourer

Another interesting photo from a forum of car photos asking for information on the make of vehicle not yet identified. - - Quick search on the internet suggests this is "Les tunnels de l'Oeillette, 4ième tunnel?" near Chartreuse on way to the Alps Switzerland. Car is French and has coalscuttle bonnet, round badge, and no radiator grilles, so limiting choices. It has rear gill type vertical louvres and split screen, which confirm it is a cca 1925 Renault Type NN 6CV, probably a Tourer.

1925 Renault Type NN Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1927 Chevrolet AB Taxi Special
Unusual photo from a forum of old photos asking for identification of vehicles believed to be in Lviv Ukraine. - The visible vehicles seem to be Taxis, No idea on second left, but first left is an American
Chevrolet and the badge location in a downward widow's peak position suggests the year 1927. Either way the badges were different. The body shape seems 'sedan' until examined in detail when it is a Tourer with a solid top, 'surrey' style, and add-in removable windows. All quite unusual

1927 Chevrolet AB Taxi Special

Cinema screen grab taken from an American TV mini series "Dick Tracey" made 1938 where cars are being investigated by IMCDB. Story is based on comic strip character a very bright police detective in films by RKO, solving gruesome crimes. -- The car is a cca 1931 Buick 50 Touring, new that year, 114-inch wheelbase, 77HP eight cylinder engine, a lower-mid-priced automobile fully synchronized transmission four-wheel hydraulic drum brakes with the driver's seat was adjustable.

1931 Buick 50 Touring

Cinema screen grab taken from an American crime film "A Certain Smile" made 1958 where cars are being investigated by IMCDB. Story is about a law student at the Sorbonne, is engaged to a fellow classmate. Unfortunately, she's more attracted to his philandering married uncle and affair begins. -- - Another epitome of Paris and of France, Le Autobus Parisienne in a similar way as a double-decker was to UK. This is a 1932 Renault TN6A Autobus Parisienne, from long line of Renaults.

1932 Renault TN6A Autobus

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1933 Renault KZ11 Taxi Cinema screen grab taken from an American crime film "A Certain Smile" made 1958 where cars are being investigated by IMCDB. Story is about a law student at the Sorbonne, is engaged to a fellow classmate. She's more attracted to his philandering married uncle and a tawdry affair begins. -- A Paris Taxi company started by Baron Rognat in 1905, and still operating, was given the licencing code G7 and 'launched' Reanault' into mass production. This is a later 1933_Renault_KZ11 Taxi.

1933 Renault KZ11 Taxi

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1936 Buick Series 90 Limited
Cinema screen grab from an American film "Adventure in Diamonds" made 1940 where cars are being investigated by IMCDB. Story is about British  flier in South Africa smitten by a girl stealing diamonds,  pick pocketing them himself  so to blackmail the girl  to apprehend othersin the gang. -- This is a cca 1936 Buick Series 90 Limited Limousine, eight cylinder, very similar to the type that Duke of Windsor ordered while Prince of Wales and later used with Wallace Simpson in exile in Paris.

 1936 Buick Series 90 Limited Limousine

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1952 Fordson E494C 5cwt Van
Cinema screen grab taken from an American TV Series "The Adventures of Ozzie and Hrriet" made 1952'66 where cars are being investigated by IMCDB. Story is a real life situation comedy family series based in Hollywood. - - Interesting vehicle for an American series in Hollywood because this is a British made Ford van, a cca 1952 Fordson E494C 5cwt Van, made on the Anglia chassis 1948-1954. Fordson name was used from 1936 for Ford commercials. No 'Ford Product' badge on louvre.

1952 Fordson E494C 5cwt Van

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1954 Mercury Monterey XM-800
Puzzling photo posted on the AACA forum by Crusty Trucker wandering what the vehicle was? X for Experimental? -- Concept car, from Ford Motor Company, a 1954 Mercury Monterey XM-800 Sedan 'experimental Mercury'. This was a non-roadgoing 'push car' built on a 1957 Mercury frame and a 5L V8 engine with the body made entirely of fibreglass and chromed fibreglass. Donated to Michigan Uni, later sold, rebuilt 2009 and drove away under own power. This styling was later on Lincolns.

1954 Mercury Monterey XM-800

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1958 VeloSolex 1400 Moped
Cinema screen grab taken from an American crime film "A Certain Smile" made 1958 where cars are being investigated by IMCDB. Story is about a law student at the Sorbonne, is engaged to a fellow classmate. Unfortunately, she's more attracted to his philandering married uncle. -- The epitome of Paris and France, motorised bicycle VeloSolex made 1947-1973. From the ring round headlamp, light colour top to engine, and mudguard below chrome frame, this is a 1958 VeloSolex 1400.

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1968 Harley Davidson Servi-car
Cinema screen grab taken from an American film "Visions" made 1972 where cars are being investigated by IMCDB. Story is about A professor who has visions of the future informs the police that someone is about to plant a bomb. He then discovers police consider him prime suspect. -- The motorcycle the cops are using is a development of the service vehicle, a cca 1968 Harley Davidson Servi-car Three Wheeler introduced 1939 and available to 1972. Dating of this one from the rear lights.

1968 Harley Davidson Servi-car
Links to interesting sites:   Click on any hyperlink  to be taken direct to their site.
Fascinating site on all things steam:

Identification of Mystery Motors  - Mystery Cars requiring Identification - Identification of old Motorcars - Identification of old Car Photographs - Photos requiring Identification - 
Oldtimers from times gone by - Mystery Vehicles - Mystery Motorcars -
Identify Classic Cars - Recognize Cars - Recognise Old Cars 
Antique Autos, Classic Cars, Anciennes -  25 - 4,950

© Copyright  Copying & reproduction of photographs on the Help Pages is prohibited © Copyright.

  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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The information contained in these pages has come from many different sources including books, magazines,  advertisements,  sales brochures,  web sites,  manufacturers and  personal contacts. While we have tried to make sure that any information given is as accurate as possible, we cannot take responsibility for any errors or omissions.  If you know of any facts which are incorrect or any subjects or details which can be elaborated on, please contact us. No infringement of copyright is intended anywhere on the site. If such infringement is believed to be occurring, please contact us.

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