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The SVVS Website currently receives approximately 500,000 hits a year and the "HELP PAGE" is internationally the most visited 'page' on the site. We receive numerous e-mails from historians and motoring enthusiasts from all over the world with the request to identify vehicles from old photographs. We can help with identification of Classic cars because most of us are old enough to remember them as new, and owning Vintage photo  or Veteran vehicles, many of us, and/or our associates, are also specialists in own make or type of vehicle  -   These Help Pages are therefore devoted to some of the interesting enquiries received, and information that we have provided.  While page is being built, enquiries are in received order, - when completed,  cars are in year order:

  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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Page 194 Below relates to enquiries received during 2023Click on picture to enlarge
IDENTIFICATION/DATING:  SVVS HELP PAGES have some 4,450 Enquiries Received & Identified

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1900 Daimler Charette Anglaise
Another puzzling photo received from our Member, actor and auto historian Nicholas Young (UK) of the door-stopper encyclopedia 'Car Number Classics' detailing histories of original cars/owners of the first registrations issued in UK in early 1904. -- Our Ariejan Bos confirms a British cca 1900 Daimler Charette Anglaise. The rad was probably added. Daimler features are shape of the protection plate at the front with the large centre hole for the crank handle, and also the chain case.

1900 Daimler Charette Anglaise

Another puzzling photo received from our Member, actor and auto historian Nicholas Young (UK) of the door-stopper encyclopedia 'Car Number Classics' detailing histories of original cars/owners of the first registrations issued in UK in early 1904.-- Photo from his "IZ" series of registration numberplates indicating the County Mayo in Southern Ireland. This is a cca 1903 Daimler 12HP Tonneau belonging to Viscount Guillamore of Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin, Ireland. READ MORE HISTORY

1903 Daimler 12HP Tonneau

Another puzzling photo received from our Member, actor and auto historian Nicholas Young (UK) of the door-stopper encyclopedia 'Car Number Classics' detailing histories of original cars/owners of the first registrations issued in UK in early 1904. --Early sporting machine which our Ariejan Bos spotted was a cca 1904 18HP Wolseley Tonneau registered Mayo CC, Ireland, driven by Sir Hickman B Bacon, Baronet, and a relative of the Elizabethan  Francis Bacon. READ MORE HISTORY.

1904 18HP Wolseley Tonneau

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1904 Opel Systeme Darracq
Very interesting photo found while saearching other cars on a forum of old car photos dealing with car histories. Photo date is 1910 and the script obviously says Opel, but the radiator has a central hump and is not of a pattern I have seen before. It also has an external Distributor by starting handle, a Darracq practice. -- Our Ariejan Bos confirms unusual radiator but car is cca 1904 Opel Systeme Darracq built while had Darracq licence. Car has a later 1910 body. READ MORE HISTORY. 

1904 Opel Systeme Darracq Tonneay

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:   1904 De Dion Bouton Type S Omnibus
Another puzzling photo received from our Member, actor and auto historian Nicholas Young (UK) of the door-stopper encyclopedia 'Car Number Classics' detailing histories of original cars/owners of the first registrations issued in UK in early 1904. -- Confirmed by Michael Edwards od DDB UK that this one is a cca 1904 De Dion Bouton Type S, with a twin cylinder 727cc engine. In the catalogue body is defined as an 'omnibus', which is not really apt given only two passenger seats.

1904 De Dion Bouton Type S Omnibus

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1904 Brouhot Rear Entrance Tonneau
Another puzzling photo received from our Member, actor and auto historian Nicholas Young (UK) of the door-stopper encyclopedia 'Car Number Classics' detailing histories of original cars/owners of the first registrations issued in UK in early 1904.-- Title in the Peerage of England, 25th Baron de Clifford, lived at Cowfold in Sussex,  owned French Brouhot cars and died at age 26 in a car accident in 1909 in 1904 Brouhot Tonneau. Married actress Eva Carrington.  SEE MORE HISTORY

1904 Brouhot Rear Entrance Tonneau

Another puzzling photo received from our Member, actor and auto historian Nicholas Young (UK) of the door-stopper encyclopedia 'Car Number Classics' detailing histories of original cars/owners of the first registrations issued in UK in early 1904.-- This is a cca 1908 Talbot 12 HP Side Tonneau owned by Henry Moutray Ernest Anketell-Jones, JP, 'Landed Proprietor, who lived at Burrishoole Lodge, Corraunboy, county Mayo, - being on the west coast of Ireland.   ,m  READ MORE HISTORY

1908 Talbot 12 HP Tonneau

Couple of interesting photos received from Alex Richards (Australia), a Rover aficionado, who would like advice on this car. Photo RC273 seems like a Talbot or a Standard with typical two-seater body and open rear cargo deck. The radiator shell of the car in picture has a shoulder on it which suggested a Standard as Rover cars had flat-topped bonnets. -- Our Ariejan Bos confirms a British cca 1907/8 Talbot Runabout, obably the 12HP. pointer is the auxiliary rod at front of the steering column.

1908 Talbot 12HP Runabout

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1908 Royal Tourist G3 Touring
Our Publicity Officer Tony Russell (UK) seems to be on the lookout for photos of unusual cars, and wondered if we knew what this one was? - The exotic foliage and trees confused investigation, assuming British colonial location and European car. Turns out location is a pebble beach on the '17-mile Drive' near Monteray, California, where they now hold an annual Concours d'Elegance, and where this American built cca 1908 Royal Tourist G3 Touring from Cleveland Ohio could well have swept the board later, being one of USA's premier luxury brands of that time.

1908 Royal Tourist G3 Touring

Couple of interesting photos received from Alex Richards (Australia), a Rover aficionado, who would like advice on this car. Photo of car KH2 suggests something like a Napier perhaps ? Difficult to make out as part of a larger photo so zoomed-in and cropped; is definitely not a Rover ! -- Our Ariejan Bos thinks this to be a French car and probably a Darracq of around 1910, possibly the 10HP. Difficult but pointers are rad filler assembly and bonnet shape, louvre pattern and mudguards.

1910 Darracq 10HP Runabout

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1910 Rochet Schneider Limousine
Another interesting puzzling photo from a forum of car photos asking for information on the make of vehicle not yet identified. Origin of photo apparently Belgium. -- The photo is slightly damaged and also slightly blurry, amd therefore identification is slightly more difficult. The radiator top appears to have a raised tank like Peugeot but with sloping sides, and trace of a roundel on the rad matrix. We think this is a cca 1910 Rochet Schneider Open Drive Limousine, probably the 12 HP.

1910 Rochet Schneider Limousine

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1914 Charron Charronnette Two-seater
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos and asking for information on the make of vehicle from Holland. -- Small car, rear radiator and coalscuttle bonnet, which does not look original and advised by our Ariejan Bos he thinks this is a French cca 1914 Charron Charronnette but fitted with a modern bonnet in the style of the mid-twenties Renault; perhaps modernisation or a necessity after an accident? Rest of the car fits a 1914 Charron.

914 Charron Charronnette Two-seater

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1914 Vauxhall 30'98 Racer
Our Publicity Officer Tony Russell (UK) seems to be on the lookout for photos of unusual cars, and wondered if we knew what this one was? --  On on the side of the car in Cyrillic (Russian alphabet which I can read due my Yugoslav background where were bi-alphabetical), written in phonetics is 'Vokshol' which presumably would be Vauhall. Ariejan Bos Advises this is a cca 1914 Vauxhall 30'98 Racer, second in the only ever Russian Grand Prix, St Petersberg, May 1914.  READ MORE HISTORY.

1914 Vauxhall 30'98 Racer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1914 Rolls Royce 40'50 Ferguson
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos and asking for information. Obviously a Rolls Royce 40'50 but no mentions of Ferguson company in his lists. Too early to be American. -- We contacted our Rolls Royce Historian Tom Clark who advised this is a cca 1914 Rolls Royce Silver Ghost Tourer chassis 12BD built for HP Shiel of Dublin and bodied by Joe Ferguson, Belfast, brother of Harry Ferguson-the-tractor! READ MORE HISTORY. 

1914 Rolls Royce 40'50 Silver Ghost Ferguson Tourer

Very interesting photo found on a forum of old car photos where the identity of the vehicle had not yet been determined. The photo is headed "1915 Topanga Canyon". --Topanga Canyon is a pass in the Santa Monica Mountains which exits onto the Pacific coast road between Malibu and Los Angeles, California. From the transverse suspension and the stepped scuttle, the the car is a cca 1915 Ford Model T Runabout, but why cowled headlights??  READ MORE HISTORY.

1915 Ford Model T Runabout

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1916 Aries 15CV 5.4 Torpedo
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos and asking for information on the make of vehicle. Not clear enough to read the badge. -- But fortunately the shape of the badge and the shape of the radiator is familiar enough to look in the right place. This is a military version of a French cca 1916 Aries 15CV 5.4 Torpedo. Most Aries  cars and lorries during WW1 were made for the French Military. Built in the North West suburbs of Paris.

1916 Aries 15CV 5.4 Torpedo

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1923 White 15 Seat Charabanc
Another puzzling photo received from Anthony Sparling connected with Ceylon researching his family tree. -- The vehicle is a Charabanc and has distinctive White petrol (not steam) radiator. We have photo of same without people as White Smith Charabanc. Research advises photo is from Sidney Australia of a luxury cca 1923 White 15 Seat Charabanc, bodied by Smith & Waddington made for NL Day of Coogee, (both Sydney), on the Jenolan Caves and the Royal National Park tourist runs.

1923 White 15 Seat Charabanc

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1924 Galloway 10'20 Tourer
Email received from SVVS Member Roger Armstrong (UK) advising car on HP 151 shown as Cluley 11.9 HP is incorrect. Only two Cluley cars left for Australia, a 10.5 model and a 14/30 model. No Cluley ever had a script identification across the radiator, and the script badge reads Galloway and not Cluley. -- In our defence, the car make logos look very  similar and when blurry are easy to confuse. See Photo of Cluley badge. Agree, cca 1924 Galloway 10'20 Tourer. SEE MORE HISTORY.

1924 Galloway 10'20 Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1925 Chenard & Walcker Cabriolet
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos and asking for information on the make of vehicle. Chenard & Walcker? and if so, model/year? -- Indeed Chenard & Walcker from the dimples in the radiator sides. It seems a relatively small car, a Cabriolet 2/3 Places. C&W cars had a relatively complex range just after WW1. This seems an unusual cca 1925 Chenard & Walcker Cabriolet 2/3 Places built on a 10CV Chassis, advertised 1925.

1925 Chenard & Walcker Cabriolet 2/3 Places

Another interesting photo received from Jorge Tardeno (Madeira) of a car he had found while surfing the web and wondered if we knew what it was. -- Most likely a cca 1927 Fiat 520 Saloon, but it is the lady who is interesting. She is Sofia Jablonska, Ukraine's first internationally known travel writer, film-maker and journalist of many books and articles, who made her name on first solo trip to wilds of Morocco in 1927, travelled the world, living in China for 15 years before retiring in France.

1927 Fiat 520 Saloon

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1929 Austin Heavy Four Tourer
Couple of interesting photos received from Paul Melhuish (UK) who has been scanning some old photos and negatives that belonged to his parents which were taken in the 1930s. This car looks like it might have been borrowed to take my mother's parents out for a trip somewhere. Amazingly my grandparents would have been in their 50s at that time.  -- Suicide rear door, wheels/nuts, no louvres, weather screens etc all seem have the appearances of a cca 1929 Austin Heavy Four Tourer.

1929 Austin Heavy Four Tourer

Couple of interesting photos received from Paul Melhuish (UK) who has been scanning some old photos and negatives that belonged to his parents which were taken in the 1930s.Clearly an Austin Seven, whythe dart on the radiator? -- Our Austin Seven racer expert John Caddy dug through his books and advised this was a Middlesex registered cca 1932 Austin Seven AEW Dart Special built by small coachbuilding company AE Wright in London; quite hot, made 24, six survive. Dart was the logo.

1932 Austin Seven AEW Special

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1938 Armstrong Siddeley 14 HP
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum asking for information on the make of both vehicles, known photo of Imperial Aircraft with, reportedly, a Rolls Royce car. -- The aircraft is 1938 G-ADSR, the very first 'Ensign Class' 42-seater four-engined airliner, then the biggest in Europe and fitted with four Armstrong Siddeley 800 HP 14-cylinder Tiger radial engines. The car is a cca 1938 Armstrong Siddeley 14 HP Saloon.  READ MORE HISTORY. 

1938 Armstrong Siddeley 14 HP Saloon

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1938 Mercedes Benz1938 170H Cabrio
Another interesting photo received from Jorge Tardeno (Madeira) of a car he had found while surfing the web and wondered if we knew what it was. -- If it looks like VW, if it drives like a VW, if it quacks like VW, it has to be a Mercedes Benz cca 1938 170 H Cabriolet made during the period of Hitler's experimentation with the 'Peoples Car' 1934-36, and was one of the originals. Other contenders were Adler, Steyr and Hanomag. Design winner was Ferdinand Porsche, but built after WW2.

1938 Mercedes Benz1938 170H Cabriolimusine

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1968 Lancia Fulvia Coupé 1.3 Rallye
This is a picture of a very nice cca 1968 Lancia Fulvia Coupé 1.3 Rallye car that Mrs President's Coz' George has furkuled some 1,000 miles offshore in the Atlantic Ocean outboard Morocco in Africa. The car is on the very small Portuguese island of Madeira which is famous for production of dessert wines and has very active old car culture with a surprisingly high number of car clubs with cars in active use. Our Chas Moody gives us bit of history on make/models.  READ MORE HISTORY.

1968 Lancia Fulvia Coupé 1.3 Rallye
Links to interesting sites:   Click on any hyperlink  to be taken direct to their site.
Fascinating site on all things steam: http://stanleysteamers.com/

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Oldtimers from times gone by - Mystery Vehicles - Mystery Motorcars -
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Antique Autos, Classic Cars, Anciennes -  25 - 4,900

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The information contained in these pages has come from many different sources including books, magazines,  advertisements,  sales brochures,  web sites,  manufacturers and  personal contacts. While we have tried to make sure that any information given is as accurate as possible, we cannot take responsibility for any errors or omissions.  If you know of any facts which are incorrect or any subjects or details which can be elaborated on, please contact us. No infringement of copyright is intended anywhere on the site. If such infringement is believed to be occurring, please contact us.

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