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The SVVS Website currently receives approximately 500,000 hits a year and the "HELP PAGE" is internationally the most visited 'page' on the site. We receive numerous e-mails from historians and motoring enthusiasts from all over the world with the request to identify vehicles from old photographs. We can help with identification of Classic cars because most of us are old enough to remember them as new, and owning Vintage photo  or Veteran vehicles, many of us, and/or our associates, are also specialists in own make or type of vehicle  -   These Help Pages are therefore devoted to some of the interesting enquiries received, and information that we have provided.  While page is being built, enquiries are in received order, - when completed,  cars are in year order:

  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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Page146 below relates to enquiries received during 2019Click on picture to enlarge
IDENTIFICATION/DATING:  SVVS HELP PAGES have some 3,500 Enquiries Received & Identified

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: c1901 Fouillaron Voiture Legere
Old postcard found while resaeaching on the internet, which required identification.. --  Probably the same car on HP 87 and HP91  and it may have been a 'Photographer's Prop' car. Ceirano, Fouillaron, Corre and Renault all look remarkably similar. Thin twin louvres with circular 'badge' and offset crank handle suggest from one of Ariejan Bos photos that it is probably a cca 1901 Fouillaron Voiture Legere. Fuillaroin and Corre were directors making quadricycles,  but also selling Renaults.

c1901 Fouillaron Voiture Legere

Couple of photos
from Gary Bartlett (Australia) researching Professor Aldred Farrer Barker (Leeds UK) who built Textile Factories in Victoria from 1938-52.  One of his books published 1911 shows this car. -- Unusual vehicle agreed by two experts as a cca 1907 Mass Torpedo, probably 8HP. Built in Paris by Leon Pierron but sold in UK by Masser-Horniman of London as Mass Cars. These ranged 8,10,12,18 and 40HP with Gnome or Ballot engines.  French connection with Richardson Cars.

c1907 Mass Torpedo

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1907 Germain 14'22 Landaulette Taxi
Very damaged photo (which we repaired)
sent to us by Bruno Costers (Belgioun) asking if we can help with identification and dating of the vehicle? --  Concentric circle rad with no louvers, so very limited choice. Our Ariejan Bos thinks cca 1907 Germain 14'22 Landaulette Taxi in use in Antwerp Belgium with registration number on the radiator core, and cab number on back of bodywork. Top part of circular Taxameter  visible behind windscreen, ' Libre' showing. Earlier Germain rads were oval.

1907 Germain 14'22 Landaulette Taxi

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1908 Metallugique 18HP Landaulette
Surfing through the internet in attempting to identify old vehicles we often come across photographs of very interesting ancient machinery which has not yet been identified, so we have a go !  Not clear on the origins of this one. --  Lovely detailed photo of a car manufactured by Société Anonyme L'Auto Métallurgique, Belgium, 1898 -1928. Bonnet handle upper position, type of body, and gas & oil lamps suggest a biggish car so it is probably a cca 1908 Metallugique 18HP Landaulette.

1908 Metallugique 18HP Landaulette

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1909 Isotta Fraschini Two-Seater
Surfing through the internet in attempting to identify old vehicles we often come across photographs of very interesting ancient machinery which has not yet been identified, so we have a go !  This was an old postcard.  --  Lovely looking machine with long bonnet but without a spitzkuhler radiator, looks and it is Italian. The badge is only just distinguishable to have letter IF on it. This would be a cca 1909 Isotta Fraschini Two-Seater, 30'40 or 50'60. Founded 1899 and lasted 999.

1909 Isotta Fraschini Two-Seater

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1911 Dux D12 18PS Doppel Phaeton
Our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) is trying to identify the vehicle posted on a Facebook page. Suggestion of a Dux but the style of radiator seems wrong? --  Part of a short logo on radiator starts with letter 'D'. Car looks German and suggestion of a Dux was probable. Dux origins were in 1889 making the famous Polyphon juke box, Cars started 1904 with Polymobile Gazelle. Name change to Dux, and this seems one, a cca 1911 Dux D12 18PS Doppel Phaeton, Torpedo Style.

1911 Dux D12 18PS Doppel Phaeton

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: c1914 la Buire Two-Seater
Our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) is trying to identify the vehicle posted on a Facebook page. --  'Ssemi-finals of the 1915 'Moustache of the Year ' competition' as one of our experts put it. Difficult to see the car as so much obscured by the people but the overall impression is of a French car. One of the thoughts was c1919 Le Zebre or Philos, but our Ariejan Bos is sure this is a cca 1914 Le Buire,  and thinks this car was used as a 'photo prop' on a number of occasions.

c1914 la Buire Two-Seater

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1914 Opel 20'45 PS Doppel-Phaeton
One of number of interesting photos sent to us by Andrew Kostin from Moscow (Russia) who is collector of old photos. This one is from a friend and shows a rally stop in the city of Odessa on the Black Sea, probably 1910-14. --  Radiator is flat and notspitzkuhler, the bonnet has quite a steep slope forward, the mudguards are flat but with a lip, the wheels are wire, the headlamps are carbide, and the sidelamps are tapered into the scuttle. This is probably a cca 1914 Opel 20'45PS Doppel-Phaeton .

1914 Opel 20'45 PS Doppel-Phaeton

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1914 Belsize 10'12 Tourer
Photo sent in by our Chas Moody (UK) showing a friend's father who had a car dismantling business in Croydon but is  pictured in the 1930's at the smallholding he owned at Addington. 
--  Precise dating difficult as numberplate unreadable. First car of this make was made in 1897 by Marshall & Co in Manchester based on the Hurtu. Became very successful employing 1200 before WW1 as Marshall Belsize; - Belsize Motors 1906. This is a cca 1914 Belsize 10'12 Tourer, 1950cc 4 cylinder.

1914 Belsize 10'12 Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1918 Waterloo Boy Model N Tractor
Another interesting photo received from Mike Statham (UK) part of the Research Team at Friends of Insole Court, formerly Ely Court, Llandaff.  Tractor
believed to be ploughing at Insole's Ty Fry farm, Pendoylan near Cardiff cWW1.  --  Main identification is the transverse Kerosene tank above front wheels and sideways rad. It is a cca 1918 Waterloo Boy Model N Tractor built in Waterloo, Iowa. Company was purchased by John Deere in 1918, who continued to make the Model N until 1924.

1918 Waterloo Boy Model N Tractor

Some lovely photos received from Ian Berg
(Australia) asking if we can identify make of cars sold by Jas A Munro of Melbourne and Sydney in the early 1920. They were agents  Mors, Ruston Hornsby and Vermorel, - This one is none of those, nor is it European. Made by a horse wagon maker in Racine, Wisconsin, by company who started in cars in 1903.  Radiator header shape and covered dumbirons suggest this is a cca 1919 Mitchell Roadster, either D or E, with probably Australian body. 

1919 Mitchell Roadster

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1921 Citroen Model B2 Torpedo
Surfing through the internet in attempting to identify old vehicles we often come across photographs of very interesting ancient machinery which has not yet been identified, so we have a go !  This was an old postcard.  --  Lovely unknown scenery but the car is French, built in Paris. It is a four seater with flattish bonnet line and three louvres, so this is the second of Andre Citroen cars. The Citroen Company was founded in 1919,  and this one is a cca 1921 Citroen Model B2 Torpedo.

1921 Citroen Model B2 Torpedo

Surfing through the internet in attempting to identify old vehicles we often come across photographs of very interesting ancient machinery which has not yet been identified, so we have a go ! Believed an old postcard. --  Car is French, external scuttle petrol cap, so cca 1922 Citroen B2 Torpedo, which later had 'all-steel' bodies on the B10. The kiddie pedal car is an 'Irish Mail' hand pump row cart, Two handles for propulsion and feet for steering. Based on velocipede of early railways.

1922 Citroen B2 Torpedo

Some lovely photos received from Ian Berg
(Australia) asking if we can identify make of cars sold by Jas A Munro of Melbourne and Sydney in the early 1920. They were agents  Mors, Ruston Hornsby and Vermorel, --  This one is none of those but is at least British, made in Conventry, by company making bicycles in 1896. One of our experts advises this artillery-wheeled two-seater with dickey is a cca 1922 Swift Model M 12HP Two-Seater with Australian bodywork. Company closed  in 1931.

1922 Swift 12HP Two-Seater

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1922 Ruston-Hornsby 16'22 Tourer
Some lovely photos received from Ian Berg
(Australia) asking if we can identify make of cars sold by Jas A Munro of Melbourne and Sydney in the early 1920. They were agents  Mors, Ruston Hornsby and Vermorel, - This one is one. Founded 1828, manufacturer of steam traction and stationary engines, they diversified into cars 1919. This is a cca 1922 Ruston-Hornsby 16'22 Tourer. Two models made with total of 1,500 cas by end production 1924. Then diesel locomotives. Became MAN in 2000. 

1922 Ruston-Hornsby 16'22 Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1922 Ruston-Hornsby & 1919 Mitchell
Some lovely photos received from Ian Berg
(Australia) asking if we can identify make of cars sold by Jas A Munro of Melbourne and Sydney in the early 1920. They were agents  Mors, Ruston Hornsby and Vermorel, -- This one shows the proposed shop and seems to show probably same previous Ruston Hornsby in the window and the Mitchell in the driveway. Interesting to note that windscreen of the Mitchell, which looks relatively flat side-on, is in fact very exaggerated vee windscreen.

 1922 Ruston-Hornsby & 1919 Mitchell

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1922 Rumpler Tropfenwagen
Another curious photo sent to us by Timothy Martin (USA) via Mark Dawber of a 'rear engine mystery car" with a curios oval chassis. Is it a Rumpler?
--  Edmund Rumpler, originally Tatra, Daimler, Adler then building and developing aicraft. In 1921 he built his first car based on aircraft aerodynamics and 36HP W engine of 3 banks of 2 cylinders at 2580cc, capable of 70mmh.  this is a cca 1922 Rumpler Tropfenwagen Limousine 5 seater. About 100 cars built; versions raced by Mercedes.

1922 Rumpler Tropfenwagen Limousine

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1927 Chanard Walcker 16CV  Limousine
Surfing through the internet in attempting to identify old vehicles we often come across photographs of very interesting ancient machinery which has not yet been identified, so we have a go !  --  Distinctive 'circular' type radiator with dimples identifies this as a French car made nearby Paris by company founded 1898 making motorcycles. Becam fourth lagest cat maker but bankrupted 1936, taken over by Chausson coachworks. This is a cca 1927 Chanard Walcker 16CV  Limousine, 6cyl. 

1927 Chanard Walcker 16CV  Limousine

Our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) is trying to identify the vehicle posted on a Facebook page.  Apparent identification was Austin but perhaps a Sunbeam. --  Actually neither,  but a relatively unusual variant of a well known UK make, - Hillman, formed in 1870 by William Hillman making velocipedes. Started cars in Coventry in 1907. In 1928 company was taken over by Rootes Brothers and merged with Humber. This is a cca 1929 Hillman 14 Tourer.   Became Chrysler 1967.

1929 Hillman 14 Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1930'1 Buick Series 90 Limousine
One of number of interesting photos sent to us by  Bruno Costers (Belgioun) asking if we can help with identification and dating of the vehicle? --  Initial identification from this photo is from the slightly notched radiator top and the badge bar below the headlamps, and a twin blade bumper. All are indicative of an 1930'32 American Buick. Our Mark Dawber thinks this, like the car below, is also a cca 1930 Buick Series 90,  but this one has previous shape made earlier in same year.

1930'1 Buick Series 90 Limousine

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1931 Buick Series 90 Limousine
One of number of interesting photos sent to us by  Bruno Costers (Belgioun) asking if we can help with identification and dating of the vehicle? --  Initial identification from this photo is the slightly notched radiator top and the higher badge bar with badge on it , and single bumper. Both very indicative of an 1930'32 American Buick. Our Mark Dawber is relatively sure that this is the the biggest Buick for 1931, a cca 1931 Buick Series 90 Limousine with straight 8 engine of 4960cc.

1931 Buick Series 90 Limousine

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1931 Ford Model A Standard Coupe
Another from a batch of interesting photos received from Mike Sanders (USA) from Montana which they have not been able to identify. "We can date the photo at 1948 and believe that it was taken in Medford, Oregon. It appears to be sporting an Oregon plate from '48. You have seen the trailer before, next to the 1938 Ford Half Ton Pickup on HP145. -- Family obviously liked Fords at the time. No cowl side lights so this one is cca1931 Ford Model A Standard Coupe, known as Business Coupe.

1931 Ford Model A Standard Coupe

Cinema screen grab taken from German Documentary film "ZDF-zeit", amateur footage taken summer of 1939 about private life under Nazis. --  German car designed by Ferdinand Porsche as a rival to the Mercedes 170 and manufactured in Siegmar, as part of the Auto-Union group. This car has three windows each side and was referred to as 'light six' which dates it as a cca 1935 Wanderer W22 Saloon, 1950cc straight six, engine reversed round with drive shaft forward, rear wheel drive. 

935 Wanderer W22 Saloon

One of number of interesting photos sent to us by Andrew Kostin from Moscow (Russia) who is collector of old photos. This one is from a friend. --  Research says this is one of a number of postcards featuring coaches from the company SLA Lourdes. This mid 1930s charabanc is on number of postcards in differing places, but no one has been able to identify it. It seems they had a number of differing makes with this peculiar low headroom coachwork, so all bodies by same coachbuilder?

UNKNOWN Mid-1930s Charabanc

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: Unknown Australian Bodied Chassios
Some lovely photos received from Ian Berg
(Australia) asking if we can identify make of cars sold by Jas A Munro of Melbourne and Sydney in the early 1920. They were agents  Mors, Ruston Hornsby and Vermorel, - This none of those and regretfully none of our experts have come come up with any concrete ideas. We know that  body was locally made including the streamlined sidelight.  Possibly Aerican wheels but has more European 'draw' type bonnet handle. External drop arm.   HELP !

Unknown Australian Bodied Chassios
Links to interesting sites:   Click on any hyperlink  to be taken direct to their site.
Fascinating site on all things steam: http://stanleysteamers.com/

Identification of Mystery Motors  - Mystery Cars requiring Identification - Identification of old Motorcars - Identification of old Car Photographs - Photos requiring Identification - 
Oldtimers from times gone by - Mystery Vehicles - Mystery Motorcars -
Identify Classic Cars - Recognize Cars - Recognise Old Cars 
Antique Autos, Classic Cars, Anciennes -  25 - 3,625

© Copyright  Copying & reproduction of photographs on the Help Pages is prohibited © Copyright.

  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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The information contained in these pages has come from many different sources including books, magazines,  advertisements,  sales brochures,  web sites,  manufacturers and  personal contacts. While we have tried to make sure that any information given is as accurate as possible, we cannot take responsibility for any errors or omissions.  If you know of any facts which are incorrect or any subjects or details which can be elaborated on, please contact us. No infringement of copyright is intended anywhere on the site. If such infringement is believed to be occurring, please contact us.

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