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The SVVS Website currently receives approximately 500,000 hits a year and the "HELP PAGE" is internationally the most visited 'page' on the site. We receive numerous e-mails from historians and motoring enthusiasts from all over the world with the request to identify vehicles from old photographs. We can help with identification of Classic cars because most of us are old enough to remember them as new, and owning Vintage photo  or Veteran vehicles, many of us, and/or our associates, are also specialists in own make or type of vehicle  -   These Help Pages are therefore devoted to some of the interesting enquiries received, and information that we have provided.  While page is being built, enquiries are in received order, - when completed,  cars are in year order:

  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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Page 180 below relates to enquiries received during 2022Click on picture to enlarge
IDENTIFICATION/DATING:  SVVS HELP PAGES have some 4,450 Enquiries Received & Identified

Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos asking for identification of vehicle. — 
'Posed' photo as wheels in sand, no tracks. Pointers but no answers. Fully elliptic springs. Bonnet has no rad at back, so not Renault.? Upward opening long front grille flap. Would have had a louvre panel on the side of the bonnet. 12 spoke wheels. Looks to have very large diff casing. Strange circular item under steering wheel; not De Dion levers?

c1903 Donkey Runabout

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1903 Gladiator 10HP Tonneau
Interesting photo pasted on the AACA forum (USA) asking for identification of the car. The photo is from around great-grandparents wedding in Surrey 1906. Looks a 1902 Clement? -- Answer is logo on bonnet, which says Gladiator, and bonnet catches. Registration P2130 is Surrey  but no dating. Ariejan Bos agrees Gladiator with scuttle bonnet to 1903, and chain drive (post Clement Gladiator). Reg and number of louvres suggest it a cca 1903 Gladiator 10HP Rear Entrance Tonneau.

1903 Gladiator 10HP Tonneau

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: Possibly c1905 Gardiner Serpollet
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand)
from a forum of old photos asking for identification of a car believed photographed in 1905 Monaco. -- Photo shows a TNL tram that operated on a route Nice to Monaco, taken over by them in 1908. Car is strange having a very short bonnet with large radiator and no starting handle, suggesting possible 'steamer'. Ariejan Bos first thought Gardner Serpollet, or a smaller European company, but had nothing to prove it.

Possibly c1905 Gardiner Serpollet

Another interesting photo from a forum of old photos asking for identification of a car. No specific info provided. -- Car looks very British and resembles a Humberette so likely a Humber. Humber started with bicycles in 1887 and cars in 1896 with a three-wheeler sociable. First four-wheeler came out 1901 followed by many models including the small Humberette Two-Seater in 1904. This is a slightly later and bigger 4-seater models, relatively unusual, cca 1905 Humber 8'10HP Tonneau.

905 Humber 8'10HP Tonneau

Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos asking for identification of a car believed French. -- Should have been easy, perhaps a Gladiator, but Ariejan Bos advised it was a Georges Richard ‘Unic’. Richard left Richard Brasier to form Unic 1904 and started manufacturing in Putteaux a single-model 1905 Unic 10’12 Rear Entrance Surrey, two cylinder 1798 cc, which eventually went on to become the very popular London Taxi.

1905 Unic 10’12 Surrey 

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1905 Siddeley Autocar 6HP Tonneau 
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand)
from a forum of old photos asking for identification of a car believed to have been Scotland 1905. -- Pretty car with square-edged radiator separate from  bonnet which has angled sides, handles and no louvres. Many similar looking cars in period but header tank with a badge, and front door. It is British Coventry made cca 1905 Siddeley Autocar 6HP Rear-entrance Tonneau made for John Siddeley by Vickers of Crayford.

cca 1905 Siddeley Autocar 6HP Rear-entrance Tonneau

Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos asking for identification. - Photo shows the Dowager Queen Marguerite of Italy, a inveterate incognito automobilist as Comtesse Stupingi, visiting France 1906 in one of her fleet. This is a cca 1906 Itala 50HP Three-row Phaeton. She had five Italas altogether. Her cars had names engraved on the front of the header like a logo: (tyically a 1909 Palombella based on Paris-Peking winning Itala etc.).

1906 Itala 50HP Phaeaton

Another photo showing Dowager Queen Marguerite of Italy, a regular automobile tourist as Comtesse Stupingi, visiting France 1906. -- This photo was taken in Sens which is north of the previous photo in Dijon and is on the way to Paris. Queen Marguerite was married to Umberto I of Italy, but were privately amicably separated. He was assassinated 1900. She was mother of Victor Emanuel III. Marguerite pizza named after her. The car is again the cca 1906 Itala 50HP Three-row Phaeton.

1906 Itala 50HP Phaeaton

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: Possibly c1907 Haynes T Touring
On Help Page 21 in 2010 we featured the photo, right, of an Unknown Tourer posted by Fred Lawson (USA) relating to Winchester Indiana. Suggested by the AACA,as a cca 1908 Oldsmobile Model A. -- We have recently been contacted by a frequent contributor Varun Coutinho who believes the car is a cca 1907 Haynes Model T Touring. Difficult however to be sure from very small pixly photo. Haynes made cars in Kokomo Indiana 1905 to 1924, formerly Hanes Apperson 'America's first car'.

Possibly c1907 Haynes T Touring

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1907 Lorraine Dietrich Tourer
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand)
from a forum of old photos  of a car believed Turcat Mery. -- Picture also shows Hotel Soule, which is in the Pyrenees Ariegeoises Nation Park on the Spanish border near Andorra and Toulouse. The car is French, made in Alsace, company started 1884, and has post 1905 Paris Registration, some 800 Km away. From the equidistant rad border, not a Turcat, this is a cca 1907 Lorraine Dietrich, probably the 20HP Tourer.

1907 Lorraine Dietrich Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1908 Lion Peugeot 8CV VA Voiturette
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand)
from a forum of old photos asking for identification of a car believed photographed in France. -- Received with the photos above so probably Hotel Soule, which is in the Pyrenees Ariegeoises Nation Park on the Spanish border near Andorra and Toulouse. The car is a French cca 1908 Lion Peugeot 8CV VA Voiturette made by  sons of the Peugeot brothers in Valetigney on Swiss border near Basel, later merged with Peugeot.

1908 Lion Peugeot 8CV VA Voiturette

Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand)
from a forum of old photos asking for identification of a car in France. -- Picture also shows Hotel Soule, which is in the Pyrenees Ariegeoises Nation Park on the Spanish border near Andorra and Toulouse. The car is French, has a square edged tallish radiator with horizontal cooling tubes and no scuttle, suggesting this is a Paris built cca 1908 Brasier 16HP Tourer, post the Richard-Brasier and pre Chaigneau-Brasier period

1908 Brasier 16HP Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1911 Daimler Open-Drive Limousine
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos asking for identification of vehicle. T
his is a British car made in Coventry by the oldest British car manufacturer which had received the Royal Warrant in 1902 to manufacture cars to the British Royal Family, this after Prince of Wales initially drove one in 1898. Finned small radiator and a flat top to bonnet suggests a cca 1911 Daimler Open-Drive Limousine, probably the most popular, the 20 HP.

1911 Daimler Open-Drive Limousine

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1912 De Dion Bouton 12 CV Torpedo
Cinema screen grab from French film "Thomas l'imposteur" made in 1965 where cars are being investigated by IMCDB. Film is set in First World War when Paris is about to fall to the Germans, and convoy of cars to evacuate wounded. -- Blurry picture of a car with very high set light but adequate to note the radiator has the typical outline of a De Dion Bouton. There is just a faint outline of a scuttle and a convertible roof which suggests this is a cca 1912 De Dion Bouton 12 CV Torpedo.

1912 De Dion Bouton 12 CV Torpedo

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1912 Metallurgique 20HP Torpedo
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand)
from a forum of old photos asking for identification. --  Metallurgique, made in Charleroi, Belgium 1898-1928. Car has no windscreen and the body merges smoothly with the scuttle without a step, suggesting post 1911. The mudguards are still flat not rounded so pre 1913. Still has gas side and main lights. Medium length bonnet suggests a cca 1912 Metallurgique 20HP Torpedo which could be either a 20HP or the 26HP.

1912 Metallurgique 20HO Torpedo

Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand)
from a forum of old photos asking for identification of the car. -- Hand-painted photo of an oriental lady theme, vogue for postcards of period available internationally. Further investigation found same car with a gentleman. Confirmed by Ariejan Bos as a cca 1912 Charron Torpedo, possibly the 18HP. Very interesting sidelights built into the bodywork in shape of ship cooling air scoops, winged figure on water filler cap.

1912 Charron 18HP Torpedo

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1915 Opel 22'55 Landaulette
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos asking for identification of vehicle. Lovely photo of an interesting town and interesting car. There are a number of towns called Duc but this could be Bar-le-Duc in north eastern France, Lorraine, close to Germany. Town was the supply area for Verdun during WW1. The car seems big and grand and German, as may be occupants, probably cca 1915 Opel 22'55 Landaulette, or smaller 20'45.

1915 Opel 22'55 Landaulette

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:  1915 Fiat 15 Ter Ambulance
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand)
from a forum of old photos asking for identification of an ambulancer. -- This was one of a number of ambulances of the same pattern built on the chassis of a cca 1915 Fiat 15 Ter Lorry. This was one of two staple WW1 lorries made in large numbers in Italy by FIAT. Designed in 1912 and made much in the same way to 1920. Used by Italian and British Armies, also made in Russia. Four cyl. 4398cc 40HP, 40kph / 25mph.

1915 Fiat 15 Ter Ambulance

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:  1923 Armstrong Siddeley 30HP Tourer
Another interesting photo received from a forum of old photos asking for identification of a car believed photographed in Madeira. -- A bit of research defines this is as a car being used by the then Prince of Wales, later the abdicated King Edward Vlll, while visiting the Island of Madeira in January 1930 en-route South Africa by ship. Location seems to be the British Consulate. The car has body colour rad nacelle which suggests a cca 1923 Armstrong Siddeley 30HP Tourer, their first car built in 1919.

1923 Armstrong Siddeley 30HP Tourer

Interesting damaged 1936 photo received from Trevor Coombe (South Africa) taken in Pietermaritzburg, near Durban. Effects included a Chrysler and an Armstrong Siddeley. --  Not American nor Armstrong as these had solid wheels. Coachwork body no help as to chassis. Couple of pointers, rounded rear roof, adjacent handles, quick release detachable wire wheels and wood slatted petrol tank, confirmed to our Tony Oakes that this is probably a  cca 1926 Daimler Limousine,  maybe 38'120 HP .

c1926 Daimler Limousine

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: Probably 1928 Citroen B14 Taxi
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos asking for identification of
car in France. -- Difficult but has taximeter so likely a taxi, and as Marchal headlights, likely French. As pram iron visible, bodywork is a four door Landaulette with a split windscreen, chromed windows, no wipers and a built-in bulb horn trumpet. Has an internal petrol tank, ornate square bulkhead side lights. This is probably a French cca 1928 Citroen B14 Landaulette Taxi.

Probably 1928 Citroen B14 Taxi

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1931 Handley Page HP 42 Airliner
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand)
from a forum of old photos asking for identification. --The most obvious is the plane,  largest in use in 1931, being a British Handley Page HP 42, by Imperial Airways. Eight were built, three survived to be used by the RAF in WW2. This is the G-AAGX Hannibal, the 18 seat prototype, operating from Croydon, later Cairo to Karachi. Four Bristol Jupiter XIF 490 HP each. Eventually was lost in 1940 while over the Gulf of Oman.

1931 Handley Page HP 42 Airliner

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: Probably c1931 Hornet and Standard
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos asking for identification of vehicles. The photo also shows two cars but the definition is too small to be absolutely sure. Our Tony Oakes thinks the car on the left is an early Wolseley Hornet and the other one is a Swallow bodied car probably a Standard 9, though Swallow also bodied Swift and AJS which look similar. Both cars date from 1931/32 but cannot read the registration.

Probably c1931 Hornet and Standard

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:Unknown Perhaps Updated Earlier Car
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand)
from a forum of old photos asking for identification of a car. -- BM is Buckinghamshire cca 1908/9. Seems to have a distributor at the front by the numberplate and odd kingpins. Familiar photo to Ariejan Bos but unsolved. Several details seem to point at a modified older car; Panhard style long axle stubs and the Lemoine type kingpins. The radiator shape could be own design. Double curve rear mudguard suggests chain drive.

Unknown Updated Earlier Car

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: Unknown Portugese Ambulance
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos asking for identification of an Ambulance in Portugal. –- No positive identification. Various companies copied Rolls-Royce Rad, including some in USA. Our Ariejan Bos only has similar photo of a “Sizaire-Brunswick Ambulance” (presumably Berwick?) but a number of pointers do not match. Sizaire history very complicated. 1920-25 chassis was French and were bodied in UK. Bodied in Portugal?

Unknown Portugese Ambulance
Links to interesting sites:   Click on any hyperlink  to be taken direct to their site.
Fascinating site on all things steam: http://stanleysteamers.com/

Identification of Mystery Motors  - Mystery Cars requiring Identification - Identification of old Motorcars - Identification of old Car Photographs - Photos requiring Identification - 
Oldtimers from times gone by - Mystery Vehicles - Mystery Motorcars -
Identify Classic Cars - Recognize Cars - Recognise Old Cars 
Antique Autos, Classic Cars, Anciennes -  25 - 4,500

© Copyright  Copying & reproduction of photographs on the Help Pages is prohibited © Copyright.

  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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The information contained in these pages has come from many different sources including books, magazines,  advertisements,  sales brochures,  web sites,  manufacturers and  personal contacts. While we have tried to make sure that any information given is as accurate as possible, we cannot take responsibility for any errors or omissions.  If you know of any facts which are incorrect or any subjects or details which can be elaborated on, please contact us. No infringement of copyright is intended anywhere on the site. If such infringement is believed to be occurring, please contact us.

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