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The SVVS Website currently receives approximately 500,000 hits a year and the "HELP PAGE" is internationally the most visited 'page' on the site. We receive numerous e-mails from historians and motoring enthusiasts from all over the world with the request to identify vehicles from old photographs. We can help with identification of Classic cars because most of us are old enough to remember them as new, and owning Vintage photo  or Veteran vehicles, many of us, and/or our associates, are also specialists in own make or type of vehicle  -   These Help Pages are therefore devoted to some of the interesting enquiries received, and information that we have provided.  While page is being built, enquiries are in received order, - when completed,  cars are in year order:

  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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Page 193 Below relates to enquiries received during 2023Click on picture to enlarge
IDENTIFICATION/DATING:  SVVS HELP PAGES have some 4,450 Enquiries Received & Identified

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1903 Peugeot Type 42 Double Phaeton
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos and asking for information on the make of vehicle.  Is it a Peugeot?  -- The box-like header tank was fashionable for a while and was used on a number of makes including on Daimler-Mercedes but we are relatively sure this one is a cca 1903 Peugeot Type 42 Double Phaeton. It was made only in 1903 and had a 4 cylinder engine of 3,635cc. Apparently only some 79 cars of this type were built.

1903 Peugeot Type 42 Double Phaeton

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:    1904 Lacroix Delaville  Le Nef Tricycle
Another very interesting photo from a forum of old car photos where the identity of the vehicle is being requested but had not yet been determined. -- Designed 1898 in France in Agen not far from Spanish border by Joseph LaCroix calling it La Nef (boat) from the pointed prow. Belt driven, it was powered by De Dion Bouton Engines 2.5 to 8HP, steered by a 'cow's tail'. Joined 1902 by Colonel De La Ville forming "LaCroix DeLaVille" made about 200 vehicles in similar form up to 1914.

 1904 Lacroix Delaville  Le Nef Tricycle

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1904 Richard-Brasier 16HP Tourer
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos and asking for information on the make of vehicle.  Probably not a Benz but Mors or Brasier? -- If this is picture of Julio A. Roca while he was President of Argentina, it must have been taken between 1898-1904. Not a Benz, as car has a raised central hump on bonnet, French Mors hump was rounded, but from shape of hump likely French cca 1904 Richard-Brasier 16HP Tourer. Read More History.

1904 Richard-Brasier 16HP Side Entrance Tonneau

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1906 Bovy D'Heyne Delivery Van
Another very interesting photo from a forum of old car photos where the identity of the vehicle is being requested and has been Identified by our Veterans expert Ariejan Bos.  -- Ariejan advises this is a Belgian Brussels made Bovy-d'Heyne Delivery Van, probably the cca 1906 two cylinder model. Popular as Taxicabs and Commercials, later motorcycles and forward control lorries. Became Bovy and merged with Truck maker Brossel, who had taken over Belgian Pipe, becoming Bovy-Pipe to 1950.

1906 Bovy D'Heyne Delivery Van

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1906 12HP Clement Bayard Tourer
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos and asking for information on the make of vehicle. Clement Bayard or Clement Talbot? -- No suggestion on the photo this could be a British Clement Talbot nor that it had anything to do with the UK. This is French built c1906 12HP Clement Bayard Tourer. The body does not seem original, nor correct for the year. Car looks re-bodied with the just-pre-WW1 stepped scuttle look. Read More History.

1906 12HP Clement Bayard Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1906 Chenard Walcker Fiacre de Paris
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos asking for make of vehicle. This is an old postcard. -- We have had the same car before but a different pose and we had identified it as a cca 1906 Chenard Walcker Fiacre de Paris 14CV. This photo also seems from a series of postcards where the vehicle is in the same position but the angle of the shot and change of different people. The previous version below suggests a lady driver.

1906 Chenard Walcker Fiacre de Paris

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1907 Corre Fiacre de Paris
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos asking for make of vehicle. This is an old postcard. -- We have had the same car before but a different pose, but it remained 'Unidentified'. This time we asked Ariejan Bos who advises photo is from series of ca 20 postcards of Mme. Decourcelle in her Corre 'fiacre' with registration 740-I4 (May 1907). This car was apparently the taxi-look of Corre, who didn't use this radiator for their normal cars.

1907 Corre Fiacre de Paris

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1908 Brouhot 15HP Demi-Limousine
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos asking for make of vehicle. Is at a Brasier Mors Brouhot? -- French cca 1908 Brouhot which Ariejan suggests is 4 cylinder 15HP. Clearly re-bodied c1911 into a 'modern' demi-limousine of a very unconventional appearance. Brouhot started 1890 in Vierzon, mid France, in agricultural machinery. Hight quality cars from 1908 up to 60HP 10L for royalty. Sold in UK as Club and Smart. Cars ended 1911.

1908 Brouhot 15HP Demi-Limousine

We have had a number of enquiries relating to the identification of this 'Unknown Coach'. The latest is from Neil Warrington (UK). -- We had previously advised on our Help Page 90 in 2015 and Help Page 168 in 1921 that this is a known photo normally unidentified, - other than it being a 'Coach used at the Epsom Derby'. It is a cca 1909 Darracq 50HP "Coach". We have subsequently found photos of it Bournemouth and in the Strand, London England. It may have gone USA. Read More History.

1909 Darracq 50HP Coach

Our Publicity Officer Tony Russell (UK) seems to be on the lookout for photos of unusual cars, and wondered if we knew what this one was? -- Pretty little car designed by Jules Salomon, after he left Georges Richard, and financed by son Jacues of composer Bizet, this is a Paris built cca 1910 Le Zebre Type A Two-Seater Torpedo powered by a single cylinder 630cc engine and two speed gearbox. Attracted investment from Messrs Emile Akar and Joseph Lamy who went on form Amilcar.

1910 Le Zebre Type A Torpedo

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1919 Gregoire 132B 15HP Torpedo
Another very interesting photo from a forum of old car photos where the identity of the vehicle is being requested. --  Little bit of research advises that this is a known photo on a number of websites frequently referring to Maharajas of India, this one to Maharaja Sahib Bahadur of Kapurthala. The car is a cca 1919 Gregoire 132B 15HP Torpedo which had a 2L engine, succeeded following year with same body but enlarged 2.3L engine which could reach an impressive 96KPH. Read More History.

1919 Gregoire 132B 15HP Torpedo

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1920 Lancia Kappa Torpedo
Lovely hand painted picture postcard from a forum of old car photos where the identity of the vehicle had not yet been determined. This postcard, is headed "Sorrento, Hotel Tramotano, Glicinia".. but no other info supplied. -- Sorrento is in gulf of Naples nearby Vesuvius in Italy and Glicina refers to the wisteria in the foreground of the photo. The car has the sidelamps directly below the headlamps which suggests it is Italian and location also that it is a cca 1920 Lancia Kappa 5L Torpedo.

1920 Lancia Kappa Torpedo

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1920 Sentinel 6 Ton Steam Lorry
Another very interesting photo from a forum of old car photos where the identity of the vehicle is being requested. --  A Steam Lorry by Alley & MacLellan of Glasgow after they had moved to second factory in the Shrewsbury, Shropshire as the Sentinel Waggon Works Ltd. The early A&M lorry remained basically unchanged from 1915 to 1923. This is a cca 1920 Sentinel 6 Ton Steam Lorry. Due demise of steam company introduced range of diesel lorries and stopped lorry production in 1957.

1920 Sentinel 6 Ton Steam Lorry

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:    1920 Roamer C6 56 Sedan
Cinema screen grab taken from an American musical comedy film "Perils of Pauline" made in 1947 where cars are being investigated by IMCDB. Story about garment worker who want to be an actress. fictionalized Hollywood account of the silent film star Pearl White's rise to fame, starring Betty Hutton. Oscar winning songs. -- Very dark shot. The car seems at first glance to be a Rolls Royce but careful study of rad corner advises it is the American cca 1920 Roamer C6 56 Sedan

1920 Roamer C6 56 Sedan

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:    1922 Rolls Roye Silver Ghost
Cinema screen grab of hand coloured photo from French Documentary "Apocalypse Stalin" made in 2018 where cars are being investigated by IMCDB. Story about the rise of Ioseb Besarionis Jughashvili, to becoming Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. From being a son of a poor East Georgian family, to editing Pravda, and robbing banks to fund Lenin's Bolshevik Revolution, to taking over when Lenin died. -- The car is one of the Lenin era "state pool"  cca 1922 Rolls Roye Silver Ghosts cars.

1922 Rolls Roye Silver Ghost with Stalin

Another very interesting photo from a forum of old car photos where the identity of the vehicle is being requested but had not yet been determined. -- Both cars in the photo are French from the Mathis company of Strasbourg started by car dealer Emile Mathis in 1905. Early cars were designed for him by Ettore Bugatti and were marketed as Hermes. Mathis cars started 1910 and from the shapely pointed and rounded radiator on, cars in photo are cca 1924 Mathis SBO Torpedo.

1924 Mathis SBO Torpedoo

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1925 Fafnir 476 Limousine
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos and asking for information on the make of vehicle. Is at a Spyker? --  No, not a Dutch Spyker. Postcard of a restaurant in neighbouring Belgium. "Moeder Siska" translates to Mother Siska, who had a waffle house in Knocke-Le Zout, Belgian coast of English Channel. Car has sideways 'Y' louvre, a pointed roof and windscreen and is a cca 1925 Fafnir 476 Limousine. Read More History.

1925 Fafnir 476 Limousine

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1927 Talbot 14'45 Weymann Saloon
Couple of interesting photos received from Paul Melhuish (UK) who has been scanning some old photos and negatives that belonged to his parents which were taken in the 1930s. Has him stumped .  -- This is a relatively unusual car being a cca 1927 Talbot 14'45 Weymann Saloon, then made by the STD Motors. Weymann Fabric Bodies were used for fuselages for aircraft and superlight coachwork for cars 1920-1930, having a treated fabric material stretched over a timber framework.

1927 Talbot 14'45 Weymann Saloon

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1927 Villard  Delivery Van
Another very interesting photo from a forum of old car photos where the identity of the vehicle is being requested. -- Jean-Louis-Felix Potin opened his first grocery store in Paris in 1844 when he was only 24 and developed his business selling high quality products at very low profit margins, and home deliveries. The front wheel drive vehicle was introduced in 1923 by Automobiles Colombe but this seems to be the later cca 1927 Villard Three-Wheeler Delivery Van.  Read More History.

1927 Villard  Three Wheeler Delivery Van

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1927 Sizaire Freres 4RI 11CV Saloon
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos and asking for information on the make of vehicle. Possibly a Sizaire but which model? -- Sizaire Brothers started as Sizaire Naudin 1905 and grew into a plethora of complicated companies, which included one in Britain in 1913-27, Sizaire Berwick. Meanwhile formed a further company in Paris in 1923 and were making this advanced cca 1927 Sizaire Freres 4RI 11CV Saloon, 2L 4 cylinder.

1927 Sizaire Freres 4RI 11CV Saloo

Another very interesting photo from a forum of old car photos where the identity of the vehicle is being requested but had not yet been determined. --The tell-tale of make on this photo is the small pointed triangle above the badge below the water filler cap. This is from a range of American luxury cars, this a cca 1928 Marmon E 75, and from the two door handles visible, is a Touring. Marmon cars 1902-1933 were made in Indianapolis, Indiana. Marmon Wasp won 1911 Indianapolis 500.

1928 Marmon E 75 Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: Probably 1931 Fiat 515 Saloon
Couple of interesting photos received from Paul Melhuish (UK) who has been scanning some old photos and negatives that belonged to his parents which were taken in the 1930s. Father told him that in early business 1934, mother drove a Fiat 7-seater as a taxi.  --  Mystery; body and wheels British, overtones of a Willys. Registration is Devon CC 1931, when Fiat was ending the 514 and starting 515, which proved popular as taxi. Similarities, so possibly a Fiat, with some small doubts.

Probably 1931 Fiat 515 Saloon

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:    1937 Opel Super Six Saloon
Cinema screen grab taken from aPolish-Czechoslovak war film film "Ulica Graniczna" (Boarder Street) made in 1948 where cars are being investigated by IMCDB. Story about the Jewish Polish underground residents of a tenement block in Warsaw, and ending with the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in 1943. the then very recent Polish sensitivities moved the making of the film to Czezechoslovakia. -- From boot and headlamps car in this shot is a German cca 1937 Opel Super Six Saloon.

1937 Opel Super Six Saloon

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1939 Standard Flying Eight Tourer
Another very interesting photo from a forum of old car photos where the identity of the vehicle is being requested but had not yet been determined. -- The door elbow cutout is a feature on a surprisingly large number of British cars of that era and size, so is not much help. Fortunately it is just possible to see the badge on top of the radiator, the British flag, which gives this range of cas the name Flying Standards, this being a late cca 1939 Standard Flying Eight Tourer.

1939 Standard Flying Eight Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: Unknown cca 1905 Delivery Van
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos asking for make of vehicle. . Is it an Argyll?? -- … and it continues to remain a mystery. The chain cover is very distinctive so should be an easy clue, but not even our veterans expert Ariejan Bos had an answer. Not an Argyll as they generally did not have chain drive. South Metropolitan Gas Company was founded in 1829 and by 1856 had docks, barges and 7 gas holders. HELP PLEASE?

Unknown cca 1905 Delivery Van
Links to interesting sites:   Click on any hyperlink  to be taken direct to their site.
Fascinating site on all things steam: http://stanleysteamers.com/

Identification of Mystery Motors  - Mystery Cars requiring Identification - Identification of old Motorcars - Identification of old Car Photographs - Photos requiring Identification - 
Oldtimers from times gone by - Mystery Vehicles - Mystery Motorcars -
Identify Classic Cars - Recognize Cars - Recognise Old Cars 
Antique Autos, Classic Cars, Anciennes -  25 - 4,700

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  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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The information contained in these pages has come from many different sources including books, magazines,  advertisements,  sales brochures,  web sites,  manufacturers and  personal contacts. While we have tried to make sure that any information given is as accurate as possible, we cannot take responsibility for any errors or omissions.  If you know of any facts which are incorrect or any subjects or details which can be elaborated on, please contact us. No infringement of copyright is intended anywhere on the site. If such infringement is believed to be occurring, please contact us.

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