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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

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The SVVS Website currently receives approximately 500,000 hits a year and the "HELP PAGE" is internationally the most visited 'page' on the site. We receive numerous e-mails from historians and motoring enthusiasts from all over the world with the request to identify vehicles from old photographs. We can help with identification of Classic cars because most of us are old enough to remember them as new, and owning Vintage photo  or Veteran vehicles, many of us, and/or our associates, are also specialists in own make or type of vehicle  -   These Help Pages are therefore devoted to some of the interesting enquiries received, and information that we have provided.  While page is being built, enquiries are in received order, - when completed,  cars are in year order:

  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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Page148 below relates to enquiries received during 2019Click on picture to enlarge
IDENTIFICATION/DATING:  SVVS HELP PAGES have some 3,500 Enquiries Received & Identified

Amusing photo found on the internet
in New Zealand relating to a newspaper article in 1906 where identification of the vehicle is sought.  -- Photo is showing a 'One Horsepower Car on winter roads of North Island'. The vertically mounted side 'header tanks' point to a 1903'4 Daimler whose range in that year was the 22 HP and the similar looking but lighter 14HP. Visual difference is number of fins but this not discernable on this photo so probably a cca1903 Daimler 14HP Tonneau.

1903 Daimler 14HP Tonneau

Puzzling photo posted on the AACA website by Peter  Findlay (USA) asking if anybody can identify this early 1900s car ? --  Would have probably been quite difficult for people in US to identify as this is a product of a British bicycle company in Kings Cross, London who added Belgian Minerva engines to their frames. Initialy tricycles, then trimo forecars and as this cca 1905 Phoenix Quadcar which had a 6'7HP Fafnir engine with external sidepod radiators. Cars 1908 but defunct by 1925.

1905 Phoenix 6HP Quadcar

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1905 Locomobile 15'20 Tonneau
Our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) is trying to identify the vehicle posted on the AACA Facebook Page  -- Lovely clear photo of quality car with British appearance and radiator like Napier. However our Ariejan Bos advises that it is an American car made by a company in Conecticut who specialised in steam cars to 1904. This is from the 1905 range of petrol powered cars which included 20'25, 30'35 and 40'45 as well as this cca 1905 Locomobile 15'20 Side Entrance Tonneau.

1905 Locomobile 15'20 Tonneau

Slightly damaged photo, which we have repaired, sent by Andrew Moore
(UK) asking for identification of car  in which his Grandfather was a chauffeur. --  Fascinating one advised by two of our experts as a Briton. It has a unique two-seat body, and a  bonnet exceedingly longer than anything shown in records, - apart from a flat rad Racer. So this could be a cca 1910 Briton Two-Seat Racer converted to civilian use. Extralong bonnet suggests a possible 16HP engine made that year only.

 1910 Briton Two-Seat Racer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1912 Clement Talbot 15 Tourer
Our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) is trying to identify the vehicle  posted on a Facebook page and where identification of the vehicle is sought.   --  Flag is New Zealand, photograph believed 1919 in London. Just visible registration of P5### which was a Surrey County Council issue of approximately 1912. Quite a large car. and the hump on the radiator advises this is a cca 1912 Clement Talbot 15 Tourer. Decorations and flag suggest this may have been at the end of WW1.

cca 1912 Clement Talbot 15 Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: Possibly 1914 SPA 14'16 Tourer
Another couple of photos received from Ian Berg
(Australia) asking if we can help with identifying cars sold by Jas A Munro of Melbourne and Sydney in the 1920s, a motor agent and coach-builder with largest garage in Melbourne prior to WW1, --  Unusual car with very narrow rad surround and short bonnet. Condition of car is not new! Only suggestion came from Ariejan Boss who thought cca 1914 SPA 14'16 Tourer saying he notes number of wheel spokes seems to  differ  on various photos.

Possibly 1914 SPA 14'16 Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1916 Vauxhall D type Limousine
Cinema screen grab taken from an American TV Series "America in Colour" made 2017/19, and where cars are being searched by IMCDB. Turning black & white photographs using digital technology to colour.--  Careful study of radiator notes large flute/scallop on top left corner but no scallop along bonnet side on right. Only thing that comes to mind, and with a bit of help from trick of the light, is the partial scallop of a  WW1  cca 1916 Vauxhall D type.   Ariejan Bos thinks Rochet Scneider?

Probably 1916 Vauxhall D type Limousine

Puzzling photo sent to us by Mohan Kent, Ohio, (USA) from a
collection of photos from relatives originating in Denmark in 1913, but not known taken in Denmark or North America. --  Easy but has been a puzzle. No ID from normal experts, even US friends at AACA, until Fleek advised only car with  louvers so low on the hood was Jeffrey, the follow on to Rambler. Being smallish this would be cca 1917 Jeffrey Four Touring. Became Nash 1916. AMC renewed Rambler 1950, ended in Mexico 1983.

1917 Jeffrey Four Touring

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1917 International Harvester Model F 
Surfing through the internet in attempting to identify old vehicles we often come across photographs of very interesting old machinery which has not yet been identified. --  This one is very interesting because it has a coal scuttle bonnet which was largely an European feature that was dying out. It is however an American agricultural manufacturer's chassis with possibly a New Zealand body photographed in Auckland. This is a cca 1917 International Harvester Model F Bus, launched 1915.

1917 International Harvester Model F

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1919 Chenard Walcker UU Torpedo
Lovely period Photo from
Stephan Moyses of Richmond, TX, (USA) presumed to have been taken in France. The mascot is Spirit of Ecstasy, associated with Rolls-Royce, but this is not one, maybe a Chenard & Walcker? --  Right on both counts. It is a  Rolls Royce mascot introduced 1911 on a cca 1919 Chenard Walcker UU Torpedo, - which should have a winged Eagle mascot. Looks cca WW1 car which had no front brakes. Possibly not French numberplate as dark letters on white background.

c1919 Chenard Walcker UU Torpedo

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1920 Ruston Hornsby 16'20 Two Seater
photo received from Ian Berg
(Australia) asking if we can help with cars sold by Jas A Munro of Melbourne and Sydney in the 1920s, a motor agent and coach-builder with largest garage in Melbourne prior to WW1, having numerous agencies including Clement-Bayard, SCAT, Springuel, Imperia, Newton Bennett, Crossley, Mors and numerous others as well as later on Ruston Hornsby and Mitchell. --  Relatively easy to identify as a cca 1920 Ruston Hornsby 16'20 Two Seater Tourer.

c1920 Ruston Hornsby 16'20 Two Seat Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1921 Cadillac Type 59 Touring
Cinema screen grab taken from an American film "Flying Luck"  made in 1927,  and where cars are being investigated by IMCDB. --  Henry Ford worked for Edison 1891 but was developing a car in spare time. Left to form own Detroit Auto Co 1899 which was dissolved 1901. Henry Ford Co was formed 1901 but Ford did not get on with Henry Leland and left. Leland renamed the Henry Ford Co into Cadillac Auto Co. This car has a relatively slim frontal view so seems cca 1921 Cadillac Type 59 Touring.

1921 Cadillac Type 59 Touring

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:   1924 Hotchkiss AM All Weather Tourer
Surfing through the internet in attempting to identify old vehicles we often come across photographs of very interesting old machinery which has not yet been identified. --  This one is captioned "1928, Paris - Pau (concours de tourisme automobile). Mme Rose Itier sur Hotchkiss."  'Rose' was a famous French lady race and rally driver in Europe and USA 1890 - 1953, including racing Bugattis and doing the Monte Carlo. The car she is in seems to be a cca 1924 Hotchkiss AM All Weather Tourer. 

1924 Hotchkiss AM All Weather Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:Probably 1925 Fiat 509 Torpedo
Our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) is trying to identify the vehicle posted on an internet page. Where-what?  -- Could be Germany autobahn as 'lach' written on car. Interesting towing technique only applicable to large American cars and small European ones!! The tow car is a c1957 Dodge Coronet. Car being towed is talian Fiat but definitive ID Features are hidden. Smallish 4 seater car with only a single door all strongly points to a cca  1925 Fiat 509A Torpedo.

Probably 1925 Fiat 509 Torpedo

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: Unknown Early 1920s Motorcycles
Another lovely but fuzzy photo sent by Alun Pugh, leeds,
(UK) asking if we can identify the three motorbikes shown on the attached postcard please?  Middle is UA 161 and the right one has a reg plate WT 3618.  --  WT3618  is West Riding of Yorkshire County Council Registration late c1923. Unfortunately the photo is not of good enough quality nor unobscured enough when enlarged to provide any positive identification features for these machines. Please now see HP 160 for identification. 

Two Unknown Early 1920s Motorcycles

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1927 Triumph Model W Motorcycle
As above, lovely but fuzzy photo sent by Alun Pugh, leeds,
(UK) asking if we can identify the three motorbikes shown on the attached postcard please?  Middle is UA 161 and the right one has a reg plate WT 3618.  --  Our motorcycle sleuth Chas Moody has come up with the answer to the middle one, UA 161, which is from Leeds CBC. It is a cca 1927 Triumph Model W Motorcycle, 277cc four stroke side valve engine, weight under the 220lb road tax threshold which later changed to engine capacity.  

1927 Triumph Model W Motorcycle

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1929 Francis Barnett Model 9
Our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) is trying to identify the motorcycle posted on a Facebook page.  --  Our motorcycle expert Chas Moody who has an older version of the same machine (See Photo) advises this is a cca  1929 Francis Barnett Model 9 with a 172cc Villiers single cylinder two-stroke engine with twin exhausts and Albion gearbox. Forks  1928'30, tank1929+.  'Work in progress?' as is lacking its gear change mechanism, front brake lever and front brake plate. 

1929 Francis Barnett Model 9

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1930s Austin Seven Special
Slightly fuzzy but interesting photo sent by Robin Dowie (Mrs),
(UK) asking if we can identify the car taken in 1942/3 at Grandparents' home in Tauranga, New Zealand. She is the small child standing on the seat. --  We can take a stab at it because as this is a self build 'special', we cannot guarantee the insides. The front radiator cowl is a Ford 7Y but the wheels are Austin, and body is home made. Size/shape suggest this ia probably 1930s Austin Seven Special that may have a Ford engine.

 1930s Austin Seven Special

Cinema screen grab taken from a French film "Novembermond"  (November Moon) made in 1985, and where cars are being investigated by IMCDB. Two women in Nazi France fall in love and need to survive, --  French car made in Paris by company which had started in Tours in 1894 and was much into racing at turn of that century. A smaller luxury car with a thin chrome rad surround suggests this is a cca 1936 Delahaye 134 Saloon built 1933 to 1946, with various styles of bodies.

1936 Delahaye 134N Saloon

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1935 Peogeot 401 DL Limousine
Cinema screen grab taken from a French film "La passante du Sans-Souci" made in 1982, and where cars are being investigated by IMCDB. Man imprisoned for murder of politician tells wife why he did it. --  Difficult angle to identify and quite a difficult car to discern. It is an unusual model of a mainstream French car mmde 1934-1935 in eleven different body styles!  This is a 44HP 1,720cc 4 cylinder SV  'commercial limousine, being a cca 1935 Peogeot 401 DL 'Limousine Commerciale'.

1935 Peogeot 401 DL 'Limousine Commerciale'.

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1937 Wolseley 14'56 S2 Saloon
Our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) is trying to identify the vehicle posted on a Facebook page relating to Penang Malaysia. Forward front doors and rear backs. Is it Wolseley 14/56 c1937? -- Four louvres and curving flash on side. Wolseley owners would consider this as a Series 2 car, so this would be a cca 1937 Wolseley 14'56 Series 2 Saloon, introduced june 1936 and was built to September 1938, with 15,000 made. Two body options of Saloon and a squarer Salon de Ville.

1937 Wolseley 14'56 S2 Saloon

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1937 Daimler Light 15 Saloon
Cinema screen grab taken from an American TV Series "America in Colour" made 2017/19, and where cars are being investigated by IMCDB. Turning black & white photos digitally to colour. --  Fluted radiator is a sure sign of the British Daimler, but which one? Shape of the windscreen having rounded corners, a ledge at the bottom of the windscreen running down the bonnet, and most importantly, the base mounted wipers, say cca1937 Daimler Light 15, four door sports saloon.

1937 Daimler Light 15 Sports Saloon

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1949 Lea Francis 14 Sports Roadster
Interesting photo sent by Andrew Tarbet
(UK) asking if we can identify the car please, photo believed taken in 1954 at Goodwood. 'The grille looks unlike anything I know?'  --  British company initially known for Motorcycles 1912-24, meanwhile making cars from 1903. Into sports 1925 with superchargers winning Ulster TT. This car introduced 1946 and made to 1953. This is post WW2 cca 1949 Lea Francis 14 Sports Roadster. Chassis sold to Connaught to become L2 and L3 sports racers.

1949 Lea Francis 14 Sports Roadster

Our regular contributor Mark Dawber (New Zealand) is trying to identify the vehicle on a postcard.  --  Research on the postcard advises the photo taken in Rangsdorf, Germany, and printed on stock postcards by the Berlin department store Wertheim in 1926. Store is still there. Car is a puzzle because when the badge is magnified it is almost identical to period British Vauxhall D/E size. Some similarities but not enough. Suggestion that the car is German and badge St Christopher.  HELP !

UNKNOWN cca 1914 Tourer

Photo from
Steve Mutch (UK) struggling to identify axle from 1920s car or commercial? It has top mounted worm drive diff, top mounted leaf spring brackets, rear mounted oil filler/swing lid, 9" brake drums with 2 sets shoes each side and the cam levers mounted at the front and 5 wheel studs. The worm gear has a "DBS" in a circle (David Brown & Son) and drain plug with "Showells Strichley" West Midlands. --  Regret not our remit as likely used in many trucks in Europe/US c WW1. HELP !

UNKNOWN Large Rear Axle
Links to interesting sites:   Click on any hyperlink  to be taken direct to their site.
Fascinating site on all things steam: http://stanleysteamers.com/

Identification of Mystery Motors  - Mystery Cars requiring Identification - Identification of old Motorcars - Identification of old Car Photographs - Photos requiring Identification - 
Oldtimers from times gone by - Mystery Vehicles - Mystery Motorcars -
Identify Classic Cars - Recognize Cars - Recognise Old Cars 
Antique Autos, Classic Cars, Anciennes -  25 - 3,700

© Copyright  Copying & reproduction of photographs on the Help Pages is prohibited © Copyright.

  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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The information contained in these pages has come from many different sources including books, magazines,  advertisements,  sales brochures,  web sites,  manufacturers and  personal contacts. While we have tried to make sure that any information given is as accurate as possible, we cannot take responsibility for any errors or omissions.  If you know of any facts which are incorrect or any subjects or details which can be elaborated on, please contact us. No infringement of copyright is intended anywhere on the site. If such infringement is believed to be occurring, please contact us.

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