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The SVVS Website currently receives approximately 500,000 hits a year and the "HELP PAGE" is internationally the most visited 'page' on the site. We receive numerous e-mails from historians and motoring enthusiasts from all over the world with the request to identify vehicles from old photographs. We can help with identification of Classic cars because most of us are old enough to remember them as new, and owning Vintage photo  or Veteran vehicles, many of us, and/or our associates, are also specialists in own make or type of vehicle  -   These Help Pages are therefore devoted to some of the interesting enquiries received, and information that we have provided.  While page is being built, enquiries are in received order, - when completed,  cars are in year order:

  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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Page160 below relates to enquiries received during 2020Click on picture to enlarge
IDENTIFICATION/DATING:  SVVS HELP PAGES have some 4,000 Enquiries Received & Identified

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1902 Clement Rear Entrance Tonneau
Possibly a posed cinema screen grab sent to us by Peter Blair (USA?) asking if we can help identify this car. Nothing known about the photo except it looks like France.  -- Our Ariejan Bos confirms this is a cca 1902 Clement Rear Entrance Tonneau. The first Clement-Talbots were similar, but Clement Bayard in 1903 started with honeycomb rads. The photo looks like a cinema set; the lighting (shadows) and the odd postures of the people, so perhaps wrong colour French registration?

1902 Clement Rear Entrance Tonneau

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:c1903 Peugeot 240 Motorcycle
Another interesting photo from regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) showing le Patron and Madamme in their Lyon workshop. -- Car is cca 1907 Sizaire & Naudin 8'10HP Voiturette . Our motorcycle guru Chas Moody advises from the Truffault forks that the motorcycle in the centre is a cca 1903 Peugeot 240.  Peugeot started making motorcycles in 1898 using De Dion-Bouton engines, but soon started making Motobicyclette with own engines,
2 & 2.5HP, of similar looks. 

c1903 Peugeot 500 Motorcycle

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1907 Sizaire & Naudin 8'10HP
Another interesting photo from our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) showing le Patron and Madamme in their Lyon workshop. -- Car is cca 1907 Sizaire & Naudin 8'10HP Voiturette manufactured in Curbevoie in Paris. Recognisable from the
independent front suspension of sliding pillars and a transverse leaf spring, very similar to the Decauville.  Powered by a 8'10 HP single cylinder engine. Sizaire Brothers left to form London company 1913/27; Sizaire-Berwick.

1907 Sizaire & Naudin 8'10HP

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:Perhaps 1907 Crawshay-Williams
Another interesting photo from our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a NZ facebook page with no info. Poss photo 1908-10 when car was few years old.-- Rounded bonnet/rad with flat bottom. and distinct name plate. Not one I have in my system so asked Ariejan Bos who hesitantly suggests perhaps Crawshay-Williams who made cars in Ashtead, Surrey, UK, between 1906 and 1908, - but no guarantee! Had Simms engines 14'16 and 20'24, chain drive, so earlier?

Perhaps 1907 Crawshay-Williams

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1907 Lion Peugeot VA Voiturette
Puzzling photo received from Par Sorliden (Sweden) saying he is unsure about the car in this photograph. Perhaps a Cottereau? Maybe you can help with a better identification. The photo comes from Stockholm Stadsmuseum's digital archive. --  The car is relatively unusual and not that easy to identify. Our Ariejan Bos advises it is a  cca 1907 Lion Peugeot VA Voiturette 8 CV as made by 'Sons of Peugeot Brothers'. About a 1000 VA & VC cars were made 1906 to 1908. Re-united in 1910.

1907 Lion Peugeot VA Voiturette

Cinema screen grab taken from a 1998 British film "Stiff Upper Lips" being investigated by IMCDB. Film about aunt vainly tries to force Emily to marry boring Cedric by taking them to Italy and India hoping she will forget handsome George.  -- Another car with a round bonnet and round radiator which it had for one year in its final year. This is a cca 1907 Speedwell 25 HP Tourer made in Knightsbridge, London, having started importing Leon Bollee and Renault.  Ceased 1907, became Brown Bros.

Another interesting photo from our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a facebook post requiring identification. Photo from UK. --  Seems to a have a round bonnet and a round radiator with a wide round section at the top. Not quite possible to see the bottom of the rad. Big car. Was looking at Humber, Maudslay and Pick as possibles but Ariejan Boss has photo of a cca 1908 Enfield 18HP Tourer which has a round equidistant radiator. Price complete 1908 as £367 so not cheap.

1908 Enfield 18HP Tourer

Cinema screen grab taken from a 1970 Spanish film "Pierna creciente, falda menguant"  (Growing Leg, Diminishing Skirt) being investigated by IMCDB. Spanish musical comedy film directed by Javier Aguirre. --  Seems to have a registration number C 76 which was questioned as to original? We have a faded old photo in our archives of car dated 1908 while in some sort of competition having the same registration, in what could be Sendon, NW Spain. So the this is a cca 1908 Mors 30HP Tourer.

1908 Mors 30HP Tourer

Another interesting photo found on facebook, this by Karen Starr Venturini asking for identification.   -- Very lovely looking car with very low round bonnet and radiator,  like the Delaunay-Bellville. but looked British. Confirmed by our Ariejan Bos that this is a cca 1910 Sheffield Simplex 45HP Landaulette. It was made in Sheffield as follow-on to Brotherhood-Crocker and designed by man from Daimler. Made armoured cars for Russia in WW1.  Built Ner-a-car motorcycle to 1927.

1910 Sheffield Simplex 45HP Landaulette

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1911 Clement Bayard AC6 Torpedo
Two photos from Craig Encer (Turkey), General Secretary, Levantine Heritage Foundation, a genealogical website (covering the former Ottoman empire), asking if we can help to identify a car in two photos in the section "Boudja Life" (nearby Izmir Turkey) --  Lovely photos of a French car made in Mezieres in the Ardennes by one of Adolphe Clement-Bayard many companies, This is a cca 1911 Clement Bayard Torpedo,  from the older body/bonnet,  probably the six cylinder AC6.

1911 Clement Bayard AC6 Torpedo

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1911 Belsize 14'16 Landaulette
Another interesting photo from our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a facebook post by "Old Essex Kent and London" captioned 'East End wedding'. Suggested Napier and Belsize ?-- Napier did make Taxis during this period but this is not one. Registration seems blanked out, but from radiator, wheels, dumbirons etc, and as medium sided car, this is a cca 1911 Belsize Landaulette, probably the 14'16 four cyl, and from a round 'taxameter' beside the driver is obviously a Taxi. 

1911 Belsize 14'16 Landaulette

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1912 Spyker 12HP Landaulette
Cinema screen grab taken from a 1917 Dutch film "Het geheim van Delft"  (The Secret of Delft) being investigated by IMCDB. Film is about the search for the lost recipe for shiny Delft pottery.  -- Round bonnet and rad, early Dutch film, so Ariejan Bos says not surprising it is a cca 1912 Spyker Landaulette, probably 12 or 16HP. Earlier Spykers had 14 spokes back and front and had radiator side panels with pronounced high louvers. Seems about 1911 with 10/14 spokes & older style body.

1912 Spyker 18HP Landaulette

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1912 Mors 12'15 Landaulette
Cinema screen grab taken from a 1917 Dutch film "Het geheim van Delft"  (The Secret of Delft) being investigated by IMCDB. Film is about the search for the lost recipe for shiny Delft pottery.  --  In this scenegrab the unidentified car was chasing the Spyker and crashes into it. The bonnet has the distinct central bulge of a Mors and also seems to have a curved scuttle which comes to a vertical end, and has a pramiron on rear  roof, which suggests this is a cca 1912 Mors 12'15 Landaulette.

1912 Mors 12'15 Landaulette

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1913 Argyll 15HP Landaulette
Cinema screen grab taken from a 1917 Dutch film "Het geheim van Delft"  (The Secret of Delft) being investigated by IMCDB. Film is about the search for the lost recipe for shiny Delft pottery.  --  Dutch film, so quite surprising to find a Scottish car featured in it. Obviously a pre WW1 car, This is a cca 1913 Argyll 15HP Landaulette. Began as Hozier in 1899 in Glasgow, by 1905 renamed Argyll Motors became biggest car maker in Scotland. Moved, went broke 1907, reformed went on to 1932.

1913 Argyll 15HP Landaulette

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1917 Clyno 744 Twin Motorcycle
Alun Pugh, Leeds,
(UK) where we advised on HP 148 centre bike was cca 1927 Triumph Model W Motorcycle, but not sure on the others. --  Subsequently received email from Leon Mitchell of Adelaide, South Australia, that the bike on the left is probably WW1 cca 1917 Clyno 744 Twin of the type usually seen with a Vickers machine gun on the sidecar with ammunition, and cooling water and spares for the gun. Two other companion bikes would carry extra ammo and act as a spare carrier.

1917 Clyno 744 Twin

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1921 Turcat Mery 15'25 Tourers
Another interesting photo from regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a facebook post requiring identification. Turcat-Mery or Lorraine-Dietrich. --  Took a bit of investigation but this sees a photo taken at the 1921 Corsica Grand Prix which was a 148km three sided course to be covered three times making 442 km total. Photo shows the Turcat-Mery GP Team. Turcat-Mery from Marseilles had won the inaugural Monte Carlo Rally in 1909.  Ceased car manufacture in 1928.

1921 Turcat Mery 15'25 Tourers

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1923 Royal Enfield 350 SV Motorcycle
Alun Pugh, Leeds,
(UK) where we advised on HP 148 centre bike was cca 1927 Triumph Model W Motorcycle, but not sure on the others.   Middle is UA 161 and the right one has a reg plate WT 3618.  --    UA 161 is Leeds CBC registration late 1927 and WT 3618  is West Riding of Yorkshire County Council registration late c1923. Subsequently received email from Leon Mitchell of Adelaide, South Australia, that The bike on the right is less clear, but probably a 1923 Royal Enfield 350 side valve.

1927 Triumph Model W Motorcycle

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1923 Citroen Model C 5HP Torpedo
Another interesting photo on facebook from Jules Queva identified as a 1922 Citroen Type A 10HP.  -- Our Michel Gosset is owner of a car very similar to the one on the photo, advised this is not a 1922 Citroen Model A but is a cca 1923 Citroen Model C 5HP Torpedo. The colour being dark is red or havanne, not yellow, so is late 1923. This one is Torpedo C2 because the spare wheel is mounted showing the inside of the wheel. This also seems to be fitted with later wired tyres, not the beaded edge.

1923 Citroen Model C 5HP Torpedo

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:Probably c1923 Gnome & Rhone 500cc
Another puzzling photo from Georges Truffaut (Belgium) trying to identify this motorcycle combination. Photo taken in France.  --  Our Michel Gosset says not French numberplate. Single cylinder four stroke, no front brake which is unusual. Our motorcycle guru Chas Moody delved deep into lots of books and suggests possibly a cca 1923 Gnome & Rhone 500cc. French company famous for rotary aircraft engines in the First War. SNECMA 1945. Made motorcycles from 1919 until 1959.

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1932 Triumph Model X Motorcycle
Another very puzzling photo sent to us by Ravindra Naruka (India) "You helped in the past. This time found frame with some engine parts, rest missing; which we advised on HP126 as 'unknown possibly continental'?  --  Difficult photo. Subsequently received email from Leon Mitchell of Adelaide, South Australia, that the bike is not "continental", but very British. One of the Triumph two strokes, probably the 174cc Model X from 1930s but fitted with a rear carrier from small 1920s BSA .

1932 Triumph Model X Motorcycle

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1935 Austin 12'4 LL Landaulette Taxi
Partially hand coloured photo received from Poppy Rowe (UK) asking for help to identify this car taken around 1950. She believed it to be a 1930s London taxicab, possibly a 1937 Austin LL, however no longer sure. --  Not so far off. Registration is London County Council of October 1935, and it is indeed a cca 1935 Austin 12'4 'Low Loader' Vincent Landaulette Taxi, which has been subsequently 'privatised' with the addition of the front passenger door,  and a home modified windscreen.

1935 Austin 12'4 LL Landaulette Taxi

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:Probably c1936 Hotchkiss Sports
Couple very puzzling but interesting photos found on a facebook  page requesting identification, found while researching other items. URL since lost.   -- The numberplate looks Romanian and 'B' would be the capital, Bucharest. The body seems a very nice coachworked competition model probably locally built for the Monte Carlo Rally. The radiator and the badge on back suggest this is a French car, a cca 1936 Hotckhiss Sports, possibly 686. Hotckiss won the MonteCarlo six times.

Probably c1936 Hotchkiss Sports

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:c1939 Latil M7 T1 4x4 Light Tractor
Another interesting photo sent to us by Andrew Kostin from Moscow (Russia) who is a collector of old photos. Can we identify this trophy (?) vehicle taken by German photographer in WW2 in Wehrmacht service. German driver/officer (L), South American military attaches. -- We tought Stoewer but advised by Georges Truffaut that it is a cca 1939 Latil M7 T1 4x4 Light Tractor. 70 were  made in France for towing 2.5cm AT gun. Not known if more made for the Wehrmacht after capitulation.

c1939 Latil M7 T1 4x4 Light Tractor

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1954 Trojan Mini-Motor Bicycle
Cinema screen grab taken from a 1954 British comedy film "To Dorothy a Son"  being investigated by IMCDB. In order to receive a large inheritance, an American woman travels to Britain to prevent her ex-husband having any more children. --  Registration number PRO 529 is Herford CC 1954. The machine is a standard bicycle which has a power assisted engine above the rear wheel rather than in the wheel so is a cca 1954 Trojan Mini-Motor Powered Bicycle.  Car is 1952 Hillman Minx.

Another puzzling photo from our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from facebook page asking for info. -- Nobody seems to have been able to crack this one. LC is London CC 1905. The bonnet looks very crude and home made, out of keeping with rest of car which seems very professional. Suggested as a possible Phoenix, but our thoughts from side mounted rather than tower rad that this could be a prototype or update of a Riley or Singer type Quadricycle. Any HELP appreciated!

UNKNOWN c1905 Cyclecar
Links to interesting sites:   Click on any hyperlink  to be taken direct to their site.
Fascinating site on all things steam: http://stanleysteamers.com/

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The information contained in these pages has come from many different sources including books, magazines,  advertisements,  sales brochures,  web sites,  manufacturers and  personal contacts. While we have tried to make sure that any information given is as accurate as possible, we cannot take responsibility for any errors or omissions.  If you know of any facts which are incorrect or any subjects or details which can be elaborated on, please contact us. No infringement of copyright is intended anywhere on the site. If such infringement is believed to be occurring, please contact us.

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