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Surrey Vintage Vehicle Society caters for veteran cars, vintage cars & classic cars, as well as commercials and motorcycles.

General Enquiries

London - Brighton Commercials:
Date of 2013 London-Brighton Commercial Run ?:  On May 5th.

London-Brighton Veteran Run: 
Date of 2013
London - Brighton Veteran Car Run?: Novemb.3rd

Monaco Motor Museum 2001:
Click here for more info on the Prince Rainier Car Collection.
Edenbridge & Oxted Show :
Historic Vehicle Display; Jackie Shearman;  Tel: 01737 645843



The SVVS Website currently receives approximately 500,000 hits a year and the "HELP PAGE" is internationally the most visited 'page' on the site. We receive numerous e-mails from historians and motoring enthusiasts from all over the world with the request to identify vehicles from old photographs. We can help with identification of Classic cars because most of us are old enough to remember them as new, and owning Vintage or Veteran vehicles, many of us, and/or our associates, are also specialists in own make or type of vehicle  -   These Help Pages are therefore devoted to some of the interesting enquiries received, and information that we have provided.  While page is being built, enquiries are in received order, - when completed,  cars are in year order:

  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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Page 67 below relates to enquiries received during 2014Click on picture to enlarge

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1907 De Dion Bouton Double Phaeton
Lovely  period photograph received from Mohammed "Vintage" Khan (Dubai) asking if we could you please help him identify the cars in the attached photograph. He wishes to know their names as he intend to include them in the book he is currently writing on vintage & classic cars of Hyderabad-Deccan.  -- From the radiator shape, the cars on the left and right are French made cca 1907/8 De Dion Bouton Double Phaetons
.  The centre car could also be French, but the rad is obscured. 

1907 De Dion Bouton Double Phaeton (L&R)

Couple of postcards received from
Philip Clarke (UK) saying he is interested in dating the pictures. This shows Crown Corner in Diss, Norfolk, taken after January 1901 and before 1933. Other photographs show decorated shops for Coronation of Edward VII in 1902, but car doesn't quite seem that old. Perhaps 1911, for the Coronation of George V? -- Probably. The car is very difficult to identify from the back of a coachbuilt body, but registration is West Suffolk C Council cca 1907.

1907 Unknown Open Tourer in Diss, Norfolk

Photograph received from
Tim Lamrock (Australia) saying that it shows his  grandfather (Mr J R Bainton) who was an engineer in Sydney at the turn of the century and had one of the first De Dion cars in Australia in about 1905. But Tim is trying to identify this later car from this picture taken probably after 1910. -- The fluted radiator is the giveaway as to the make. Square-edged round mudguards, wire wheels and very small wheel hubs suggest a lighter model so a cca 1911 Daimler 15 HP Tourer.

1911 Daimler 15HP Tourer

Couple of postcards received from
Philip Clarke (UK) saying he is interested in dating the pictures. This shows Mount Street in Diss, Norfolk, probably dated around 1915 or ten years either way. There appears to be two soldiers in the picture, one on horseback, which might suggest some time around WWI. -- The car has a registration AH 1599 which is Norfolk County Council c1915. The car is American, possibly assembled in Trafford UK, being cca 1915 Ford Model T, probably Tourer.

1915 Ford Model T Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1921 Deemster 10hp Sport
Unusual vehicle being investigated by AutoPuzzles.  -- Radiator is of the V-ed bullnose type with a circular logo on the hoeycomb, suggesting possibly French practice. No, this has a letter just poking out of the circular logo. The body and the boot do not have a smooth join, nor do they have a separation, so this is a cca 1921 Deemster 10hp Sports. Deemster were British,  made in Acton, London, by the Ogston Motor Co 1914-24. This one used Anzani engine. Unrealised plans to make in USA.

1921 Deemster 10hp Sport

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1921 Packard Twin-Six Buffalo Bus
Unusual vehicle being investigated by AutoPuzzles. Not found the coachbuilder either. -- Radiator and bonnet have a humpy profile so could be Buick or Packard. Wheelhubs are Packard. Further research determined it was a vehicle marked "1921 Packard bus conversion". Even more reserach identified it as being a cca 1921 Packard 1921 Twin Six; presumably the 3-35. Eventually determined that it was made by the Buffalo Body Corp,  on order from the Packard Motor Car Company.

1921 Packard Twin-Six Buffalo-Body Bus

Another batch of fascinating photographs from our regular contributor Cicos Florin in Constanta by the Black Sea (Romania) who is interested in old cars of Romania.  Do we know what this is? --  Rather damaged photo which took quite a lot or repair. One advantage of the repair work is that details can be studied during the process and these provide the identification features. Transverse spring and absence of side lamps,  plus other features,  advises  this is a  cca  1923  Ford  Model  T  Touring.

1923 Ford Model T Touring

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1924 Mercedes Targa Florio
Couple of fuzzy photos
received from Peter Garman, (New Zealand) of grandfather Henry Frederick Garman, a driver/mechanic for Mercedes, at "Southport Sands 1920's". Is that Ferdinand Porsche ? -- Our experts advise this is the 1924 Mercedes Targa Florio car subsequently owned by Gerald Palmer and ran in VSCC events. Chap with the moustache is not Ferdinand Porsche as unlikely he came to England and Targa car was obsolete by then. Very little info on  Southport  events in the press.

1924 Mercedes Targa Florio

Photograph received from Enno Schlechter, Munich
(Germany) saying probably Fiat but could we identify model and year of construction? May be inauguration of motorized bus service in the alps -- La Trattoria Due Spade is still on the Italian alpine zigzag road Chiavenna-Campodolcino-Madesimo and to Splugen in Switzerland, as written on the front bus which looks a cca 1924 Fiat 2F Charabanc, possibly bodied by Tarchini e Briata from Brescia.  The second bus seems to be Italian State Railway.

1924 Fiat 2F Charabancs

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1925 Lancia Lambda Torpedo
Another batch of fascinating photographs from our regular contributor Cicos Florin in Constanta by the Black Sea (Romania) who is interested in old cars of Romania.  Do we know what this is? --  Lovely photo of a quite revolutionary car made in Turin Italy, between 1922 and 1931, designed by Vincenzo Lancia. This one has the later windscreen so must be cca1925 Lancia Lambda Torpedo, first car with a monocoque body and sliding pillar  independent  front suspension  with hydraulic damper.

1925 Lancia Lambda Torpedo

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:c1925 Unknown Doctor's Coupe
Tiny photograph received from Aaron Brookes, a London Architect (UK) saying he is trying to establish a date for the building, and the identification of the vehicle together with a probable date of manufacture would provide a 'definitely not before' date. --
The vehicle details are too small/blurry to provide identification. The car is a mid 1920s mid range size Doctors Coupe. If the car was new, the house was already there in the 1920s.  If vintage car enthusiasts, - any time after.

cca 1925 Unknown Doctor's Coupe

Photograph posted on the PreWarCar website by Tony Hillyard (France) saying that on a recent visit to Australia a relative gave him a copy of this photograph. Can anyone suggest the makes of the vans please?
-- This very small blurry photo seems to have remained unidentified for a couple of years but I am relatively sure they are Fiats. Two on the left, bottom photo, are cca 1925 Fiat 505F Van (Furgone), and the others the earlier 2F Vans. Seem to have wheel disc protectors on lower photo.

cca1925 Fiat Vans

Cinema screen grab of a vehicle which appeared in an French film "  La Maison du Maltais " made in 1938 where the vehicles are being investigated by IMCDB. The film is about a prostitute Safia from the Tunisian town of Sfax being blackmailed in Paris about her child not by her Maltese husband.  --  This was made by a French company founded in 1905 by Georges Richard leaving Richard-Brasier and being financed by Rothschild. Well into commercials, this is a cca  1925 Unic L2 Pickup.  

1925 Unic L2 Pickup

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1926 Clyno 10.8HP Two-seater
Lovely  photograph received from Alan Barrett, of Bedfordshire (UK) saying he
recently purchased a number of glass black and white negatives. This one was marked "Mum with Gracey in her car" - Hythe. Dated March 1930. Can we tell him what the car is.  -- Looks British, no badge, and initially we thought Hillman but were soon put right by our experts who advised this is the little more obscure Wolverhampton made cca 1926 Clyno 10.8HP Two-seater, with a missing radiator badge.

1926 Clyno 10.8HP Two-seater

Cinema screen grab of a vehicle which appeared in an French film "  Le dernier tournant " (The Last turning) made in 1939 where the vehicles are being investigated by IMCDB. The film is about a Garage truck stop owner's wife Cora trying to get rid of her husband via a visiting hobo Frank.   --  The badge on the rad is American Buick. The car has chromed bullet shaped headlamps so must be a cca 1928 Buick Master Six, probably four door sedan Model 50.  The radiator style changed in 1929.

1928 Buick Master Six Sedan

Photograph posted on the PreWarCar website by Hans Salm (Germany) saying that the
grandfather of a friend had in ca. 1935 the Minerva car shown in the picture. The picture was taken in Germany. Do we know which model it was?  --  A big car and a small driver? Minerva were a prominent Belgian manufacturer 1902 - 1938 of same quality as Rolls Royce but little less expensive. This is a cca 1929 Minerva AK Limousine with a 6 litre Knight sleeve valve engine. Favored by European Royalty.

1929 Minerva AK Limousine

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1929 Oakland 212 Sport Phaeton
Photograph posted on the PreWarCar website by David Thomson saying that it shows one of their member's grandfather and his family at a plantation in '20s Malaya. The car looks American but has them all stumped! He had hoped the grille would give it away but no luck. 
-- This was a damaged photo requiring repair to see the rad. I am relatively sure this is a cca 1929 Oakland 212 Sport Phaeton. Has scuttle and wing sidelights.  Similar but more angular rad centre on Pontiac stable mate. 

1929 Oakland 212 Sport Phaeton

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1938 Chrysler Royal Touring Sedan
Another batch of fascinating photographs from our regular contributor Cicos Florin in Constanta by the Black Sea (Romania) who is interested in old cars of Romania.  Do we know what this is? --  Photo was headed 'Masina Regala' which translates as Royal Car. Royal Indeed, this is a cca 1938 Chrysler Royal Touring Sedan. Chrysler flagships of the time were the Royal and the Imperial with similar appearances, Imperial being the slightly higher spec.  Both had the name  in the same position.

1938 Chrysler Royal Touring Sedan

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1933 Riley Lincock Fixed Head Coupe
Photograph received from Bob Williams from Bedfordshire
(UK) saying that as a a classic car owner, he is hoping we may be able to identify the make and model of the car in the attached photo of his cousin and Great Uncle (seated in the car), probably taken in the late 1940's.  -- Quite a well known make but a relatively unusual model. We are advised by William Brereton that from the flat running boards and the bolt on wheels this is not 1934 but a  cca 1933 Riley Lincock  Fixed Head Coupe

1934 Riley Nine Lincock Two-seat Coupe

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:c1939 Morris 8 Series E Saloon
Photographs received from Geoff Smith (UK) saying that a
friend is selling an old car in Madeira. Not even sure of the make or model ! Appreciate rough guide price. -- Can advise that this is a cca 1939 Morris 8 Series E Two Door Saloon built from 1938 to 1948 and 130,000 made, split by WW1. Dating difficult because they were generally unchanged. A popular very basic car, so values regretfully are quite low. A 1939 'barn find' recently sold for cca UK£3,000 and a good one at cca £6,000.

cca1939 Morris 8 Series E Two-Door Saloon

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1949 Austin A 90 Atlantic Convertible
Photograph received from Dee (India) saying this car was in India. "It's not Tucker, even it has the three headlights... Just bugging me... I like to know... Would you please tell me the maker, made, model and year of this car? Or any small detail related to this... I would really appreciated your help. Thank you so much. "
  --  Tucker was American, this is British. The two small 'A' signs up behind the headlights advise this is a  cca 1949 Austin A 90  Atlantic Convertible,  - intended for USA.

1949 Austin A 90  Atlantic Convertibl

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1956 Armstrong Siddeley Sapphire
A number of photographs received from Zoe Ballz (UK) saying they were out exploring on a Sunday and came across a car in a wrecked garage and attached photos. Could we possibly be able to identify it for her.  NOT in good condition !! --
Quite; generally described as 'barn find'! Not seemingly much to go on but this is a British cca 1956 Armstrong Siddeley Sapphire Limousine. Has to be the limousine rather than saloon because  wing molding  finishes  before  the rear wing, laving a flat gap.

cca 1956 Armstrong Siddeley Sapphire Limousine

Photograph received from
Gian Carlo Biancardi  (Brazil) saying that the reason for his e-mail is to request help to identify car body he bought in Chile. To him it seems an English car of the late 20s.   -- This photo has done the rounds of our experts but nobody has come up with an identification. We are all relatively sure it is not an English car, perhaps French? Uneven heights of doors, staggered seating, holes on bodywork joins etc. Guessing, left hand drive; hole in dash matches bulkhead hole.

Unknown Two-seater Body

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:Unknown Tourer in New Zealand
Photograph received from
Ivo  (Belgium) saying he received this photo from New Zealand and that the front passenger was a Mayor of a town near Christchurch. It has been suggested that the car migh be a Metallurgique, which he doubts, but this could be Imperia?  -- This photo seems to have done the rounds but nobody has come up with an identification, mainly because of the strange spitzkuhler nose. Many of our experts have spent hours on this, and we know many cars it is NOT !

Unknown Tourer in New Zealand

Photograph received from
Stephen Ramsay, Chelmsford, (UK) asking if we can help him  identify this car. The picture (which is not of great quality) is from a postcard of a village in Northern France, possibly around 1924. -- Another photo examined by our experts but again without a positive identification. The immediate impression is French Berliet, but too many things against it. Not La Buire, Corre la Licorne, Cottin Desgouttes, Delaugere Clayette etc. American? Perhaps Bianchi?

Unknown Tourer in France
Links to interesting sites:   Click on any hyperlink  to be taken direct to their site.
Fascinating site on all things steam:

Identification of Mystery Motors  - Mystery Cars requiring Identification - Identification of old Motorcars - Identification of old Car Photographs - Photos requiring Identification - 
Oldtimers from times gone by - Mystery Vehicles - Mystery Motorcars -
Identify Classic Cars - Recognize Cars - Recognise Old Cars 
Antique Autos, Classic Cars, Anciennes -  25 - 1,605

© Copyright  Copying & reproduction of photographs on the Help Pages is prohibited © Copyright.

  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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The information contained in these pages has come from many different sources including books, magazines,  advertisements,  sales brochures,  web sites,  manufacturers and  personal contacts. While we have tried to make sure that any information given is as accurate as possible, we cannot take responsibility for any errors or omissions.  If you know of any facts which are incorrect or any subjects or details which can be elaborated on, please contact us. No infringement of copyright is intended anywhere on the site. If such infringement is believed to be occurring, please contact us.

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