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The SVVS Website currently receives approximately 500,000 hits a year and the "HELP PAGE" is internationally the most visited 'page' on the site. We receive numerous e-mails from historians and motoring enthusiasts from all over the world with the request to identify vehicles from old photographs. We can help with identification of Classic cars because most of us are old enough to remember them as new, and owning Vintage photo  or Veteran vehicles, many of us, and/or our associates, are also specialists in own make or type of vehicle  -   These Help Pages are therefore devoted to some of the interesting enquiries received, and information that we have provided.  While page is being built, enquiries are in received order, - when completed,  cars are in year order:

  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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Page165 below relates to enquiries received during 2020Click on picture to enlarge
IDENTIFICATION/DATING:  SVVS HELP PAGES have some 4,000 Enquiries Received & Identified

DENTIFICATION AND DATING:1904 Daimler Rear Entrance Tonneau
A bunch of lovely photos received from Allan Winn
(UK) originating from the Duncan Ferguson family and taken in Northumberland, near the Scottish border. -- Registrations appears to be A 7683 which is a London CC issue of 1904, which would make it a 'veteran' car. It has chain drive, no roof and is a medium size car with a fluted radiator. This is a cca 1904 Daimler Rear Entrance Tonneau, a 16'20 or a 18'22HP. Daimler made cars for British Royalty to 1950, then won by Rolls Royce.

1904 Daimler Rear Entrance Tonneau

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:  1906 Belsize 30 or 40HP Tourer
Very puzzling photo received from Autohistorian
Mohammad Luqman, from Dubai (UAE) which is notated 'HH Maharajah Saheb in his 24HP Napier'. -- Indian internet has numerous views of photo. Complex man Sir Ranjitsinhji Vibhaji Jadeja, Maharaja Jam Saheb. Inherited throne resulting from family feuds. Part educated UK, became first class UK test cricketer. Various trips to/from India pursuing throne, eventually invested 1907. NOT a Napier. This is a c1906 Belsize 30 or 40HP Tourer.

1906 Belsize Side Entrance Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:  1906 Wolseley Siddeley 32HP Tourer
A bunch of lovely photos received from Allan Winn
(UK) originating from the Duncan Ferguson family and taken in Northumberland, near Scottish border. -- Registrations X were Nortumberland CC 1904-1921 but all details have been lost. Car has chain drive and high badge so early. Two of our experts agree this is a cca 1906 Wolseley Siddeley Tourer, probably the 32HP, four cylinder, 7095cc. Herbert Austin left Wolseley 1905 replaced by JD Siddeley, added own name, kept to 1911.

1906 Wolseley Siddeley 32HP Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1906 Maudsley Double Decker
Surfing through the internet in attempting to identify old vehicles we often come across photographs or postcards of very interesting ancient machinery which has not yet been identified. -- Not sure of origin of photo but the bus is relatively unusual with that type of roundish radiator. Took quite some investigation to determine that it is a British cca 1906 Maudsley Double Decker. Maudsley made fine expensive cars with circular radiators,  3, 5 and 6 ton lorries in WW1. Merged AEC1948.

1906 Maudsley Double Decker

A bunch of lovely photos received from Allan Winn
(UK) originating from the Duncan Ferguson family and taken in Northumberland, near the Scottish border. -- Car in the middle, very hard to distinguish as it is so small, but has the rather unique Daimler horn trumpet between the two headlights, No registration to help with dating. Rather small radiator high up, fins on the top not on sides, medium model, so is probably a cca 1908 Daimler Tourer, possibly 30 5HP, probably poppet.

1908 Daimler Tourer

Photo posted by Clare Bevan (UK) on facebook and shared on the 'Old photos of people with their rides Pre-1980s'. The subjects are Dr John Parkinson and his wife Mary of High St Saffron Walden. The building in background has subsequently been demolished to make way for a post Office Sorting Office. What is the car? --  The car is English and has a 'diamondish' shape radiator  rather than rectangular. with a shortish bonnet  so is probably a cca 1908 Humber 12 HP Tourer, rather than 15.

1908 Humber 12 HP Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1909 Armstrong-Whitworth Tourer
A bunch of lovely photos received from Allan Winn
(UK) originating from the Duncan Ferguson family and taken in Northumberland, near the Scottish border. -- Car on right; registrations X were Nortumberland CC, but all details have been lost. Our Ariejan Bos advises this is a cca 1909 Armstrong-Whitworth Tourer. Looks a medium sized model so probably an 18'22 of which a 'plaque' enquiry is below. Low reg number of c1905, so this could be an early 'cherished plate' from an earlier car. 

1909 Armstrong-Whitworth Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:  1910 Armstrong Whitworth 18'22
Photo of an interesting plaque sent to us by J
ohn Barrick (UK) owned by grandfather who never owned a car at at time when wass  'Foreman of Works' at a Manchester council. Can we provide more info.  -- Regret we have no access to chassis records for Armstrong Whitworth who made quality large chauffeured cars. The 18'22 introduced 1909 was a smaller 3400cc. Photo of a 1910 18'22 Landaulette shows similar model, chassis 227.  Also  HP120.  1914 became Siddeley Deasy >Armstrong Siddeley. 

1910 Armstrong Whitworth 18'22

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1910 Lozier Briarcliff Roadster
Puzzling photo posted on the AACA website by Ray Garcia (USA) saying this picture was taken during the summer of 1912. Car was advised as a cca 1910 Lozier Briarcliff Roadster but what is the bulge below rad?-- Bulbous round front but a small central lable advises this is a Ever Ready Automatic Starter, self re-winding after start heavy-duty spring, released by a pedal.  which came in three sizes. Marketed by Auto Improvements, New York. Volkmar is similar with larger flat front.

1910 Lozier Briarcliff Roadster

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:  1912 Vermorel 12'14 Two-Seater
Another photo from our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a post requiring naming of vehicle. Photo of Canterbury Aviation Company Chief Flying Instructor, Cecil Hill at Sockburn Aerodrome c1917."  Note the cat. Darracq? -- Big V missing from rad script. Car is French, from near Lyon by 1843 farm equipment maker who employed Pilain to develop cars 1899. This is probably the earlier cca 1912 Vermorel 12'14 Two-Seater, replaced in 1913 by the 12'16 HP.

1912 Vermorel 12'14 Two-Seater

Surfing through the internet in attempting to identify old vehicles we often come across photographs or postcards of very interesting ancient machinery which has not yet been identified. -- Damaged photo we have repaired of a American made car from Cleveland, Ohio built by a Scottish immigrant who had made one of USA's first cars in 1897, Alexander Winton. This is a cca 1913 Winton Six Roadster.  Became GM and developed two-stroke diesel engines and engine for railway locos.

1913 Winton Six Roadster

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:c1914 Benz 8'20 Runabout Special
Another request for identification of a vehicles received from our regular contributor João Ferreira (Portugal).  Photo taken in Lisbon, near Ribeira market, byTagus. -- Not seen this before; looks c1914 Benz
Spitzenkühler radiator, Benz pattern 4 cylinder, but also scuttle/fillecap and reversed gills of c1923 Renault. Our Ariejan Bos doubts Renault connection and thinks cca 1914 Benz 8'20 Runabout with some cooling invention with a shaft/chain drive from the back to second fan/pump? cca 1914 Benz 8'20 Runabout with some cooling invention with a shaft/chain drive from the back to second fan/pump?

c1914 Benz 8'20 Runabout Special

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1914 Studebaker Series 14 Touring
Interesting email from Par Sorliden (Sweden) saying he thinks the car we have identified as a REO on Page 43 is in fact a Studebaker.  -- 
Original photo  has a REO 'hooded' radiator top, body, scuttle, skirt, doors, dumburons, screen and angle of door top to windscreen, etc. I have, however, spotted an item that makes him right that original photo is cca 1914 Studebaker Series 14, is that there is a petrol filler on the scuttle which neither Reos nor other Studes had. Also it is RH Drive!

1914 Studebaker Series 14 Touring

Lovely photo received from David Garton (UK) asking for identification of car driven by Walter "Jack" Brayley whose family were originally Barnstaple Cabmen in the days of the horse drawn cab. Jack continued the family tradition when motor cars took over in and around Lapford Devon. -- Transverse front and rear springs, curved rather than squared bonnet, electric lights, two man top, this is an American car from Detroit, some assembled in UK, a cca 1916+ Model T Ford Touring.

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:  1919 Fiat Model 501 Torpedo
Cinema screen grab taken from a French film " Le Grand Carneaval"  (The Big Carneval"  made in 1983 where cars are being investigated by IMCDB. Americans in Algeria during the Allied invasion of North Africa in 1942.  Filmed in Tunisia. -- Car is Italian, made in Turin by Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino, which has been making cars since 1900. This model is from the vintage period. Slightly curved mudguards, heavy windscreen frame,  no front brakes so  c 1919 Fiat Model 501 Torpedo.

1919 Fiat Model 501 Torpedo.

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:  1927 Riley 11.9 Four Door Coach
Another request for identification from regular contributo Bill Stothard (UK) of Cudworth Local History Group asking for identification of 'car in the office yard'. -- Rather recognisable radiator top even though the badge is not showing. Quite a well known British make but a relatively unusual model. This car was built by 1890 Coventry cycle manufacturer who turned to cars 1907. This is a cca 1927 Riley 11.9 Four Door Coach which has a 1645cc 4 cylinder  sidevalve engine and four wheel brakes.

1927 Riley 11.9 Four Door Coach

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:  1928 Hupmobile Touring
Lovely photo received from David Puckridge (UK) asking for ID of car used as 
Bridesmaids transportation, in Madras, India 1933. Poor photo and theories as to make. Lagonda Club said to contact us. -- Distorted photo but our Mark Dawber believes it an American car from Detroit, a cca 1928 Hupmobile Touring,  Not certain of model. Looks bigger than the Six, could be a Century Eight which has a 120" wheelbase and there was also the bigger 8 on 125" wheelbase. Hubs were different in 1929.

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:c1928 Chevrolet 1 Ton truck
Another request for identification from regular contributo Bill Stothard (UK) of Cudworth Local History Group asking for identification of 'Lorry on Princess Street'. -- Much of this vehicle is obscured and picture was very grainy, but possible to make out the badge which is American. This is a
truck made by General Motors and could have been assembled in a number of places in US and overseas From the shape of the mudguards and overall proportions it is probably a cca 1928 Chevrolet 1 Ton Truck.

c1928 Chevrolet 1 Ton truck

Another request for identification from regular contributo Bill Stothard (UK) of Cudworth Local History Group asking for identification. This could be vehicle Reg No. KY 2419. -- Indeed this would seem to be a very similar, or same, car to the cca 1932 Humber 16'50 Saloon with the uniformed man. The boy's car is cca 1931 Lines Bros Pedal car.
Lines Bros of Merton London claimed to be the largest toy maker in the world, made Tri-Ang Toys, Pedigree Prams, Meccano etc.  Lines closed 1971.

1931 Tri-Ang Pedal Car

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:  1931 Tri-Ang Sports Pedal Car
Another request for identification from regular contributor Bill Stothard (UK) of Cudworth Local History Group asking for identification. can we identify and date this pedal car?  -- Shown in the 1939/40 Tri-ang catalogue. 
Lines Bros of Merton London who claimed to be the largest toy maker in the world, made Tri-Ang Toys, Pedigree Prams, Meccano etc.  Lines closed 1971. This shape was made in three versions Deluxe & Special with wire wheels and c1940 Tri-ang Sports with solid wheels.

 1931 Tri-Ang Sports Pedal Car

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:  1932 Humber 16'50 Saloon
Another request for identification from regular contributo Bill Stothard (UK) of Cudworth Local History Group asking for identification of 'car in office yard'. -- Military gentleman posing with car and lady. Registration is Bradford CBC 1932. Picture must have been taken after January 1940 as this is when the
three sloth headlamp  mask became compulsory, normally on the offside headlight. Blackout 'dimout' came with the V bombs in December 1944. This car is a cca 1932 Humber 16'50 Saloon.

1932 Humber 16'50 Saloon

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:  1932 Bedford WS 1.5 Ton Dropside
Another request for identification from regular contributo Bill Stothard (UK) of Cudworth Local History Group asking if this lorry is the same as the one below snapped in different location.. -- Regret No. This vehicle is of an American origin being a General Motors product originally marketed in UK as a 'Chevrolet Bedford', as made in Luton, Bedfordshire, by Vauxhall Motors. Light lorry so probably a cca 1932 Bedford WS 1.5 Ton Dropside Lorry. Registration is Bradford CBC 1932.

 1932 Bedford WS 1.5 Ton Dropside

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:  1932 Commer Raider 1.5-ton Chassis
Another request for identification from regular contributo Bill Stothard (UK) of Cudworth Local History Group asking if this lorry is the same as the one above photoed in different location.. -- Regret No. This vehicle is British, also made in Luton, but by company started in 1907 as Commercial Cars. Liquidated 1923, bought by Humber, renamed Commer Cars, Rootes 1932, Chrysler 1973, now Peugeo. This was a demonstrator cca 1932 Commer Raider 1.5-ton chassis with 22.6hp six.

1932 Commer Raider 1.5-ton Chassis

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:Possibly c1940 Leeway Triumph
Another request for identification from regular contributor Bill Stothard (UK) of Cudworth Local History Group asking for identification. can we identify and date this pedal car?  -- 
While we are definitely not toy cars specialists, this does not seem a Tri-ang because the wheels have circular holes in them, but could be from Patterson Edwards of London Peckham who made a range of pedal cars at same period in the Leeway range, possibly the c1940 Leeway Triumph. Company wound up in 1981.

Possibly c1940 Leeway Triumph Pedaj car

ery Puzzling period picture posted by Olof Cederberg (Sweden)
member of Automobilhistoriska Klubben in Sweden asking for help in identification of photo of car taken summer 1919  in Flen, 100 km from Stockholm. Car belonged to grandfather Karl Pettersson, or he had it for sale through his business. Olof's mother is 2 years old and is the first child behind the front seats. This is the only photo they have of this car.   -- Our experts after a number of weeks have not been able to come up with a positive identification. Any HELP would be appreciated ! 

Unknown Tourer
Links to interesting sites:   Click on any hyperlink  to be taken direct to their site.
Fascinating site on all things steam: http://stanleysteamers.com/

Identification of Mystery Motors  - Mystery Cars requiring Identification - Identification of old Motorcars - Identification of old Car Photographs - Photos requiring Identification - 
Oldtimers from times gone by - Mystery Vehicles - Mystery Motorcars -
Identify Classic Cars - Recognize Cars - Recognise Old Cars 
Antique Autos, Classic Cars, Anciennes -  25 - 4,000

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  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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The information contained in these pages has come from many different sources including books, magazines,  advertisements,  sales brochures,  web sites,  manufacturers and  personal contacts. While we have tried to make sure that any information given is as accurate as possible, we cannot take responsibility for any errors or omissions.  If you know of any facts which are incorrect or any subjects or details which can be elaborated on, please contact us. No infringement of copyright is intended anywhere on the site. If such infringement is believed to be occurring, please contact us.

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