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The SVVS Website currently receives approximately 500,000 hits a year and the "HELP PAGE" is internationally the most visited 'page' on the site. We receive numerous e-mails from historians and motoring enthusiasts from all over the world with the request to identify vehicles from old photographs. We can help with identification of Classic cars because most of us are old enough to remember them as new, and owning Vintage photo  or Veteran vehicles, many of us, and/or our associates, are also specialists in own make or type of vehicle  -   These Help Pages are therefore devoted to some of the interesting enquiries received, and information that we have provided.  While page is being built, enquiries are in received order, - when completed,  cars are in year order:

  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
   that we can publish the photo, background story to it, and your name and country calling from.


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Page 196 Below relates to enquiries received during 2023Click on picture to enlarge
IDENTIFICATION/DATING:  SVVS HELP PAGES have some 4,450 Enquiries Received & Identified

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1907 Pullman 20Hp Light Touring
In 2008 we received an enquiry we could not immediately recognise. After much searching we assumed American and asked our friends at the AACA in America for their suggestions. They put it on their Forum Page But regretfully not much ensued. -- Fast Forward 16 years, - and we have now in 2023 been advised via the services of Varun Couthinho that this is a cca 1907 Pullman 20Hp Model E Light Touring from York Motor Co, which became in 1909 Pulman Motor Co. SEE MORE HISTORY

1907 Pullman 20Hp Model E Light Touring

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1909 Argyll 14'16 Tourer
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos and asking for information on the make of vehicles  on NZ facebook page. Possibly a 1906 Argyll? -- Lovely location for photo; pity about the quality. Two noticeable pointers, drag link ahead of axle and curved scuttle. Yes Argyll from Scotland, but scuttle suggests 1910 and link latest 1909, longish bonnet so medium car, this would be a cca 1909 Argyll Tourer, 12'14 or probably 14'16HP.

1909 Argyll 14'16 Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:Possibly c1909 Zedel Rebuilt Spercial
Another puzzling photo from the late Desmond Peacock (UK) collection asking for information on make of vehicle. -- Seems round radiator with hump on top, limiting choice. Our Ariejan Bos thinks a relatively recent, 1950's or 1960's, restoration indicated by the modern vintage tyres. French Zedel seemed to be a nice possibility. My thoughts from unusual rear arrangements, possibly a cca 1909 Zedel Taxi with earlier bonnet and possibly converted to look older and like a rakey racer runabout.

Possibly c1909 Zedel Rebuilt Spercial

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1911 Dealunay Belleville HB4 Tourer
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos and asking for information on the make of vehicles in Zaragoza Spain c1910 difficult to enlarge. Another D-B IA6? -- Yes French Delaunay Belleville from difficult angle, but seems to have a shortish round bonnet, very much wider exaggerated bottom offset of the smallish matrix circle which is not of the I series but of the H series. Probably the cca 1911 Delaunay Belleville Tourer, the HB4.

1911 Dealunay Belleville HB4 Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1911 Dealunay Belleville IA6 Tourer
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from The AACA forum of old photos and asking for information on the make of car.  -- Another French Delaunay Belleville and yes it seems the IA Model. No sight of the round radiato4 but does have the saddle petrol tank. Easier to tell from photo that it has the longer radiator length of a six cylinder car so this would be a cca1911 Delaunay Belleville IA6 Tourer. 'The car of the Tsar', Nicholas of Russia had lots.

1911 Dealunay Belleville IA6 Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1912 Dealunay Belleville HB4 Tourer
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos and asking for information on the make of vehicles. Is it Delaunay Belleville IA6. -- Yes French Delaunay Belleville and no, the HB Model. Very much wider bottom offset of the rad  matrix  circle suggests c1911. Slightly difficult to tell from photo angle as to the radiator length, if a four or a six; but on consideration probably smaller four cylinder cca1912 Delaunay Belleville HB4 Tourer.

1912 Dealunay Belleville HB4 Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING:1911 Calthorpe 12’15 Tourer
Another puzzling photo from the late Desmond Peacock (UK) collection asking for information on make of vehicle. -- Round radiator with a tall hump on the top above rad line limits choice. Tapered bonnet, this is a British Birmingham built cca 1911 Calthorpe 12'15 Tourer owned by an Irish family in Ireland for many years in original condition but then restored. This very distinct humped radiator was used between 1908 and 1913 and was also used on their very successful competition cars.

1911 Calthorpe 12’15 Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1911 Peugeot 127 Two-Seater
Interesting period photo received from John Bath (UK) from a friend who has not been able to get a firm ID for it...at least so far. It has a very distinctive radiator badge which might help --Unusually big badge which narrows field and time period down considerably. Front of the car suggests French but the body may be British. Size of the car is medium large and large number of details strongly point to it being a cca 1911 Peugeot 127 Two-Seater with 10HP 2 litre four and four speed gearbox.

1911 Peugeot 127 Two-Seater

Interesting old photo received from John Nelmes (UK?) asking to identify the car owned by his great-grandfather while living in Angola from 1899-1915. He was French so it may have been a Hurtu? -- Does not have a dashboard radiator so regret not Hurtu (licenced Leon Bollee), and also not French, but made in Detroit America. No visible springs or dumbirons; this is one of the early Model T Fords. From having a driver's door earliest date, a cca 1912 Ford Model T Touring.

1912 Ford Model T Touring

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1913 Haynes 50HP Model 23 Touring
In 2008 we received an enquiry we could not immediately recognise. Assumed  American so asked friends at AACA for suggestions. They put it on their Forum Page but no answers. -- Fast Forward 16 years, - and we have now in 2023 been advised via the services of Varun Coutinho on the AACA Forum that this is a 1913 Haynes 50HP Model 23 Touring built by Haynes Apperson, later Haynes Auto, in Kokomo, Indiana, 1905 to 1924. Breakaway Apperson Co also finished in 1924.

1913 Haynes 50HP Model 23 Touring

In 2008 we received an enquiry we could not immediately recognise. Assumed  American so asked friends at AACA for suggestions. They put it on their Forum Page but no answers. -- Fast Forward 16 years, - and we have now in 2023 been advised via the services of Varun Coutinho on the AACA Forum that this is a 1913 Case Model U 30HP Touring, built by J.I. Case Threshing Machine Co after buying Pierce Racine. Continued in tractors. merging with  International  Harvester.

1913 Case 30HP Model U Touring

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1914 Bugatti Type 23 Boat Tail Torpedo
Another puzzling photo from the late Desmond Peacock (UK) collection asking for information on the make of vehicle photographed at a British Motor Show. Shaken white sheet background. -- Pretty German car like the Peugeot Bebe, not surprising as designed by same man, ex De Dietrich and ex Deutz, Consultant and also designing his Type 10 in his basement. A German cca 1914 Bugatti Type 23 Boat Tail Torpedo body by German coachbuilder Widerkehr of Colmar.   READ MORE HISTORY

1914 Bugatti Type 23 Widerkehr  Boat Tail Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1914 Calcott 10.5 Two-seater
Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from a forum of old photos and asking for information on the make of vehicleso in Lyll Bay, Wellington, New Zealand. Three in foreground, left is a c1915 and the third a c1915-16 Ford T. What is the little car in middle, Calthorpe, Calcott?? -- Agree on Overland and Ford T. Middle rad is more shouldered and does not seem centrally circular, so car is probably similarly bodied a cca 1914 Calcott 10.5 Two-seater light car.

cca 1914 Calcott 10.5 Two-seater

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1915 International Harvester AW
Another photo received from Jorge Tardeno (Madeira) found on the web and wondered how come this vehicle, make not advised, was made ten years after Rolls Royce had made the Silver Ghost. - Horses for courses. This Auto Wagon 'high wheeler' was made for non-existent roads in deep backwater farming USA in 1915 by an agricultural farm machinery company International Harvester. Silver Ghost was made in 1907 by Royce for Rolls to sell to gentry on  cobbled roads of London.

1915 International Harvester Auto Waggon

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1918 international Harvester Model G
Another interesting photo from a forum of photos and asking for information on the make of vehicle which was a part of a n Exhibition of Fire Fighting Equipment believed in USSR in 1923. -- Coalscuttle bonnet hinged off scuttle radiator and solid tyres, common feature on lorries from Europe and USA. The distinguishing feature here seems to be the wide hinge, no louvers and the rounded front which very much suggests an American cca 1918 international Harvester Bullnose Model G 2 ton.

1918 international Harvester Model G

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1919 Citroen Model A Torpedo
Another puzzling photo from the late Desmond Peacock (UK) collection asking for information on the make of vehicle. This seems to have been a postcard. -- Known publicity photo taken by a Citroen photographer of the very first Citroen Type A photographed by the entrance to the Citroen's new Quai de Javel Factory. Citroen started with the Type A in 1919. Photo below shows whole photo and inset is same car after restoration at the factory 1933 after 300,000 km.  SEE MORE HISTORY

Rather crowded damaged photo received from Tony Tomlin (UK) entitled 'Goodsell Brothers sons of Henry & Virginia', definition is not great but the radiator top is a clearly shown. Hope you can help. -- We have slightly repaired photo which is of a British car made in Coventry. No registration visible to help with accurate dating but from wrap-round radiator matrix and curved humpy rad top, this a cca 1923 Standard SLO4 Tourer 13.9HP with a 1944cc four engine (model made 1922-26).

1923 Standard SLO4 Tourer

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1927 Chrysler Imperial 80 Roadster
Photo from a forum from Rodrigo Ricard and asking for information on the make of vehicle. Suggestion of Vauxhall Hurlingham. -- No, not from General Motors UK empire as Vauxhall, despite typically Vauxhall type flutes on the bonnet. This one is from the opposition,  as the top-of-the-range car from Chrysler made in Maxwell factory and recognisable by the fluted bonnet. This is cca 1927 Chrysler Imperial 80 Roadster introduced 1926. Imperial name remaining flagship to 2006.

1927 Chrysler Imperial 80 Roadster

Lovely period photo received from 'GabsGrandad' (UK) of a car that used to belong to Father-in-Law when he was a young man, probably some 70+ years ago. Can we identify vehicle? -- The registration was issued by the County Borough Council of Leeds in Yorkshire UK in 1933 but the car is from Highland Park, Detroit, USA, being an earlier made cca 1931 Chrysler 77 Sedan. Chrysler had taken over Doge and thus did have an assembly plant in Fulham, but 'knock downn kit' commercials.

1931 Chrysler 77 Sedan

Another interesting photo received from Mark Dawber (New Zealand) from The AACA forum of old photos and asking for information on the make of car.  Morris Minor Van? -- Yes indeed a Morris Minor van. The 'minor' concept started with the Morris Cowley Bullnose van of 1919 and carried on into the flatnose in 1926 with same engine. New chassis in 1931 which introduced wire wheels, plain black rad, bumper bar and tapering scuttle, which would suggest post cca 1931 Morris Minor Van.

1931 Morris Minor Van

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1932 Renault Reinastella Coupe
Cinema screen grab taken from French film "Trois de Saint-Cyr" made 1939 where cars are being investigated by IMCDB. -- Story is about thre Cadets in a prestigious French Military Academy at the time prior to WW2 shown as a propaganda film on the strength of the French army; in three parts, second part in Syria, shot in Tunisia. The car seems to be a big bonneted front rad Renault with extra large spare tyre, two window so likely a cca 1932 Reinastella Coupe or the smaller Vivastella.

1932 Renault Reinastella Coupe

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1934 Morris Minor Two Door Saloon
Another Interesting period family photo received from Bob Knowles (UK), this one of his father's first car. -- The registration BG 2534 was issued by Birkenhead CBC (Liverpool) in 1934. The car is interesting in not having wing sidelights, which was standard practice. Chrome radiator and chrome bodyline over scuttle, as well as full mudguards confirm this is one of the last of a line, a cca 1934 Morris Minor Two Door Saloon, 847cc sidevalve four speed, hydraulic brakes and dampers.

1934 Morris Minor Two Door Saloon

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1934 Wolseley Niner Saloon
Another interesting photo from Rootschat forum of photos and asking for information on make of vehicle. Various suggestions put forward. --We can confirm that this car, without visible registration, but with eight-louvre bonnet has hallmarks of Wolseley Nine made November 1933 and April 1935. Wolseley started by Vickers under MD Herbert Austin, who left to found Austin. Wolseley in 1906 was UK largest manufacturer, but by 1927 was the private property of William Morris.

1934 Wolseley Niner Saloon

Another interesting photo from Rootschat forum of photos and asking for information on make of vehicle. Various suggestions put forward. --We can confirm that this car, with numberplate AVY 731 was registered at York County Borough Council in late 1938. The car was made by the Swallow Sidecar Co, founded 1922, later in 1934 renamed SS Cars Ltd, which made the sportstourer badged as cca 1938 SS Jaguar 2.5 L Saloon. Very similar car with 3.5L engine was the SS Jaguar 100 Sports.

1938 SS Jaguar 2.5 L Saloon

IDENTIFICATION AND DATING: 1970 Serpukhov S-3a Invalid Cyclecar
Another interesting photo from a forum of photos and asking for information on make of vehicle. Various suggestions put forward. --Difficult to say precisely where photo taken because shop signs and car numberplates are in both Cyrillic and Latinic alphabets. Car appears a Taxi but seems only a two-seater. Was difficult to identify, not a ZAZ Zaporozhets, but can finally advise it is a Russian cca 1959 Serpukhov S-3a Invalid Cyclecar issued free to the disabled.  SEE MORE HISTORY

1970 Serpukhov S-3a Invalid Cyclecar
Links to interesting sites:   Click on any hyperlink  to be taken direct to their site.
Fascinating site on all things steam: http://stanleysteamers.com/

Identification of Mystery Motors  - Mystery Cars requiring Identification - Identification of old Motorcars - Identification of old Car Photographs - Photos requiring Identification - 
Oldtimers from times gone by - Mystery Vehicles - Mystery Motorcars -
Identify Classic Cars - Recognize Cars - Recognise Old Cars 
Antique Autos, Classic Cars, Anciennes -  25 - 4,900

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  Please note that if you are submitting an enquiry, we will assume that we have your permission
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The information contained in these pages has come from many different sources including books, magazines,  advertisements,  sales brochures,  web sites,  manufacturers and  personal contacts. While we have tried to make sure that any information given is as accurate as possible, we cannot take responsibility for any errors or omissions.  If you know of any facts which are incorrect or any subjects or details which can be elaborated on, please contact us. No infringement of copyright is intended anywhere on the site. If such infringement is believed to be occurring, please contact us.

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