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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

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The SVVS Website currently receives approximately 500,000 hits a year and the "HELP PAGE" is internationally the most visited 'page' on the site. We receive numerous e-mails from historians and motoring enthusiasts from all over the world with the request to identify vehicles from old photographs. We can help with identification of Classic cars because most of us are old enough to remember them as new, and owning Vintage photo  or Veteran vehicles, many of us, and/or our associates, are also specialists in own make or type of vehicle  -   These Help Pages are therefore devoted to some of the interesting enquiries received, and information that we have provided.  While page is being built, enquiries are in received order, - when completed,  cars are in year order:

  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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Page166 below relates to enquiries received during 2020Click on picture to enlarge
IDENTIFICATION/DATING:  SVVS HELP PAGES have some 4,000 Enquiries Received & Identified

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1894 Dalifol 1.5 Bicycle Steamer
Another request for identification from our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand). Marked as 'tilly'. -- Bike on the left was entered in 1897 Emancipation Run by Frenchman GVA Lormont as a 1894 Dalifol 1.5HP Bicycle Steamer. Did not finish and left bike at Newhaven Station for 44 years until donated to Science Museum. Lormont had worked for Bavarian Hidebrand Brothers and one of their sons later identified it as a Hidebrand prototype. Water in the rear mudguard, coke fire in range under crossbar and flash steam boiler, cranked cylinder to rear wheel.

1894 Dalifol 1.5 Bicycle Steamer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1901 Locomobile Steamer
photo received from
Roger Lovell (USA) saying not much to go on but hope you can recognize the car. This is George Eli Whitney in a car after 1900 in Derry NH. -- Relatively well known car at the time with unusual body. Two of our experts agree this is a steamer from the USA and is one of the two companies growing out of first Stanley car. This is  cca 1901 Locomobile Steamer. Body is unusual in being steered from the rear seat, passengers facing forward, - or backward as a vis a vis.

1901 Locomobile Steamer

Puzzling photo received from Par Sorliden (Sweden) seen at the Hälsingborg museum in Sweden of an early car that he cannot identify. -- The car looked familiar and was confirmed by our Ariejan Bos as an whearly Darracq. We have had this radiator before whose
shape was only produced during a short period 1903-4. Very similar to the "Genevieve", of the film. Has a very long bonnet which suggests a cca 1904 Darracq Rear Entrance Tonneau, either the 15'20 or the 30'35HP.

1904 Darracq Tonneau

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1905 Simms-Welbeck 20HP Tourer
Puzzling enquiry received from
Kath Clark, Heritage Delivery Officer, Craven Council (UK) asking if we knew of the Craven Car, manufactured in Skipton, North Yorkshire and whether it was that pictured in the advert. -- Can confirm there is no Craven in any encyclopedia or makers list, apart one USA non-starter. On the ad is a c1905 Simms-Welbeck 20HP for whom were agents. In-period press mention of a car owned by Craven Co involved in a car accident resulting in death of three horses.

1905 Simms-Welbeck 20HP Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1905 Clyde Commercial Van
Lovely photo received from
Roger Lovell (UK) saying a local lady, the great-grandaughter of Mr Richardson, owner of the van and whose shop was on Friar Lane in Leicester, a very well-to-do part of town. It is said the van was made by the local Leicester company Clyde, but no trace of vans? -- Not a common make. Our Ariejan Bos has full document which confirms it is a 1905 Clyde Van. Company closed 1905 having made 250 cars and only 25 commercial vehicles, so photo of a rare vehicle indeed !

1905 Clyde Commercial Van

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1907 Oryx Coupe de Ville Taxi
Puzzling photo received from Par Sorliden (Sweden) seen at the Hälsingborg museum in Sweden of early cars that he cannot identify. --  Car on left. Fantastic bit of detective work by Ariejan Bos in Holland to determine that this is a
cca  1907 Oryx  6'10 Coupe de Ville Taxi with friction drive. This is a German car made by the Berliner Motorwagen Fabrik better known for its commercial vehicles Eryx. Made cars from 1900, Erdmann, FEG cars, and Oryx Taxis. Became Durkopp in 1909-22.

1907 Oryx Coupe de Ville Taxi

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1907 Gaggenau 18'22 Landaulette
Puzzling photo received from Par Sorliden (Sweden) seen at the Hälsingborg museum in Sweden of early cars that he cannot identify. Seem Taxis? -- Our Ariejan Bos advises car on right is quite unusual being a German cca 1907 Gaggenau Open Drive Landaulette, made by
Bergmanns Ind'werke, later Süddeutsche Automobilfabrik Gaggenau, also making Orient Express, Lilliput, SAF, SAG and Safe. Very advanced engines, first Trans-Africa car. Taken-over 1907 by Benz, in Gaggenau ! 

1907 Gaggenau 18'22 Landaulette

Photo from our regular contributor Mark Dawber of (New Zealand) from a post requiring naming of vehicle. 
Captioned Sir Thomas Lipton in his Daimler 1913. -- Founder Liptons shops and Tea. He did have Daimler 20 in 1906, but this is NOT it. H 317# is Middlesex CC reg but dating data lost (c 1906?). Our Ariejan Bos advises this fits the rad/bonnet of an Italian cca 1908'9 Itala Tourer, possibly the 75HP model. Similar car at the time, a 1907 Itala 35'45 7L, won the Peking to Paris race in 1907.

1908 Itala 75HP Tourer

Lovely photo received from 'Star' expert Neale Lawson
(UK) who had received it as a possible Star. Neale confirmed not a Star but was not sure of exact make. -- Not common make at all. It  is an Italian car, built by the Ceirano Brothers who were responsible for much of the early Italian motor industry including Società Ceirano Automobili Torino, 1906-32; this a cca 1909 SCAT 22'32 HP Torpedo, four Cylinder 3770cc. Active Agents for UK and Colonies : Newton & Bennet,  in Manchester.

1909 SCAT 22'32 Torpedo

A bunch of lovely photos received from Allan Winn
(UK) originating from the Duncan Ferguson family and taken in Northumberland, near the Scottish border. -- Registrations appears to be CC 244 which is a Caernarvon CC issue of 1908 (near Anglesey). David Hales advises this was issued to CTD Edwards of Bangor and Edinburgh on 10th April for a 1908 Rilrey Tricar 9hp twin-cylinder fitted with very unusual two-seater forecar. Most such vehicles were fitted with only a single seat forecar.

1908 Rilrey 9HP Tricar

Cinema screen grab taken from a American TV Miniseries  " Self Made: Inspired by the Life of Madam C.J. Walker"  made in 2020 where cars are being investigated by IMCDB. Biography based on
The Harlem Renaissance in the  1920s, known as the "New Negro Movement".  -- Interesting bunch of cars which all seem to be Ford Model Ts. The pickup which is being investigated on the right has no front doors so is cca 1910 Ford Model T Pickup, possibly based on a runabout or roadster.

1910 Ford Model T Pickup

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1911 Delaunay Belleville Limousine
uggestion from Par Sorliden (Sweden) that car on HP152 which we marked 'possibly' Opel may be Delaunay Belleville. Originally from Lars Magnuson (Sweden) trying to identify car driven by
grandfather Johan Edward Magnuson. -- Unusual bonnet with hatch opening. Ariejan Bos thought possibly a cca 1912 Opel Open Drive Limousine but I was finding inconsistencies. Par Sorliden advises that quite a few D-Bs were in use as taxis in Stockholm. So probably c1911 D-B 12'28 Limousine.

1911 Delaunay Belleville Limousine

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1911 Thornycroft 18HP Tourer
Lovely photo received from
Nick Goad (UK) of a car apparently in service as a British Army staff car. The driver in army uniform wears the cap badge of The King's (Liverpool Regiment). What is the car? -- Looks a bit Sunbeam but our experts Bruce Dowell says No, and David Hales that it is a British cca 1911 Thornycroft Tourer, probably the 18hp P4. Lots of lorries/busses but only 450 cars ever made 1903-13; a couple survive. If photo taken in 1920 it was already some 10 years old.

 1911 Thornycroft 18HP Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1913 Clement Bayard 12 CV Torpedo
Another request for identification from our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a post requiring naming of vehicle. Three cars in front of Criterion Hotel, Alexandra, Otago, NZ. Left car marked Renault. -- NOT Renault as has Chevalier logo on front of bonnet. Many Renault have opening flap there, sometimes louvered. Also Renaults have two very wide brass stripes along the top of bonnet, not lines. This seems to be equally French, cca 1913 Clement Bayard 12 CV Torpedo. 

1913 Clement Bayard 12 CV Torpedo

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1913 Willys Overland Model 69 Touring
Another request for identification from our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a post requiring naming of vehicle. Three cars in front of Criterion Hotel, Alexandra, Otago, NZ. Middle car unidentified. -- This car is American from s company founded in 1903 in Terre Haute, Indianna, by Claude Cox working for Standard Wheel Company. Moved to Indianapolis 1905 and was purchased by John Willys 1912. This is a cca 1913 Willys Overland Model 69 Touring 25 HP.

1913 Willys Overland Model 69 Touring

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1913 Star 15 Gentleman's Roadster
Another request for identification from our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a post requiring naming of vehicle. Three cars in front of Criterion Hotel, Alexandra, Otago, NZ. Right car unidentified. -- Detailed research suggests this very car was available for sale in Saint Louis USA having crossed the pond in 1984 in a 747 cargo plane by its new owner, a Pan-Am pilot on stop-over. This car is British from Wolverhampton and c1913 Star 15 Gentleman's Roadster.

1913 Star 15 Gentleman's Roadster

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1922 Austin 20'4 Landaulette
Lovely photo received from Robin Bone, Solihull
(UK) asking if we could identify the car. Family lived in Surbiton and the person in the foreground is his great-aunt, Violet Higgs, who was born in 1906. Assumed the car is from the 1920s.-- No registration visible to help dating, but no front brakes, which does. This is Herbert Austins post WW1 one-model policy car, losely based on Hudson 6, made 1919-30 in many body styles. This is cca 1922 Austin 20'4 Open Drive Landaulette.

1922 Austin 20'4 Open-Drive Landaulette

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1927 Brough Superior BS4 Prototype
Another request for identification from our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand). Marked as 'tilly'. --  "Tilly" suggested Beatrice Shilling a racing motorcyclist since 14, famous for inventing carburetor which enabled Spitfires to fly upside-down!! Our Chas Moody identifies the bike on right as an early 1927 Brough Superior BS4 Prototype with
own air cooled V-4 side valve engine and single rear wheel; this preceded the 10 off Austin engined twin rear wheel production bikes.

1927 Brough Superior BS4 Prototype

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1927 Citroen model B14G Saloon
Cinema screen grab taken from a British film " Little Ashes" made in 2008 where cars are being investigated by IMCDB. Based in Spain 1920-30s as
Luis Buñuel watches Salvador Dalí and Federico García Lorca fall in love..  --  French car made in Paris and is the last of the B series cars,  This is a cca 1927 Citroen model B14G Saloon. Four cylinder initially 1539cc later 1628cc 20HP, The all steel bodied started in 1926, the B14F version in 1927 and the B14G 1928. Possibly has  later wheels.

1927 Citroen model B14G Saloon

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1930 Graham Brothers Double-Decker
Another request for identification from our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a post requiring naming of vehicle. Bus in Calcutta, India. --
Advised by our Leyland busses prizewinner Mike Sutcliffe that this is an American cca 1930 Graham Brothers 2 Ton as Double-Decker, possibly made in England, or local. Graham Bros was purchased by Dodge 1925 who had British branch in Kew since 1922. Chrysler purchased Dodge in 1928, merged with Daimler Benz AG 1968. 

1930 Graham Brothers Double-Decker

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: c1934 Rytecraft Scootacar Mk1
Another request for identification from our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a post requiring naming of vehicle. Bus in Calcutta, India. -- Unusual little British vehicle like we had on our first Help Page in 2001. This is a cca 1934 Rytecraft Scootacar. Looks a Mk 1 with no lights and plain rad, made by British Motor Boat Manufacturing Co. Ltd., Kings Cross, London. Villiers 98cc Midget engine with a top speed of 15mph. One of our SVVS Members went round world in one!

c1934 Rytecraft Scootacar Mk1

Another request for identification from regular contributo Bill Stothard (UK) of Cudworth Local History Group asking for identification of car belived 'Pop & Polly's Wedding Limo'. -- No idea who they are but the car as advised by our Rolls Royce author Tom Clarke is a cca 1935 Rolls Royce Phantom II chassis, 7.6L six, no.185TA body Sedanca de Ville by Windovers of London, built for Lord Brownlow. Doesn't survive. Notice the Marchal headlamps. Registration BYH 984 is London CC, mid 1935. 

 1935 Rolls Royce Phantom II Sedanca de Ville

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:  1937 Hotchkiss 686PN Saloon
Cinema screen grab taken from a French film " Le Grand Carneaval"  (The Big Carneval"  made in 1983 where cars are being investigated by IMCDB. Americans in Algeria during the Allied invasion of North Africa in 1942.  Filmed in Tunisia. -- Car is French, made in Saint-Denis, Paris, with badge of crossed cannons signifying being an arms manufacturer, who came into cars in 1903. In WW1 opened factory in England, sold 1923 to Morris Cars. No quaterlight, so c 1937 Hotchkiss 686PN Saloon. 

1937 Hotchkiss 686PN Saloon

Cinema screen grab taken from a British crime adventure film " The Man Inside" made in 1958 where cars are being investigated by IMCDB. Story of a diamond robbery, a spending spree in Spain and other crooks trying to muscle in.
  --  Car made by company founded in Spain in 1940 to develop indigenous car making facility. Bidders were Volkswagen and Fiat.  Fiat won as had earlier 'Fiat Hispania'. Assembled from CKD in new factory in Barcelona, this is a cca 1958 SEAT 1400B Saloon, 1395cc four.

1958 SEAT 1400B Saloon

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:Unknown 1920s Hill Climb Car
A fascinating photo received from Reg Winstone (UK) of Faustroll Books specialising in early 20th century French technology showing
this cyclecar with a distinctive underslung boxed chassis and unusual front suspension. It seems to have been taken at the Poix hillclimb meeting. -- 'Poix' seems to be Poix de Picardie, North France near Amiens with a steep-sided valley, The Poix Mountain Climb was an annual event May or June 1921 to 1927. Wins: Voisin, Panhard, Hispano, and Delages.

Unknown Hill Climb Car
Links to interesting sites:   Click on any hyperlink  to be taken direct to their site.
Fascinating site on all things steam: http://stanleysteamers.com/

Identification of Mystery Motors  - Mystery Cars requiring Identification - Identification of old Motorcars - Identification of old Car Photographs - Photos requiring Identification - 
Oldtimers from times gone by - Mystery Vehicles - Mystery Motorcars -
Identify Classic Cars - Recognize Cars - Recognise Old Cars 
Antique Autos, Classic Cars, Anciennes -  25 - 4,000

© Copyright  Copying & reproduction of photographs on the Help Pages is prohibited © Copyright.

  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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The information contained in these pages has come from many different sources including books, magazines,  advertisements,  sales brochures,  web sites,  manufacturers and  personal contacts. While we have tried to make sure that any information given is as accurate as possible, we cannot take responsibility for any errors or omissions.  If you know of any facts which are incorrect or any subjects or details which can be elaborated on, please contact us. No infringement of copyright is intended anywhere on the site. If such infringement is believed to be occurring, please contact us.

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